Recordings of the Meetings of the Storey County Board of Commissioners


This site is not owned or operated by the government of Storey County, Nevada.


This site is owned and operated by me, Jed Margolin. I live in Storey County.


Although I knew that the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) required public bodies to record their meetings, I did not find out until March 2014 that:

1.  The NRS only requires that the recordings be kept for one year; and

2.  Storey County disposes of the recordings after one year.


These recordings are primary historical sources. I really can’t understand why the County would dispose of any of them, ever.


Fortunately, the NRS also requires that these bodies provide a copy of the recordings to citizens who ask for them.


So, I have asked for them.


They only go back to January 2013, but I will post them for as long as I can. I keep receiving them (and I am still around to do it.)


I used to get the recordings on DVD as Windows Media Video files High Definition mp4 files, which tend to be very large huge. The County no longer  provides copies of the recordings. They say to get them from YouTube. I don’t think that satisfies NRS 241.035 Public meetings: Minutes; aural and visual reproduction; transcripts. I’ll find out and let you know.


To reduce the file size and the bandwidth needed to listen to them I:


1.  Extract the audio;

2.  Transcode them to a lower bit rate;

3.  Compress the dynamic range to reduce the difference in loudness between loud sounds and soft sounds.


If I can, I record the Zoom YouTube meetings. Then I process it to compress it and reduce the reverberation with a special plugin that I bought.


The resulting files are in mp3 format at bit rate of 24 Kbits/second, and are in monaural. (The first year is in Windows Media Audio.)


Also, I have named the files for the year, month, day, and the number of the file for that meeting so you can always tell what meeting the recording is from.


Note the following:


1.  Other than the processing that I have described, I have not edited the material in any way.


2.  The division of the files for the meetings is sometimes odd. That is how I received them when I was receiving them.


3.  Because these files are primary historical sources I encourage you to download them and save them. You might even want to mirror them and add analysis. If you do that make sure you note that the analysis is yours. (Don’t link to the files on my Web site, mirror them on yours. Otherwise, if my Web site goes away the files will be lost.)


Some day I might add some notations for what I feel are especially interesting parts of the meetings.


If there are errors that I can fix (like bad links), let me know (


Some browsers (or versions of browsers) might stream the files. Others will download the entire file before it plays it. If you click on a file and nothing seems to be happening look for an indication that a file is being downloaded.


Storey County posts the agendas and minutes from the meetings. The County has a new Web site (October 2022, May 2024).


And now (after some other useful links) here they are.


Jed Margolin

June 2014

March 2025 



Some Other Useful Links


Donald Gilman is one of our three Storey County Commissioners. He also helps his father Lance Gilman run the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center. See Lance was a longtime County Commissioner until he was termed out (12 years).


And if that isn’t enough, Lance owns the Mustang Ranch Brothel.


(Warning, their Web site contains pictures of beautiful and sensuous naked women.)


Storey County Web site:

(No naked women there.)


Storey County’s Facebook page:


Storey County Recorder Database:


Storey County Tax Records Database:


Storey County Assessor Database:


Storey County Parcel Maps:


The Storey County Web page for Mr. Berns’ Innovation Zone stuff has gone away.

Mr Berns took his Magic Kingdom and stole silently away into the night.

If you want to know what I think of cryptocurrency go to:


Storey County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page:


Nevada Legislature:


Nevada Senate and Assembly Bill Draft Requests (BDR) for 83rd (2025) Session:


Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS):


Financial filings by political candidates required by Nevada law:







April 1, 2025


Streaming on YouTube:  See Agenda for details.

Public comment may be made by in-person appearance only.


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0401.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0401.pdf





March 18, 2025


Streaming on YouTube:  See Agenda for details.

Public comment may be made by in-person appearance only.


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0318.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0318.pdf


Recording:           Filename                       Size                      Length

                             Y_2025_0318.mp3       121.8 MBytes       2:53:30





March 4, 2025


Streaming on YouTube:  See Agenda for details.

Public comment may be made by in-person appearance only.


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0304.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0304.pdf


Recording:           Filename                           Size                    Length

                             Y_2025_0304_1.mp3       59.0 MBytes       1:22:25

                             Y_2025_0304_2.mp3       28.2 MBytes       0:40:05


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2025_0304.pdf





February 18, 2025


Members of the public who wish to watch the meeting remotely may do so by accessing the Storey County Clerk’s new YouTube channel. To access the Channel and the Live Stream:

1. Open your browser and go to

2. Click on the Storey County seal when it has the LIVE display, or click on the video picture for the meeting in the playlist under the county seal with the LIVE display on the graphic.

- Public comment may be made by in-person appearance ONLY. -

For additional information or supporting documents please contact the Storey County Clerk’s Office at 775-847-0969.


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0218.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0218.pdf


Recording:           Filename                           Size                    Length

                             Y_2025_0218_1.mp3       82.4 MBytes        1:55:49

                             Y_2025_0218_2.mp3       10.0  MBytes       0:14:26


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2025_0218.pdf





February 4, 2025


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0204.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0204.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                 Length

                             2025_0204.mp3       112.4 MBytes       2:38:08


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2025_0204.pdf





January 21, 2025


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0121.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0121.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                 Length

                             2025_0121.mp3       108.0 MBytes       2:30:13


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2025_0121.pdf





January 7, 2025


Agenda:                      agenda_2025_0107.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2025_0107.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                 Length

                             2025_0107.mp3       81.4 MBytes        1:53:21


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2025_0107.pdf





January 6, 2025


Notice:    notice_2025_0106.pdf


This was a meeting for the swearing-in of newly elected county officials.


No recording was made and no Minutes were taken.





December 17, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend.


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1217.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1217.pdf


Minutes (Draft):        minutes_draft_2024_1217.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                     Length

                          2024_1217_1.mp3           18.7 MBytes        0:25:04  

                          2024_1217_2.mp3           61.2 MBytes        1:23:38  

                          2024_1217_3.mp3           12.7 MBytes        0:17:40  


16.   10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING:


Public Hearing on proposed Resolution No. 2024-752, a Resolution Adopting the 2024 Storey County Master Plan. The resolution includes comprehensive text amendments to the existing Storey County Master Plan, including the following elements: Land Use; Population; Housing; Economic Development; Transportation; Public Services and Facilities; Water and Natural Resources; Cultural and Historical Resources; and other provisions thereof. The resolution also includes comprehensive map amendments to the existing Storey County Master Plan area and land use designation maps. Public participation is encouraged. A copy of the proposed resolution, and proposed draft master plan chapters and master plan maps are available from the Storey County Planning Department, at 26 South B Street in Virginia City, Nevada, 775-847-1144 or email Staff at You can also view them at the link below.


I have mirrored the documents for the Master Plan. Click Here.


It passed. For that discussion Click Here.




Discussion and consideration for approval Resolution No. 24-754 supporting and contributing $100,000 to the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County for the completion of a Northern Nevada regional commuter rail study between Reno-Sparks and the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center in Storey County. This is a budgeted expense.


For Resolution 24-754 Click Here.


It passed. For that discussion Click Here.


When they put in the railroad tracks they will have to put in a Work Road next to it. The Work Road should be three lanes in each direction with enough room to add a fourth lane (in each direction) in the future.





December 3, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend.


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1203.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1203.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                 Length

                          2024_1203.mp3           21.6 MBytes        0:30:15  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1203.pdf





November 19, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend. (This has to be intentional now.)


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1119.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1119.pdf


Recording:           Filename                        Size                 Length

                          2024_1119.mp3           52.8 MBytes        1:11:50  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1119.pdf


Abstract of the 2024 General Election. Click Here.





November 13, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend. (This is getting older.)


Special Meeting on Wednesday at 10:00 AM.


Agenda with Packet:    agenda_packet_2024_1113.pdf



Consideration and possible approval of the final canvass of the results of the

November 5, 2024, General Election held in and for Storey County.


For the final results for Storey County Click Here.


For the final results for Nevada:


Recording:        Filename                          Size                 Length

                          2024_1113.mp3           15.6 MBytes        0:21:08


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1113.pdf





November 5, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend. (This is getting old.)


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1105.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1105.pdf


Recording:        Filename                          Size                 Length

                          2024_1105_1.mp3       43.8 MBytes        1:01.32  

                          2024_1105_2.mp3       34.4 MBytes        0:48:56  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1105.pdf





October 15, 2024 - This meeting will be held in person only and the public is welcome to attend.


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1015.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1015.pdf


Recording:        Filename                          Size                 Length

                          2024_1015_1.mp3       80.6 MBytes        1:51.12  

                          2024_1015_2.mp3       19.5 MBytes        0:27:07  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1015.pdf





October 1, 2024 - The Zoom problem that cut short the last meeting (September 17) has not been fixed yet so this meeting will be held only in person in the courtroom. :-(  The public is welcome to attend.


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_1001.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_1001.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size               Length

                          2024_1001.mp3       46.3 MBytes        1:03:41  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_1001.pdf





September 17, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0917.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0917.pdf


At about 31:09 into the meeting some loud audio trash came into the meeting. They were unable to fix the problem so Chairman Carmona recessed the meeting. It was a very heads-up thing to do amid the chaos. As a result of being recessed the business that had been conducted up to that point (Agenda Item 12. BOARD COMMENT -No Action - No Public Comment) stands.


Recording:        Filename                                        Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0917_bad.mp3      29.2 MBytes        0:41:10  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0917.pdf





September 3, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0903.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0903.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size                Length

                          zoom_2024_0903_1.mp3      15.0 MBytes        0:21:11  

                          zoom_2024_0903_2.mp3      18.7 MBytes        0:26:05  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0903.pdf





August 20, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0820.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0820.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size                Length

                          zoom_2024_0820_1.mp3      59.2 MBytes        1:24:12  

                          zoom_2024_0820_2.mp3      51.2 MBytes        1:12:22  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0820.pdf



Congressman Mark Amodei to provide and discuss with the board updates regarding Congress and other public issues.


This includes an update of Congressman Amodei’s fight to keep USPS from shutting down their Reno distribution center and have all of the mail in Northern Nevada sent to Sacramento for sorting. That means if you send a letter from Virginia City to Reno it would be sent to Sacramento first and then sent back sometime assuming I-80 over the Sierras is open. In addition to being a really crappy idea on its face there are legal questions about mail-in votes being sent to a different state and then sent back.  Click Here.




Presentation by David Smith of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). An update

on the Highlands Groundwater Investigation (15 minutes). Topics will include

status of the current monitoring network, water-level changes observed in from

2023 to 2024, how to access data, planned project tasks, update on the study

report, and general question and answer session. County staff has and will

continue to collaborate with the USGS and other federal, state, and/or local

agencies, as well as residents and stakeholders of the Highlands and

recommendations from the board and planning commission to develop

recommendations based on findings, and to prepare to report findings upon

conclusion of the study. Public questions and comments are encouraged. The

Planning Department may be reached at 775.847.1144 or with questions.


For Presentation Graphics Click Here.


For the recording of the presentation Click Here.





August 6, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0806.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0806.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                 Size                Length

                          zoom_2024_0806.mp3      89.5 MBytes        2:06:08  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0806.pdf





July 16, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0716.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0716.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                    Size                   Length

                          zoom_2024_0716_1.mp3      101.3 MBytes      2:25:06  

                          zoom_2024_0716_2.mp3        59.6 MBytes      1:26:09  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0716.pdf





July 2, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0702.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0702.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0702.mp3      79.8 MBytes       1:51:11  


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0702.pdf





June 20, 2024 - Special Meeting - Thursday 2 PM


Normally, the meeting would be Tuesday June 18 at 10:00 AM


No doubt it was moved in order to do this:



Consideration and possible approval of the final canvass of the results of the

June 11th, 2024, Primary Election held in Storey County.


For the official results Click Here.


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0620.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0620.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0620_1.mp3        71.5 MBytes     1:40:08

                          zoom_2024_0620_2.mp3        13.0 KBytes      0:18:57


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0620.pdf





June 4, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0604.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0604.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0604.mp3         70.6 MBytes     1:40:26


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0604.pdf





May 21, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0521.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0521.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                  Length

                          zoom_2024_0521_1.mp3      33.0 MBytes     0:46:37

                          zoom_2024_0521_2.mp3        4.0 MBytes     0:05:39   

                          zoom_2024_0521_3.mp3      35.1 MBytes     0:51:02


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0521.pdf





May 7, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0507.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0507.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                   Length

                          zoom_2024_0507_1.mp3    56.4 MBytes        1:20:14

                          zoom_2024_0507_2.mp3    49.5 MBytes        1:11:01


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0507.pdf





April 16, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0416.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0416.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                   Length

                          zoom_2024_0416_1.mp3      63.1 MBytes      1:31:03

                          zoom_2024_0416_2.mp3      68.6 MBytes      1:38:34


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0416.pdf





April 2, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0402.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0402.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                   Length

                          zoom_2024_0402_1.mp3      47.2 MBytes      1:07:19

                          zoom_2024_0402_2.mp3      69.7 MBytes      1:39:00


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0402.pdf





March 19, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0319.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0319.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size                   Length

                          zoom_2024_0319_1.mp3      60.9 MBytes      1:25:47

                          zoom_2024_0319_2.mp3      27.7 MBytes      0:40:07


Minutes:     minutes_2024_0319.pdf





March 5, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0305.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0305.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size                Length

                          zoom_2024_0305.mp3      55.6 MBytes      1:18:47


Minutes:           minutes_2024_0305.pdf





February 20, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0220.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0220.pdf


Minutes:                    minutes_2024_0220.pdf



The draft of the Storey County Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 25 (with some of it starting in 2024) starts at PDF page 122 in the Agenda Packet.


Recording:        Filename                               Size                Length

                          zoom_2024_0220.mp3      74.2 MBytes      1:44:31


Storey County Comptroller Jennifer McCain had been asked to look into the feasibility of lowering the property tax rate. It’s complicated. It appears that lowering the tax rate would also lower the abatements and would not significantly benefit residents. For that segment Click Here.  


Elon Musk’s Gigafactory has gotten a huge tax abatement for the last 10 years and will be getting another huge abatement when he expands it.


In Commissioner Lance Gilman’s comments at the end of the segment he basically said we should be grateful that they have not increased the tax rates. (Thanks, Lance.)


If the County Commissioners want to do something for us tax paying residents they can put in a community water system in the Highlands connected to the Virginia City water system which gets water from Marlette Lake and Hobart Dam.


Then they can pave the roads in the Highlands.


This is likely to be expensive but because the huge abatements for Elon Musk were mandated by the Governor of the State of Nevada (and Storey County had no say in the matter) the State of Nevada should pay for these improvements.


I will note that Commissioner Lance Gilman’s and Commissioner Clay Mitchell’s seats are up for re-election this year. Lance represents District 3 (Rainbow Bend, Lockwood & Mark Twain). Clay represents District 1 (Virginia City and Gold Hill). (Commissioner Jay Carmona represents District 2: the Highlands, and his seat is not up for re-election this year.)


Lance is termed out so he will not be running. The word is that his son, Donny Gilman, will be running for the seat. Mike Wilson might also be running. The word is also that Hugh Gallagher will be running for Clay’s seat.


I think the County Commissioners have given the candidates some nice campaign issues to run on.


If you live in Storey County in District 1 or District 3 maybe you would like to run. Candidates for these position must file between March 4 - 15, 2024. You can start here:

Scroll down to: Offices to file with the Storey County Clerk:   


Then you should probably contact the Storey County Clerk, Jim Hindle:







February 15, 2024 - Special Meeting  - Thursday 10:00 AM


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0215.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0215.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                    Size               Length

                          zoom_2024_0215_1.mp3      31.4 MBytes      0:45:37



Consideration and possible approval of the final canvass of the results of the February 6th, 2024, Presidential Primary Election held in and for Storey County.


The updated information for the primary is on the Clerk’s page at:



Review, discuss, and provide comments and public review on Bill No. 139, Ordinance No. 24-327 amending Storey County Code 3.50 adding Economic Diversification District No. 2, and draft Government Services Agreement defraying county costs needed to provide government services to Economic Diversification District No. 2 related to Tesla, Inc.’s application to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development for certain sales and use tax, real property tax, and personal property tax abatements for Gigafactory 2 and/or related expansion activities, and other properly related matters. This item does not pertain to Economic Diversification District No. 1.


Minutes:   minutes_2024_0215.pdf





February 6, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0206.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0206.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size             Length

                          zoom_2024_0206_1.mp3      75.1 MBytes      1:47:51

                          zoom_2024_0206_2.mp3      26.3 MBytes      0:33:45


The recording started a few minutes into the meeting (both on Zoom and on the DVDs they send me) but I don’t think anything critical was lost.


Minutes:          minutes_2024_0206.pdf


This is an item of interest for me:



Discussion and consideration for approval a negotiated ten-year franchise agreement between Storey County and Waste Management, Inc. (dba “Storey County Sanitation”) for the collection of solid waste and recyclables in Storey County.


The proposed contract is in the Agenda Packet starting at PDF page 104.


The Commissioners approved it. For the discussion Click Here.



This is another interesting item because these properties are the old Cordevista properties. (For the history of Cordevista go to



Per Commissioner Gilman’s request, discussion and consideration directing county officials to proceed with necessary research about procedures including, but not limited to, providing conditional offers, cooperative efforts, and taking necessary governing action, and to bring findings and recommendations back to the board for consideration to establish easements or rights-of-ways for a public road, utilities, and other associated county public infrastructure on portions of land located at Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 004-154-27 owned by Solar Farms, LLC; 004-151-06 Virginia Highlands, LLC; and/or 004-211-06 NV Uplands, LLC, and other properly related matters.


For the discussion Click Here


Note that Nevada Uplands LLC (“NV Uplands, LLC”) and Virginia Highlands, LLC are the same company. Click Here.


The company is owned by the Fritz Duda Company. Click Here. The Fritz Duda Company is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The Fritz Duda Company is owned by Fritz Duda:


Solar Farms, LLC is owned by Roger Norman. Click Here. As far as I know, Commissioner Gilman still works for Mr. Norman.  See this for background:


I think Fritz Duda and Roger Norman should pay for their own damn roads.








January 17, 2024 - Meeting of the Storey County Board of Equalization


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0117_boe.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0117_boe.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size             Length

                          2024_0116_boe.mp3      26.3 MBytes      0:35:57


This item caught my attention (which is why I asked for the recording):





But the one before it was interesting, too.








January 16, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0116.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0116.pdf


Minutes:                     minutes_2024_0116.pdf


This was continued from the January 2 meeting (Item 29):



Review, receive public comment, and approve draft Storey County RFP (Request for Proposal) seeking a successor to the Storey County Solid Waste Collection Services Franchise Agreement, and other properly related matters. This item was continued at the 01/02/24 board meeting to allow further discussion.


And the winner is Waste Management. However, if the details of the final contract cannot be worked out Nevada Recycling & Salvage will be asked if they are still interested.


The recording missed the first several minutes of the meeting. I don’t think anything critical was lost.


Recording:        Filename                               Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0116_1.mp3     65.6 MBytes    1:34:15

                          zoom_2024_0116_2.mp3     46.4 MBytes    1:06:40

                          zoom_2024_0116_2.mp3     27.2 MBytes    0:39:11





January 2, 2024


Agenda:                      agenda_2024_0102.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2024_0102.pdf


Minutes:                     minutes_2024_0102.pdf


The following agenda item has caught my attention:



Discussion and consideration to select one of three respondents to the Request for Proposal to provide solid waste collection and recycling services in Storey County, and to direct county staff, with assistance of Sloan Vazquez McAfee, to enter into negotiations with the chosen respondent and to bring a competitively procured, last, best, and final service contract to the board for consideration for approval.


The top contenders are Nevada Recycling & Salvage, LTD and Waste Management, Inc. For the report in the Agenda Packet Click Here.


The discussion takes up most of part 2. The matter has been continued.


Recording:        Filename                               Size                 Length

                          zoom_2024_0102_1.mp3     40.5 MBytes    0:56:58

                          zoom_2024_0102_2.mp3     71.2 MBytes    1:41:20





December 19, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1219.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1219.pdf


Recording:        Filename                            Size             Length

                          2023_1219_1.mp3       17.5 MBytes      0:23:37

                          2023_1219_2.mp3       18.2 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2023_1219_3.mp3       17.8 MBytes      0:23:51

                          2023_1219_4.mp3       17.3 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2023_1219_5.mp3       17.6 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2023_1219_6.mp3       11.7 MBytes      0:15:48


Minutes: minutes_2023_1219.pdf






December 5, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1205.pdf


Agenda Packet            agenda_packet_2023_1205.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_1205_1.mp3      32.6 MBytes     0:47:16

                          zoom_2023_1205_2.mp3      38.0 MBytes     0:53:42


Minutes: minutes_2023_1205.pdf





November 21, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1121.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1121.pdf


The proposed STOREY COUNTY WATER RESOURCES PLAN 2023 is at PDF pages 66 - 176 in the Agenda Packet.


Recording:        Filename                                Size              Length

                          zoom_2023_1121.mp3      61.1 MBytes     1:26:55 


Minutes:           minutes_2023_1121.pdf





November 13, 2023  -  Monday  10:00 AM -  Special Meeting


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1113.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1113.pdf


Agenda Item 5:



Consideration and possible action in regard to the holding of a hearing and ruling on the possible revocation of the business licenses (including liquor license) of Virginia City Gaming LLC and or Vincent Malfitano for the business being conducted at the Bonanza Saloon. The Board may recess during the hearing to privately consult with counsel.


The meeting didn’t happen. It was canceled at about 10:20 AM without explanation.






November 7, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1107.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1107.pdf


Recording:        Filename                              Size                 Length

                          zoom_2023_1107.mp3     72.8 MBytes       1:44:26


Minutes:           minutes_2023_1107.pdf





October 17, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1017.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1017.pdf


The meeting starts at 9:30 AM with a closed session.





Call to Order Closed Session meeting pursuant to NRS 241.030 (1) for the purpose of conferring with the Storey County Liquor Board and legal counsel regarding the liquor license for the Firehouse Saloon-applicant Peter Lutz. The Board may consider Peter Lutz financial standing to expected satisfactory and profitable business operation for a liquor license and his experience in the saloon or liquor operating business. Meeting to commence at the beginning of the Liquor Board.




The regular (public) session is scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM.




Recording:        Filename                              Size                 Length

                          zoom_2023_1017.mp3     41.5 MBytes       0:59:30


Minutes:           minutes_2023_1017.pdf






October 3, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_1002.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_1003.pdf


Recording:        Filename                              Size                  Length

                          zoom_2023_1003_1.mp3     57.8 MBytes    1:18:11

                          zoom_2023_1003_2.mp3     60.l3 MBytes   1:23:45


Minutes:           minutes_2023_1003.pdf


At the meeting Commissioner Lance Gilman spoke about the recent land deal where Tract, which builds and operates data storage campuses, recently bought 2,200 acres in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) for a new data storage campus. It is going to be massive and require massive amounts of power.


They have commitments from NV Energy to deliver over two GigaWatts of power to them beginning in 2026.


By comparison the Tracy power plant in Storey County produces 1 GigaWatt of power and provides power to most of Northern Nevada.


Its a good thing NV Energy is building the Greenlink Project, a transmission line to bring power from Clark County to Reno (through Storey County).


To listen to Commissioner Gilman’s comments Click Here.





September 19, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0919.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023.pdf


Recording:        Filename                            Size                  Length

                          zoom_2023_0919.mp3      40.3 MBytes     0:55:03    


Minute:             minutes_2023_0919.pdf





September 5, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0905.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0905.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size              Length

                          zoom_2023_0905_1.mp3    37.7 MBytes   0:51:34

                          zoom_2023_0905_2.mp3    50.1 MBytes   1:08:26

                          zoom_2023_0905_3.mp3    35.6 MBytes   0:49:07


Minute:            minutes_2023_0905.pdf





August 15, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0815.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0815.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size              Length

                          2023_0815_1.mp3         17.6 MBytes     0:23:57

                          2023_0815_2.mp3         17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_3.mp3         18.0 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_4.mp3         17.5 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_5.mp3         17.5 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_6.mp3           4.7 MBytes     0:06:25

                          2023_0815_7.mp3         17.3 MBytes     0:23:58

                          2023_0815_8.mp3         17.3 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_9.mp3         17.0 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0815_10.mp3         7.9 MBytes     0:10:45

                          2023_0815_11.mp3       17.1 MBytes     0:23:54

                          2023_0815_12.mp3       11.1 MBytes     0:15:24


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0815.pdf





August 1, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0801.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_2023_0801.pdf


NV Energy Addendum:  NV Energy-Cartwright Rd Addendum.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                    Size              Length

                          zoom_2023_0801_1.mp3      76.0 MBytes     1:45:23

                          zoom_2023_0801_2.mp3      34.3 MBytes     0:47:44


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0801.pdf


There is an item on the Agenda that looked harmless but has turned out to be an existential threat to my community (the Virginia City Highlands and Highland Ranches, collectively the Highlands) as well as the other parts of Storey County where people actually live. This is as opposed to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) where many people from outside Storey County come to work:



Consideration and possible approval of letter to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development supporting the continuation of the Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN) being one of the county’s two official Economic Development Authorities.


This is EDAWN:  For the presentation in the Agenda Packet Click Here.


The presentation was given by Mike Kazmierski, the head of EDAWN who retired shortly after this meeting.


Most of his presentation was benign. He extolled the virtues of EDAWN.  Click Here (13.2 Mbytes, 0:18:07)


But then he said this (Click Here):


The Southern Connector, you’re aware of this, that dotted line at the bottom, is just an estimate. We actually, as of Friday, got funding from NDOT to do an engineering, a preliminary engineering study that should give us a pretty good sense of the actual route. And we’ve asked them to do whatever they can to keep the route as far north as possible. We did have a great session with the Highlands community, that was one of the requests, but we’re moving forward on that. It’s critical with the expansion of Tesla and Redwood and the Switch growth and several other major developments in the industrial park, the Interstate is a problem and will become more of a problem when they actually start to go widening it because there are some places where they are not going to be able to alter traffic. They are going to have to shrink it down to one lane and whenever that happens you get two hour backups, so this needs to be in sooner rather than later and we have the Governor’s commitment to have us move forward on this. Next slide, please. It’s a partnership, we’re all of the same team, we work as a region. Next slide please.


What is the Southern Connector (formerly the East-West Connector)?


The Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) is in the northern part of Storey County. Most of us who live in Storey County live in the southern part of the County. There is no road connecting TRIC to where we live. To go to TRIC you have to either go west down the mountain to Reno, then north on I-580, and then go east on I-80. It is about a 1.5 hour drive. Or you can go south to Lyon County, go east on SR50, then north on the USA Parkway to TRIC. It takes almost as long as going through Reno. As a result very few Highlanders work at TRIC.


Most of the people who work at TRIC come from Washoe County (notably Sparks) or Lyon County. The people who come from Washoe County have to use I-80 to get to TRIC.


I-80 cannot handle the traffic. This is not a new problem, it has been going on for many years. To make it worse, the Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP) does not patrol this road. NHP is critically understaffed. With no enforcement many people (especially truckers) drive too fast and cause accidents which shut down the Interstate for several hours. The solution is:


1. Widen I-80 in this area;


2.  Give NHP the funding they need so they can pay a competitive wage so people will be willing to become NHP patrol officers;


3.  There was a plan to build a highway connecting La Posada Drive in Lemon Valley directly to USA Parkway. Many TRIC workers live in Lemon Valley . Build the highway.


Instead, they want to build a road through Storey County connecting I-580 to TRIC. This will greatly increase the traffic on I-580 which can already be a nightmare during rush hour.


I predict that when this happens they will use that as a reason to set aside Storey County’s Master Plan and put tens of thousands of homes in Storey County next to the Highlands. When this happens it will ruin the peaceful rural lifestyle that most of us Highlanders moved here for.


I have much more to say about this so I have done it as a separate article: Click Here.



In other news, BLM gave a presentation of the Greenlink West transmission line, a 575 kV line that will connect Clark County to Reno, going through Storey County. The discussion goes from 0:48:26 to 1:40:31 in part 1.





July 18, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0718.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_2023_0718.pdf


Agenda Packet Addendum:  Abi_Agency.pdf


Recording:        Filename                              Size                  Length

                          zoom_2023_0718_1.mp3    81.4 MBytes     1:51:55

                          zoom_2023_0718_2.mp3    48.0 MBytes     1:07:18


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0718.pdf





June 20, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0620.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0620.pdf


Agenda Packet Addendum:  agenda_packet-a_2023_0620.pdf


Recording:        Filename                         Size                  Length

                          2023_0620_1.mp3      17.2 MBytes         0:23:42

                          2023_0620_2.mp3      17.6 MBytes         0:23:52

                          2023_0620_3.mp3      17.4 MBytes         0:23:52

                          2023_0620_4.mp3        4.9 MBytes         0:06:41

                          2023_0620_5.mp3      17.6 MBytes         0:23:57

                          2023_0620_6.mp3      15.3 MBytes         0:21:08

                          2023_0620_7.mp3        1.5 MBytes         0:02:03


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0620.pdf


Of the bills in the 2023 Nevada Legislative session that affected Storey County the most important (and which threatened the existence of Storey County) were:


Nevada Senate Bill SB432 would have stolen property tax money coming from the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center and redistributed it to the other counties. Storey County would have gotten only 20%. This bill was not passed.


Senate Bill SB81 would have taken away Storey County’s authority to plan its own destiny and given it to a regional planning authority dominated by Washoe County. This bill was passed but then vetoed by Governor Lombardo.


Although disaster was averted it is likely that these bills will come back in some form in the next Legislative session in 2025. (The Nevada Legislature meets only every two years for a session of 120 days plus special sessions if needed.)


The discussion starts at 13:24 of Part 1 and goes through most of Part 2. (There was a technical problem with the recording with the result that the Zoom audio was very poor.)


The wrap-up by County Manager Austin Osborne starting at 19:39 in Part 2 is a good summary.





June 6, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0606.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0606.pdf


Recording:        Filename                         Size                  Length

                          zoom_2023_0606-1.mp3   79.9 MBytes     1:49:44

                          zoom_2023_0606-2.mp3   56.9 MBytes     1:18:14

                          zoom_2023_0606-3.mp3   32.4 MBytes     0:45:23


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0606.pdf


At the end of the meeting Hugh Gallagher (former Storey County Comptroller) expressed concerns about the future of Storey County because of SB432 Revises Provisions Governing Economic Development (would steal property taxes from Storey County, and which died a well-deserved death) and SB81 Regional Orderly Growth (which should have died but didn’t and is on its way to Governor Lombardo).  The Gallagher family has a long and distinguished history in Storey County and Hugh’s concern is understandable. Chairman Carmona’s response gives a good summary of what has been done and what will be done and the perils that Storey County faces. Click Here.


As I have said, in Storey County we welcome friends but repel invaders.





May 16, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0516.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_2023_0516.pdf


Recording:        Filename                         Size                  Length

                          zoom_2023_0516.mp3   98.9 MBytes     2:18:03  


Minutes:          minutes_2023_0516.pdf





May 2, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0502.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0502.pdf


Recording:        Filename                   Size                  Length

                          2023_0502_1.mp3    17.4 MBytes     0:23:55

                          2023_0502_2.mp3    17.1 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_3.mp3    17.8 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_4.mp3    17.8 MBytes     0:24:02

                          2023_0502_5.mp3      4.7 MBytes     0:06:38

                          2023_0502_6.mp3    17.5 MBytes     0:23:54

                          2023_0502_7.mp3    17.7 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_8.mp3    17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_9.mp3    17.6 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_10.mp3  17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0502_11.mp3    6.0 MBytes     0:08:10


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0502.pdf





April 18, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0418.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_pcket_2023_0418.pdf


Recording:        Filename                          Size               Length

                          2023_0418_1.mp3       17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0418_2.mp3       17.8 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0418_3.mp3       17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0418_4.mp3       17.4 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0418_5.mp3         3.3 MBytes     0:04:24

                          2023_0418_6.mp3       17.5 MBytes     0:23:53

                          2023_0418_7.mp3       17.2 MBytes     0:23:52

                          2023_0418_8.mp3       15.6 MBytes     0:21:56


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0418.pdf



Update, discussion, and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding upcoming bills and legislation affecting Storey County including, but not limited to, the following, and other properly related matters: AB63 I80 Safety Corridors; SB81 Regional Orderly Growth; AB143 Lands Transfer Bill; AB47 and other OHV-related bills; SB304 NFPA Mandates; SB 432 Post-Abatement Tax Redistribution, and any legislative BDR, bill, resolution, or other action of the legislature or the government of the State of Nevada causing SB1 or other post-tax abatement revenues from Tesla or other tax abated or non-tax abated companies to be canceled, diverted away from Storey County, redistributed, postponed, or extended, and other properly related matters.


It isn’t looking good for Storey County. For that discussion:  2023_0418_sb81.mp3






April 4, 2023 - It was a long meeting


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0404.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0404.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_0404_1.mp3     57.8 MBytes   1:19:54

                          zoom_2023_0404_2.mp3     75.9 MBytes   1:44:21

                          zoom_2023_0404_3.mp3      6.6 MBytes    0:08:59


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0404.pdf





March 30, 2023          Special Meeting (Thursday at 10:00 AM)


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0330.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0330.pdf


Recording:        Filename                           Size             Length

                          2023_0330_1.mp3      17.0 MBytes      0:23:37

                          2023_0330_2.mp3      17.2 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2023_0330_3.mp3      17.2 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2023_0330_4.mp3      11.2 MBytes      0:15:14


Minutes:           minutes_2023_0330.pdf





March 23, 2023          Special Meeting (Thursday at 10:00 AM)


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0323.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0323.pdf


Recording:        Filename                            Size                 Length

                           zoom_2023_0323.mp3     32.5 MBytes     45:06


Minutes:    minutes_2023_0330.pdf



This special meeting was called primarily to discuss the proposed Nevada Senate bill BDR-81, a Draft Bill Request submitted by Nevada State Senator Richard “Skip” Daly. State Senator Daly represents part of Washoe County. See


This is BDR-81:


The discussion starts at 13:40 of the meeting.


My take on the matter is that Washoe County continues to cast envious eyes on the success of the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center ( in Storey County and they want to share in its success but by doing so they will kill any future development there.


Commissioner Lance Gilman (who is also the agent for TRIC) gave the straight scoop on what State Senator Daly is up to. It starts at 22:23 of the meeting.


This is another existential threat to Storey County and we will fight it with all of our strength.


In Storey County we welcome friends but repel invaders.





March 21, 2023          Regular Meeting  (Tuesday at 10:00 AM)


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0321.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0321.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size             Length

                          2023_0321_1.mp3    17.2 MBytes    0:23:59

                          2023_0321_2.mp3    17.1 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0321_3.mp3    17.1 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0321_4.mp3    17.1 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0321_5.mp3    17.5 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0321_6.mp3    17.4 MBytes    0:23:59

                          2023_0321_7.mp3     940 KBytes     0:01:17


Minutes:    minutes_2023_0321.pdf





March 10, 2023          Emergency Meeting  (Friday at 4:30 PM)


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0310.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0310.pdf




Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 23-672 of the Board of Storey County Commissioners declaring a state of emergency in Storey County due to unforeseen severe weather events causing sudden flooding due to snow runoff caused by atmospheric river flows across the county starting March 9, 2023, and ending March 20, 2023. The emergency declaration may provide the county access to state and federal funds and other resources which otherwise may not be available for its response to the weather emergency. This action should not cause alarm, but it should remind residents and businesses to be vigilant and to prepare for potential impacts caused by storm events.


Recording:        Filename                      Size             Length

                          2023_0310.mp3       9.3 MBytes      13:25


Minutes:    minutes_2023_0310.pdf





March 7, 2023            Regular Meeting  (Tuesday at 10:00 AM)


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0307.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0307.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                 Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_0307.mp3     49.3 MBytes     1:08:26


Minutes:    minutes_2023_0307.pdf





March 2, 2023            Thursday         4:00 PM          Special Meeting


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0302.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0302.pdf




Update, discussion, and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding upcoming bills and legislation affecting Storey County including, but not limited to, the following, and other properly related matters: AB63 I80 Safety Corridors; SB81 Regional Orderly Growth; any legislative BDR, bill, resolution, or other action of the legislature causing post-SB1 tax abatement revenues from the existing Gigafactory to be canceled, diverted away from Storey County, postponed, or extended; or other bills as brought forth at the meeting.


Recording:        Filename                                  Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_0302.mp3       18.7 MBytes     0:26:20


Minutes:    minutes_2023_0302.pdf





February 21, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0221.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0221.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                   Size              Length

                          zoom_2023_0221_1.mp3     78.1 MBytes     1:48:50

                          zoom_2023_0221_2.mp3     54.0 MBytes     1:15:22


Minutes:      minutes_2023_0221.pdf





February 7, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0207.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0207.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                   Size             Length

                          2023_0207_1.mp3       17.4 MBytes    0:24:00

                          2023_0207_2.mp3       17.2 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0207_3.mp3       17.1 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0207_4.mp3       17.0 MBytes    0:23:22

                          2023_0207_5.mp3       17.5 MBytes    0:24:00

                          2023_0207_6.mp3       17.3 MBytes    0:23:52

                          2023_0207_7.mp3         7.3 MBytes    0:10:00


Minutes:      minutes_2023_0207.pdf





January 17, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0117.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0117.pdf


Minutes:     minutes_2023_0117.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                   Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_0117_1.mp3     25.0 MBytes    0:34:37


                          zoom_2023_0117_2.mp3   103.0 MBytes    2:23:17

                          Part 2 starts with the discussion of a Big Snow in a

                          Small Mountain Town. It’s about an hour and 30 minutes.


                          I live outside of Virginia City in the Highlands. My power was out,

                          starting on December 31, for four days and four very cold nights

                          when it went down to 11 degrees F.





January 6, 2023 -  Special Meeting because of the weather emergency


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0106.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0106.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size             Length

                          zoom_2023_0106.mp3       40.3 MBytes     0:56:26  


Minutes:     minutes_2023_0106.pdf





January 3, 2023


Agenda:                      agenda_2023_0103.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2023_0103.pdf


Recording:        Filename                         Size             Length

2023_0103_1.mp3        8.6 MBytes      0:12:12  - Judge Russell swears in the officials elected in the November 2022 General Election.                         


2023_0103_2.mp3      17.5 MBytes      0:23:54

2023_0103_3.mp3      17.3 MBytes      0:23:52

2023_0103_4.mp3      10.4 MBytes      0:14:09


Minutes:     minutes_2023_0103.pdf





December 20, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1220.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1220.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size             Length

                          zoom_2022_1220_1.mp3     71.8 MBytes     1:39:42


Minutes:      minutes_2022_1220.pdf





December 6, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1206.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1206.pdf


Recording:        Filename                            Size             Length

                          2022_1206_1.mp3       10.9 MBytes      0:14:41

                          2022_1206_2.mp3       17.4 MBytes      0:23:59

                          2022_1206_3.mp3       17.4 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2022_1206_4.mp3       17.4 MBytes      0:23:52

                          2022_1206_5.mp3         5.6 MBytes      0:07:45

                          2022_1206_6.mp3       12.1 MBytes      0:16:36


The Zoom meeting didn’t work properly. The problem was attributed to AT&T. It turns out that it doesn’t matter if you are a County Government. AT&T treats all of its customers the same. Badly.



Minutes:      minutes_2022_1206.pdf





November 15, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1115.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1115.pdf


Addendum:                 Tyler Technologies Agreement


Recording:        Filename                                    Size             Length

                          zoom_2022_1115_1.mp3      75.2 MBytes    1:47:02

                          zoom_2022_1115_2.mp3      33.0 MBytes    0:46:04


Minutes:     minutes_2022_1115.pdf


I am making Agenda Item 17 available as a separate file:



Consideration and possible approval of the final canvass of the results of the November 8th, 2022 General Election held in and for Storey County, Nevada.


Recording:        Filename                                             Size              Length

                          zoom_2022_1115_election.mp3    10.9 MBytes     0:14:39


Abstract of the Vote of Storey County, State of Nevada,

Polled at the General Election Held November 8, 2022





November 2, 2022   (Wednesday)


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1102.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1102.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size             Length

                           zoom_2022_1102-1.mp3       67.0 MBytes     1:35:28

                           zoom_2022_1102-2.mp3       16.6 MBytes     0:23:48


Minutes:     minutes_2022_1102.pdf


Do you remember the issue of Stericycle? Their application for a Special Use Permit to operate a medical waste incinerator at TRI was a contentious issue at the August 18, 2020 meeting of the BOC. (Spoiler: their application was granted.) Click Here


Well, it’s back. In the first Public Comments section Nicole Barde (a member of a grass roots citizens group) gave the Board a status report of the results of the group’s continuing investigation of Stericycle. It doesn’t look good for Stericycle. She gave it in Public Comments from 0:04:12 to 0:09:50 of the first part of the meeting. I have also posted it as a separate file: zoom_2022_1102-stericycle.mp3 .





October 18, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1018.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1018.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size             Length

                          zoom_2022_1018.mp3     43.3 MBytes      1:01:14


Minutes:     minutes_2022_1018.pdf





October 4, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_1004.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_1004.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size                Length

                          zoom_2022_1004_1.mp3    61.3 MBytes       1:24:39

                          zoom_2022_1004_2.mp3      2.7 MBytes       0:03:48  


Minutes:     minutes_2022_1004.pdf





September 20, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0920.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0920.pdf


Recording:        Filename                     Size                Length

                          2022_0920.mp3       41.1 MBytes      1:01:49 


Minutes:          minutes_2022_0920.pdf





September 7, 2022 - Emergency Meeting


Agenda:          agenda_2022_0907.pdf


Recording:        Filename                    Size                Length

                          2022_0907.mp3       5.8 MBytes     0:08:25 


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0907.pdf





September 6, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0906.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0906.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size                Length

                          zoom_2022_0906.mp3     31.6 MBytes     0:44:12 


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0906.pdf





August 16, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0816.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0816.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size                Length

                          zoom_2022_0816.mp3     50.3 MBytes     1:10:27 


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0816.pdf





August 2, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0802.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0802.pdf


Recording:        Filename                           Size               Length

                          zoom_2022_0802.mp3    57.2 MBytes   1:18:55


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0802.pdf





July 19, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0719.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0719.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size              Length

                          2022_0719_1.mp3      51.5 MBytes    1:17:06

                          2022_0719_2.mp3      50.3 MBytes    1:15:53


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0719.pdf





July 11, 2022 - Special Meeting


Agenda and Packet:    agenda_packet_2022_0711.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size              Length

                          2022_0711.mp3        5.8 MBytes     0:08:46


Minutes:    minutes_2022_0711.pdf





July 5, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0705.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0705.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size              Length

                         2022_0705.mp3       40.6 MBytes     1:00:29


Minutes:    minutes_2022_0705.pdf





June 21, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0621.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0621.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                Size              Length

                         zoom_2022_0621_1.mp3     56.3 MBytes    1:17:25

                         zoom_2022_0621_2.mp3     19.5 MBytes    0:26:57


Minutes:     minutes_2022_0621.pdf





June 7, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0607.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0607.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size              Length

                          2022_0607_1.mp3       85.9 MBytes        2:05:05

                          2022_0607_2.mp3       22.1 MBytes        0:32:40


Minutes:      minutes_2022_0607.pdf





May 17, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0517.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0517.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size                Length

                          zoom_2022_0517_1.mp3    52.5 MBytes    1:12:20

                          zoom_2022_0517_2.mp3    44.2 MBytes    1:01:48


Minutes:      minutes_2022_0517.pdf





May 3, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0503.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0503.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size               Length

                          zoom_2022_0503.mp3     63.2 MBytes    1:27:36


Minutes:   minutes_2022_0503.pdf





April 19, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0419.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0419.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size               Length

                          2022_0419_1.mp3          73.4 MBytes      1:50:59

                          2022_0419_2.mp3          73.7 MBytes      1:53:16


Minutes:     minutes_2022_0419.pdf





April 5, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0405.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0405.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size                Length

                          zoom_2022_0405_1.mp3        78.7 MBytes      1:49:11

                          zoom_2022_0405_1.mp3        49.9 MBytes      1:09:50

                          zoom_2022_0405_1.mp3        20.7 MBytes      0:28:48


Minutes:      minutes_2022_0405.pdf





March 15, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0315.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0315.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size              Length

                          2022_0315.mp3        40.2 MBytes      1:00:28


Minutes:        minutes_2022_0315.pdf





March 1, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0301.pdf


Agenda Packet #1:      agenda_packet_2022_0301_1.pdf

                                    109 MBytes   303 pages


Agenda Packet #2:      agenda_packet_2022_0301_2.pdf

                                    568 MBytes    1044 page

                                    PDF pages 1 - 1040 are for Agenda Item 19




Discussion and possible approval of Settlement Participation Form which will have the effect of releasing Janssen/Johnson & Johnson from all claims arising out of the opioid epidemic in Storey County. By signing the Settlement Participation Form, the County is joining in the Janssen Settlement Agreement and is entitled to the benefits and is subject to the burdens of that Agreement. The term of the agreement is for the payment of $53,508,792.63, 95% of which would be paid in 2022 to the State of Nevada. The State will in turn distribute those Funds in accordance with the One Nevada Agreement.


Recording:        Filename                               Size                  Length

                          zoom_2022_0301.mp3      65.6 MBytes        1:30:49


Minutes:    minutes_2022_0301.pdf





February 15, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0215.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0215.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size                  Length

                          zoom_2022_0215_1.mp3     53.6 MBytes     1:13:38 

                          zoom_2022_0215_2.mp3     35.6 MBytes     0:49:55 

                          zoom_2022_0215_3.mp3     53.6 MBytes     0:51:44 


Minutes:       minutes_2022_0215.pdf


On the agenda for the February 15 (Tuesday) meeting of the Board of Commissioners is:




Consideration of letters of interest and the appointment of a qualified person to fill the

expected upcoming vacancy in the office of the Storey County Clerk/Treasurer. Upon

the incumbent’s resignation from Clerk/Treasurers Office, the candidate appointed by

the Board will serve until January 2, 2023.


The three people who have filed for the INTERIM CLERK-TREASURER VACANCY are:


1.  Doreayne Nevin. For her application Click Here.


2.  Jason S. Virden. For his application Click Here.


3.  Durward James Hindle III (“Jim Hindle”).  For his application Click Here.



The following are my comments.


A.   Doreayne Nevin.


She is the best qualified, and is highly qualified. With her experience as Chief-Deputy Clerk/Treasurer she would be ready to go right-out-of-the-gate.



B.   Jason S. Virden.


He seems to be a nice guy, a hard worker, and he has computer skills. But he does not have government experience in the areas that are needed for Clerk/Treasurer.


Perhaps the County can find another job for him with the County. 



C.   Durward James Hindle III (“Jim Hindle”)


1.  Mr. Hindle was a party to the lawsuit that challenged the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Case No.: 20 OC 00163 18 was heard in The First Judicial District Court of Nevada (Carson City), the Honorable James T. Russell presiding.


The parties were:


JESSE LAW, an individual;

MICHAEL MCDONALD, an individual;



EILEEN RICE, an individual;

SHAWN MEEHAN, an individual,


Judge Russell’s 34 page ruling ended with:


177.  The Contestants failed to meet their burden to provide credible and relevant evidence to substantiate any of the grounds set forth in NRS 293.410 to contest the November 3, 2020 General Election.


The case was dismissed on December 4, 2020.


2.  On December 7, 2020 Mr. Hindle and his group filed an Appeal with the Nevada Supreme Court, Case No. 82178. The case is available online at:


On December 8, 2020 the Nevada Supreme Court issued its decision. The District Court was affirmed. The losing parties lost again. For the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision Click HereIt contains Judge Russell’s 34 page Order dismissing the case from his court (the district court).


I don’t see that they appealed it to the U.S. Supreme Court:


This Web site (run by the American Bar Association) says it lists all of the court challenges to the 2020 election:


No SCOTUS appeal there either. All it shows by Mr. Hindle and his group are the cases in the District Court and the Nevada Supreme Court.


3.  Six days later, on December 14, 2020 Mr. Hindle and the others in his group filed their fraudulent CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM NEVADA.


Michael J. McDonald, Chairperson

James DeGraffenreid, Secretary

Durward James Hindle III

Jesse Law

Shawn Meehan

Eileen Rice


For the document Click Here. I obtained this document from the Nevada Current which obtained it from American Oversight.


The Nevada Current (in the article by April Corbin Girnus - January 19, 2022) also reported that:


The U.S. House select committee on the Jan. 6 insurrection is renewing interest in an illegitimate election certificate submitted by a group of Nevada Republicans following the 2020 presidential election.


The illegitimate election document, which was submitted to Congress and the National Archives, attempted to award Nevada’s six electoral votes to Republicans

Donald Trump and Mike Pence. In reality, Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won Nevada by more than 30,600 votes, and no proof of widespread voter fraud has been found.





Mr. Hindle and his group face the prospect of being criminally prosecuted.


From this article in the Las Vegas Review Journal by Blake Apgar and Bill Dentzer ( January 21, 2022):


Attorney General Aaron Ford said in a statement that his office received numerous inquiries about the attempt from some members of the state GOP to send fake electoral votes to Washington, D.C., following unfounded claims of massive voter fraud in the presidential election.


“While we cannot confirm or deny the existence of an investigation, rest assured that this matter is on our radar, and we take seriously any efforts to rob Nevadans of their votes,” he said.


Ford, a Democrat, said there has been a sustained effort to overturn the 2020 election and “downplay the shocking actions” that occurred afterward.


“My office cannot and will not accept any efforts to overturn a free and fair election. Voting rights are fundamental to our democratic republic, and we will continue to protect them.”


Mr. Hindle has shown an appalling disrespect for Nevada’s judicial system. He and his group did not like the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision so they ignored it. By ignoring it they are ignoring the Rule of Law.


That should disqualify Mr. Hindle from holding any office or position that requires the public trust.


One of the duties of the Clerk/Treasurer is to be the Registrar of Voters and to oversee the elections. Whoever is selected will be overseeing the 2022 Nevada Primary Election (Tuesday, June 14) and the 2022 Nevada General (Tuesday, November 8).


Note that Commissioner Carmona’s and Commissioner Gilman’s terms as Commissioner are up this year. Assuming they run again they will be in the Primary and the General elections. Who do you want to run those elections?


Mr. Hindle does not respect the election process (or the Law) so if the Commissioners select him for Clerk/Treasurer they will be putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.


What would be the consequences of that?


If a Clerk/Treasurer Hindle were to ignore the Election Laws and decide the results of an election himself (overruling the decision of the voters) it would end up in District Court. Based on his past actions there is no reason to believe that Clerk/Treasurer Hindle would accept the decision of that Court (or the Nevada Supreme Court) and would continue to do whatever he wants.


I don’t see that a Court has the authority to remove an office holder selected/elected to that office. The County Commissioners cannot do that either.


The Court would have two choices:


1.  Issue a Warrant for his arrest for contempt of court;


2.  In an extreme case, appoint a trustee to run Storey County, presumably until the Nevada Legislature meets and merges Storey County into Washoe County. Would you like to be in Washoe County? I wouldn’t. Here are just some of my reasons.


a.  Washoe County (through its Planning Commission) has a history of allowing high-density development and ignoring environmental concerns. They would not have a problem approving a resurrected Cordevista, a resurrected Sunny Hills Ranchos, and a resurrected BLM/Great Basin Wind wind-turbine project.


b.  The Washoe County Planning and Building Division does not act on applications with the quick turnaround that Storey County is known for. That would hurt TRIC.


c.  Prostitution is not legal in Washoe County. Commissioner Gilman would have to close his brothel.


The place to express your opinion is at the February 15 meeting of the Board of Commissioners. You can attend in person at the Old Courthouse or by Zoom at .


The meeting starts at 10:00 AM.





The Commissioners considered the matter carefully and chose Doreayne Nevin for the Interim Clerk/Treasurer.


For that segment Click Here. It is 59.0 MBytes and 1:22:33 long. It straddles two of the files so I put the those segments together.


The matter of Mr. Hindle’s filing of the Fraudulent Elector’s Document was discussed and Mr. Hindle was allowed to explain himself. I do not buy his explanation.








February 1, 2022


Agenda (Amended):               agenda_amended_2022_0201.pdf


Agenda Packet (Amended):   agenda_packet_amended_2022_0201.pdf


Recording:        Filename                               Size              Length

                          zoom_2022_0201.mp3     42.0 MBytes     0:58:36  


Minutes:     minutes_2022_0201.pdf





January 18, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2022_0118.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0118.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size                 Length

                         zoom_2022_0118_1.mp3    41.9 MBytes     0:59:09

                         zoom_2022_0118_2.mp3    29.2 MBytes     0:42:03





January 4, 2022


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0104.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2022_0104.pdf


Recording:        Filename                 Size                 Length

                          2022_0104.mp3      67.9 MBytes    1:39:39


Minutes:     minutes_2022_0104.pdf


Vanessa Stephens is resigning as Storey County Clerk-Treasurer effective February 25, 2022.


This is an elected office.


Not only is it a very well-paying job, it is an important job.




The Clerk's responsibilities include maintaining vital records and the voters' registration system as well as coordination of the elections held in the county


The resignation of elected county officials is by NRS 245.170(1):


NRS 245.170  Vacancies: Appointment by board of county commissioners; placement of office or position on ballot under certain circumstances.  

Except as otherwise provided by specific statute:


1.  If a vacancy is declared in any county or township office, except the offices of district judge and county commissioner:


(a) Thirty days or more before the date of the close of filing of declarations of candidacy specified in NRS 293.177, and the office is not otherwise scheduled for election at the next ensuing biennial election:


(1) The board of county commissioners shall appoint a suitable person who is an elector of the county to fill the vacancy until the first Monday of January after the next ensuing biennial election;


(2) The office must be placed on the ballot at that election; and


(3) The person elected shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


(b) At any other time, the board of county commissioners shall appoint a suitable person who is an elector of the county to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


[19:80:1865; B § 3087; BH § 1959; C § 2121; RL § 1518; NCL § 1951] + [49:108:1866; A 1933, 165; 1939, 146; 1931 NCL § 4813] — (NRS A 1977, 54; 1997, 1291; 2013,


From:, the next election for Storey County Clerk-Treasurer is Nov 08, 2022. The filing window Mar 07, 2022 - Mar 18, 2022. By resigning effective February 22, this is less that 30 days before the end of the filing window for the office.


It looks like NRS 245.170(1)(b) applies


(b) At any other time, the board of county commissioners shall appoint a suitable person who is an elector of the county to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


It looks like the County Commissioners will be appointing someone to fill the remainder of Vanessa’s term and this person must be an elector of Storey County.


Who is an elector?


Under NRS 293.055:


NRS 293.055  “Elector” defined.  “Elector” means a person who is eligible to vote under the provisions of Section 1 of Article 2 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


If you live in Storey County and if you are at least competent and you place honesty and fairness well above partisanship I urge you to apply for the office. And if you don’t get it you can run for the office next November. Again the filing window is Mar 07, 2022 - Mar 18, 2022.


Here is the Commissioners’ discussion of the subject:


       2022_0104_vanessa.mp3    10.6 MBytes    17:03  





December 21, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1221.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1221.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                    Size              Length

                          zoom_2021_1221_1.mp3     44.8 MBytes      1:00:52

                          zoom_2021_1221_2.mp3     17.1 MBytes      0:23:50


Minutes (Draft):   minutes_draft_2021_1221.pdf





December 7, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1207.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1207.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_1207_1.mp3    38.5 MBytes     0:52:58

                          zoom_2021_1207_2.mp3    22.3 MBytes     0:30:45


Minutes:   minutes_2021_1207.pdf





November 16, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1116.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1116.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size                 Length

                          zoom_2021_1116_1.mp3    60.7 MBytes   1:23:08

                          zoom_2021_1116_2.mp3    70.0 MBytes   1:36:54


This item caught my attention:



Consideration and possible approval of the granting of easements to NV Energy for Canyon Way, Wild Horse Drive, Megabyte Drive and Waltham Way for underground gas pipeline facilities that will extend from Tracy to South Reno.


It will also provide natural gas service for the residents of Lockwood who now must use propane.


While the cost of natural gas is regulated, the cost of propane is not. For a standard 80% efficient propane gas furnace the cost of an all electric furnace (not a heat pump) reaches parity with propane when the cost of propane is $2.49/gallon. I know because where I live (the Virginia City Highlands) we don’t have natural gas either. Most of us use propane. My last delivery of propane (two weeks ago) cost $2.99/gallon. A few weeks before that it was $2.49/gallon.


The Commissioners approved the item.


However, natural gas does not have a bright future. See this article in the Nevada Independent:


It might have been better to see if those of us using propane can get a subsidy from either the State of Nevada or the Feds to replace propane furnaces with heat pumps and propane ovens with electric ovens.


Maybe we can still do that.


Minutes:     minutes_2021_1116.pdf





November 2, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1102.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1102.pdf


Recording:        Filename                             Size                 Length

                          zoom_2021_1102.mp3    61.5 MBytes      1:28:53


Minutes:   minutes_2021_1102.pdf





October 19, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1019.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1019.pdf


Recording:        Filename                              Size                   Length

                          zoom_2021_1019_1.mp3    88.6 MBytes    2:07:57

                          zoom_2021_1019_2.mp3    16.7 MBytes    0:24:31


Minutes:      minutes_2021_1019.pdf





October 5, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_1005.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_1005.pdf


Recording:        Filename                   Size                   Length

                          2021_1005_1.mp3    72.0 MBytes      1:52:38

                          2021_1005_2.mp3      6.0 MBytes      0:08:31


Minutes:    minutes_2021_1005.pdf



This agenda item caught my attention.



Request from Deputy Secretary for Elections Mark Wlaschin, Nevada Secretary of State's Office, to discuss a formal voter outreach campaign. The intent of this campaign is to provide clear, factual and non-partisan information.


This is the discussion:  2021_1005_big-lie.mp3


The Big Lie has come to little Storey County.


It came to the October 5, 2021 meeting of the Storey County Board of Commissioners in the person of Christina Schwanke, Chairwoman of the Storey County Republican Party.


She completely lied about the results of the recent insane “audit” of the Arizona election by the Cyber Ninjas.


She gave several numbers which she said proved there had been huge election fraud. The “audit” actually showed the election was fair and, indeed, gave Biden more votes and Trump fewer votes.


Commissioner Gilman “applauded” her efforts.


Commissioner Mitchell tiptoed around the issue.


Commissioner Carmona did not say anything.


Either they are Trumpites or they are terrified of the Trumpites.



Agenda Item:



Update, discussion, and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding SCR 11 (formerly BDR 1109 and 1148) interim legislative committee to study Innovation Zone draft legislation, and other properly related matters.




Austin Osborne: “The matter may be folded up and going away”


From an article in the Nevada Independent 10/8/2021 (or thereabouts) by Daniel Rothberg:


Blockchains, Inc. is withdrawing its controversial request to effectively create anew county in Northern Nevada, part of its plan to create a self-governing "Innovation Zone," according to a letter the company sent to Gov. Steve Sisolak last week.


The company, which hoped to build a "smart city" to serve as an incubator for how blockchain technology could be used in a physical setting, stated in the letter that it received little support from most groups and policymakers, with the exception of labor unions. The letter, obtained by The Nevada Independent, was critical of Sisolak for not doing more to support the project after previously championing the proposal.




Yes, but Mr. Berns still owns 67,000 acres in Storey County.


The article goes on to say:


According to the letter, Berns said the company will no longer pursue the construction of a mixed-use city in Painted Rock, the area it originally planned to develop. The company, Berns said, still plans to build a technology park "where like-minded companies can come together in a sandbox environment. " To date, Berns said the company has spent more than $300 million in Nevada. The company has purchased land and water rights. It also maintains its headquarters in the state.


What is the deal with Painted Rock? Is he abandoning it? Is he handing in his Special Use Permit? Aren’t there people already living there? Are they going to have to move?


For Mr. Berns’ letter Click Here. He says a lot of mean things about Storey County.


“ While we don’t intend to address the numerous inaccuracies in the presentations from Storey County, we do want to note that we raised many of the key facets of our proposed project with Storey County leadership in 2018 and all were flatly rejected without any real engagement. Among other concepts, we raised the ideas of 1) building a mixed-use smart community with 30,000 residents using blockchain-based platforms; 2) ensuring that employees in the smart city and Innovation Park would earn a minimum liveable wage of $20 per hour; 3) implementing a system for real-time tax collections and payments to the State; 4) blockchain-based voting and attestations; and 5) direct democracy for discretionary spending. Storey County made it abundantly clear to us that these were things they would not support. It was not until 2021, when the County learned of the Innovation Zone BDR, that it actively engaged with us regarding the foregoing concepts.”


The County has been engaging with Mr. Berns for years.  Click Here.


They have been having secret discussions that the County was willing to break the law (the Public Records Act) to keep secret.


The only thing that is really true is that Mr. Berns blindsided the County with his Innovation Zone BDR.


Since Mr. Berns is not going to get his Magic Kingdom (with him as King) and he is just going to develop his 67,000 acres as a technology park, why did he go out of his way to piss off Storey County?


And since he didn’t get what he wanted he is taking his football (Painted Rock) and going home?


If Mr. Berns is as smart as he tells everyone he is, he is not giving up.


This is just part of his Long Game.


That’s what I think.





September 21, 2021    4:00 PM


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0921.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0921.pdf


Recording:        Filename                   Size                   Length

                          2021_0921_1.mp3    77.0 MBytes      1:53:09

                          2021_0921_2.mp3      8.9 MBytes      0:13:11


This item caught my attention.



Consideration and approval of Storey County Indigent Defense Service Plan designed to meet the requirements of the State of Nevada in accordance with NRS 260.070 and to comply with the Nevada Supreme Court's orders in ADKT 411.


It is in the agenda packet here.


It might sound cut-and-dried but it isn’t. DA Langer was passionate about it but I’m not sure which way. The discussion is in Part 1 from 0:44:08 - 1:46:12.


Also on this day there was the second Joint Special  Committee to Conduct a Study Concerning Innovation Zones (4100ASR). Tue, Sep 21, 2021  8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


It was a long meeting.


It is posted on YouTube: - Part 1 ( Blockchains ) - Part 2 ( Storey County )


It is also available in the Legislative Archives.


Minutes:    minutes_2021_0921.pdf





September 7, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0907.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0907.pdf


There is some interesting information about Blockchains. Click Here.


Recording:        Filename                                   Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_0907_1.mp3     54.6 MBytes      1:18:07         

                          zoom_2021_0907_2.mp3     29.3 MBytes      0:40:57


Minutes:    minutes_2021_0907.pdf





August 17, 2021 - The meeting is back at the old Courthouse


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0817.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0817.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                                     Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_0817.mp3                           88.2 MBytes      2:06:07


Discussion of Blockchains:

                          zoom_blockchains_2021_0817.mp3      25.5 MBytes     0:36:44


Minutes:    minutes_2021_0817.pdf





August 3, 2021 - The meeting will be held at 800 S. C Street, Virginia City at 10:00 AM

                            (This is the new Justice Court .)


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0803.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0803.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                     Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_0803_1.mp3       59.6 MBytes      1:26:59

                          zoom_2021_0803_2.mp3       20.6 MBytes      0:30:14


Minutes:   minutes_2021_0803.pdf





July 20, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0720.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0720.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_0720_1.mp3     38.4 MBytes    0:53:24

                          zoom_2021_0720_2.mp3     51.4 MBytes    1:11:58

                          zoom_2021_0720_3.mp3     55.3 MBytes    1:18:38


Minutes:   minutes_2021_0720.pdf





July 6, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0706.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0706.pdf


There are two items on the agenda for the Tuesday July 6 meeting of the Board of Commissioners that have caught my attention.



Consideration and possible action on Special Use Permit 2021-23 by applicant Citadel Solar, LLC. The applicant requests Special Use Permit 2021-23 to construct an approximate 4+ mile, 120 kilovolt transmission line from a proposed solar field to an eventual location within the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center. The transmission lines will range between 50 and 120-feet in height, requiring a special use permit for the additional height. In accordance with Chapter 9 of the Storey County Master Plan, transmission lines under 200 kilovolt are required to follow the county special use permit process. The proposed transmission lines will be located within a portion of Sections 4, 5 and 9 of T18N,, R22E and Sections 28, 29. 32 and 33 of TI9N, R22E, Storey County, Nevada, APNs 004-201-05 & 06 and APN 004-154-27.


For the item in the agenda packet Click Here.


The transmission line will go to a secret location at TRI from a proposed solar farm in Cordevista. (Texas developer Fritz Duda finally found a good use for Cordevista. If you have forgotten what he wanted Cordevista to be, go here:


Citadel Solar is owned by Switch so I will guess the power is going to the Switch Data Center at TRI. (That secret didn’t last very long.)


The proposed solar farm comes from a company called Solar Farms LLC. Guess who owns Solar Farms LLC?


The one, the only, Roger Norman. Click Here.


Does Lance know about this?


Will Lance recuse himself?



At the meeting Linda Bullen, Citadel Solar’s attorney said that, “Switch does not have an ownership interest in the solar facility, or the transmission line...”


I did some research and I am not so sure. Citadel Solar LLC is owned by CEI Switch Citadel OpCo, LLC.  Switch’s Data Center at TRI is called the Citadel Campus. That is two amazing coincidences. Switch and Citadel in the company’s name.


CEI Switch Citadel OpCo, LLC is owned by Capital Dynamics, Inc which is a private asset management/investment company whose headquarters are in Switzerland.


For the full story Click Here.



Speaking of the richest county on Earth, there is also this item:



Consideration and possible action to approve Resolution No:21-628, establishing and implementing a program to charge mitigation rates for the deployment of emergency and non-emergency services by the Storey County Fire Protection District for services provided and/ or rendered.


It means that if you receive any services from the Fire Department they are going to send you a bill.


For the proposed rates Click Here.


Does anyone know what we will be getting for our property taxes since it isn’t going to be services from the Fire Department?


And I don’t want them to do their yearly fire inspection of my property. They never give me useful information and it is not worth paying for.


I want the County to set up an optout list for their worthless yearly fire inspection.


Recording:        Filename                                  Size               Length

                          zoom_2021_0706_1.mp3     36.2 MBytes     0:51:18

                          zoom_2021_0706_2.mp3     47.0 MBytes     1:05:23


Minutes (Draft):      minutes_draft_2021_0706.pdf





June 15, 2021 - A Long Meeting


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0615.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0615.pdf


Recording:        Filename                            Size             Length

                           2021_0615_1.mp3       88.2 MBytes     3:08:06

                           2021_0615_2.mp3       15.6 MBytes     0:33:20


Items of particular interest (to me). All are in Volume 1.


[0:04:25 - 0:24:21]

7.   DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action):

Presentation and discussion with Walker & Associates about 2021 legislative session including bills and new laws affecting Storey County and Nevada.


[0:24:21 - 0:30:39]


Update, discussion, and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding SCR 11 (formerly BDR 1109 and 1148) interim legislative committee to study Innovation Zone draft legislation, and other properly related matters.


[1:00:06 - 1:36:00]

11.  DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action):

Presentation and discussion by Carson Water Subconservancy District (CW5D) General Manager Ed James about the Carson River Watershed study including watershed trends, users, resource allocation, and strategies in the watershed area.


[1:36:07 - 1:51:52]

12. DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action):

Presentation and discussion with UNR Extension about the Nevada Economic, Analysis Project (NEAP) for economic development analyses.


[1:51:52 - 2:26:48]

13. DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action):

Mark Regan, Fire Mitigation Specialist/ Fire Chief for Nevada Energy will explain the expansion of its Public Safety Outage Management (PSOM) program and changes that will be coming to Storey County, Presentation will include what is PSOM (Public safety outage management), what mitigation efforts NVE is already doing/ implemented, public outreach, customer outreach in customer resource centers.


[2:26:48 - 3:08:04]


Consideration and possible approval of the acceptance of renewal proposal from Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool (POOL) and approval of payment from fiscal year 2021-2022 funds.


Minutes (Draft):         minutes_draft_2021_0615.pdf





June 1, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0601.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0601.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                   Size              Length

                          zoom_2021_0601.mp3      52.4 MBytes        1:51:43


Item of Interest:




Consideration and possible approval to award a contract to the successful bidder for

propane fuel delivery service to county tanks in accordance with the submitted bids.


This is what is in the packet: agenda_11_propane.pdf


From the packet:


We specified Targa San Francisco as the baseline rack rate as published weekly in the BPN Newsletter. This levels the playing field for all companies to peg their propane base rate to a regional distributor for the central west coast.


Staff determined that Comstock Propane is the apparent low bidder with a price-per-gallon (PPG) rate of Targa rack rate plus $0.25 per gallon, a PPG for county employees of Targa rack rate plus $0.50 per gallon, and a PPG for Storey County residents of Targa rack rate plus $0.90 per gallon. The tank rental rate is $1.00 per tank per year (about $40.00 per year).


Tank rental rates were similar in that two companies offered $1.00 per tank per year and two companies offered $0.00 per year.


Staff recommends award of the contract to Comstock Propane.


And they did that.


(Is the $1 per year tank rental for everyone or just for the County?)


For the discussion Click Here.


The BPN Newsletter is I don’t see the weekly rack price. Maybe you have to subscribe to it for $195/year.


Minutes:     minutes_2021_0601.pdf





May 18, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0518.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0518.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                    Size             Length

                          2021_0518_1.mp3                 46.2 MBytes    1:38:37         

                          2021_0518_2.mp3                 31.7 MBytes    1:07:37


Here is the discussion of Blockchains:

                         2021_0518_blockchains.mp3  2.8 MBytes   0:05:54


Here is the discussion of the Jeep Posse:

                         2021_0518_jeep-posse.mp3   2.9 MBytes    0:06:12


Minutes (Draft):     minutes_draft_2021_0518.pdf





May 4, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0504.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0504.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                       Size             Length

                          zoom_2021_0504_1.mp3        50.2 MBytes     1:47:01

                          zoom_2021_0504_2.mp3        22.2 MBytes     0:47:18

                          zoom_2021_0504_3.mp3        14.9 MBytes     0:31:45


Here is the discussion of Blockchains:

                         zoom_2021_0504_blockchains.mp3  3.1 MBytes   0:06:40


Minutes (Draft):     minutes_draft_2021_0601.pdf





April 20, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0420.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0420.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                             Size                    Length

                          zoom_2021_0420_1.mp3                    64.9 MBytes     2:18:21

                          zoom_2021_0420_2.mp3                    11.2 MBytes     0:23:49


Discussion of Blockchains

                         zoom_2021_0420_blockchains.mp3    4.1 MBytes      0:08:48


Minutes:     minutes_2021_0420.pdf





April 6, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0406.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0406.pdf


Storey County Budget 2020-2021:  2020-0406_budget.pdf


Recording:        Filename                                  Size           Length

                          zoom_2021_0406-1.mp3         52.2 MBytes   1:51:17

                          zoom_2021_0406-2.mp3         36.9 MBytes   1:18:32


I missed the first few minutes of Part 2 because I was saving the file for Part 1. I will do that differently next time. Part 2 starts with the Budget. I believe the speaker is Jennifer McCain, Storey County Comtroller. Normally, budgets are boring but she made some comments about the TRIC Payback Fund that I think an FBI forensic accountant should listen to. Start at 0:19:09 of Part 2.


Agenda Item 8 was:



Update, discussion and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding upcoming bills and legislation affecting Storey County including, but not limited to, SB 98 proposing Storey County’s membership into the Carson Water Subconservancy District, and BDR 1109 Innovation Zone draft legislation, and other properly related matters.


First, just as he did at the last meeting Commissioner Gilman recused himself because he has a business relationship with a company that is involved with the thing but said it wasn’t Blockchains. And that he was going to recuse himself from voting and discussion on it. Then he gave an enthusiastic promo for Mr. Berns’ plan. As a Commissioner.


Recording:  Filename                                          Size           Length

                    zoom_2021_0406_gilman.mp3    1.4 MBytes   0:03:02


Minutes:     minutes_2021_0406.pdf


Here is the discussion on Blockchains: 


Recording:  Filename                                                   Size           Length

                    zoom_2021_0406_blockchains.mp3    5.5 MBytes   0:11:45


Commissioner Mitchell said he had heard Blockchains ads that were disinformation to make Storey County look bad. So there was a discussion of what to do about that. A press release maybe? There is the proposed letter to Governor Sisolak in the Agenda Packet that was approved but it is not on the County’s Web site as I write this:


This is the proposed (and approved) letter to the Governor:



I used OCR to make an html version so it will be text-searchable and therefore be picked up by all of the search engines that regularly crawl my Web sites.



One of the search engines that visits me regularly is the French search engine Qwant ( Perhaps I should translate the letter into French.   


Mr. Berns wants to dismember Storey County so he can have his own Kingdom with him as King. We aren’t going to let him do that. For one thing Storey County already has a King: Good King Lance.


So I have a suggestion for Mr. Berns.


Dear Mr. Berns,


You obviously don’t want to deal with Storey County even though (from the letter to the Governor) “Storey County has for 20 years been Nevada's leader in attracting, permitting, and supporting technology, manufacturing, and energy sectors, and transforming northern Nevada from dependence on gaming to the diversified economic powerhouse it is today.”


That being the case, why don’t you leave?


And instead of trying to bring water to your proposed Magic Kingdom, you should build your Magic Kingdom where you have already bought the water. The Nevada Independent reports that it is near the edge of the Black Rock Desert, where thousands of visitors travel to the Burning Man Festival each fall (well, hopefully they will again sometime).


The people going to Burning Man will be able to visit your Magic Kingdom and maybe want to move there. That way it will be a short trip for them to Burning Man every year.


And you might want to visit my Web site:


Best Regards,


Jedidiah the Mad Prophet

Virginia City Highlands






March 16, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0316.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021-0316.pdf



Consideration and possible action update discussion,, and provide direction to county staff and lobbyists regarding upcoming bills and legislation affecting Storey County including, but not limited to, SB 98 proposing Storey County’s membership into the Carson Water Subconservancy District, and BDR 1109 Innovation Zone draft legislation, and other properly related matters.


Recording:        Filename                                                    Size           Length

                          zoom_2021_0316.mp3                         43.4 MBytes   1:32:37


1.  At this point Governor Sisolak still hasn’t officially introduced the bill so the details are still unknown (publically, anyway). The Devil is in the details but in this case we know who the Devil(s) is/are.


1109   Office of the Governor  Provides for the creation of Innovation Zones.

No note     2/19/2021


2.  I didn’t expect this meeting to be productive concerning the bill. Storey County is against have a large part of it carved out to become Mr. Berns personal kingdom but, for

some reason, is in favor of crypto-currencies (at least Mr. Berns’ own crypto-currency).


Here is the discussion of the item.


Recording:  Filename                                                             Size           Length

                    zoom_blockchains_2021_0316.mp3               5.2 MBytes   0:11:06


Eileen Gay’s comments are superbly on target (5:10). (She is a resident of Painted Rock.)


3.  But there was something at the meeting that surprised me. Lance Gilman recused himself because he has a business relationship with a company that is involved with the thing but said it wasn’t Blockchains. And that he was going to recuse himself from voting and discussion on it. Then he gave an enthusiastic promo for Mr. Berns’ plan. As a Commissioner.


Isn’t that unethical?


Here is Gilman’s promo:


Recording:  Filename                                                             Size           Length

                    zoom_blockchains_gilman 2021_0316.mp3   1.2 MBytes   0:02:30


Minutes (Draft):          minutes_draft_2021_0316.pdf


Minutes (Amended):   minutes_amended_2021_0317.pdf





March 2, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0302.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0302.pdf


Mr. Berns/Blockchains Innovation Zone/Independent Kingdom:



Update and discussion from lobbyists and staff regarding upcoming bills and legislative action affecting Storey County.


Recording:        Filename                                                    Size           Length

                          zoom_2021_0302.mp3                         40.4 MBytes   1:26:16


This is the part of the meeting devoted to Blockchains:

                          zoom_2021_0302_blockchains.mp3    15.8 MBytes   0:33:44


Download it and save it. This is historic no matter how it turns out.


This could be when Storey County began the fight to stay alive or it could be the beginning of the end of Storey County.


This is from the official recording that the County sent me. Still crap.

Recording:        Filename                      Size             Length

                          2021_0302.mp3       40.3 MBytes   1:26:02         


(Commissioner Lance Gilman was absent again.)


Minutes:   minutes_2021_0302.pdf





February 19, 2021      Friday  2:00PM


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0219.pdf



Provide direction to county staff and lobbyists on representing Storey County

regarding potential legislation related to Innovation Zones and other properly related



This time I logged onto the Zoom meeting. Although the County has prohibited Zoom from allowing the participants to record the meeting I recorded it anyway.


Recording:        Filename                                             Size           Length

                          zoom_2021_0219.mp3                    9.1 MBytes    0:19:23


Compare it to the wmv file I received:

                          2021-02-19_13.55.17.187.wmv    56.0 MBytes    0:19:45  


This is the result of my heroic efforts to make their file intelligible:

                          2021_0219.mp3                             9.2 MBytes     0:19:40


During the meeting Chairman Carmona called on Commissioner Mitchell but not Commissioner Gilman. I am inferring from this that Commissioner Gilman was not present at this meeting either. 


Minutes:   minutes_2021_0219.pdf





February 16, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0216.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0216.pdf


Minutes:                     minutes_2021_0216.pdf


Item 8 is significant.



Provide direction to county staff and lobbyists on representing Storey County regarding potential legislation related to Innovation Zones and other properly related matters.


This is about the End of Storey County. Mr. Berns/Blockchains wants to establish an independent kingdom in Storey County with him as King.


For background:


1.  This excellent story in the Nevada Independent by Riley Snyder and Michelle Rindels. It starts with:


A proposal created by Blockchains LLC and circulated in the Legislature describes the fantastical contours of a plan to create a semi-autonomous county that slowly assumes powers of the county it’s based in and is supported by a cryptocurrency known as “stablecoin.”


For the rest of it see:


2.  See this story . It mention the song written by Merle Travis about living in a company town and contains the lyric,


Saint Peter don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go, I owe my soul to the company store.


The song was “16 Tons” and was a huge hit for Merle’s friend Tennessee Ernie Ford:


The song has been done by many other artists since them but the cover I like best was done by these guys:


3.  Another excellent story (also in the Nevada Independent) by Daniel Rothberg is about water for Mr. Berns’ Smart City:


If that doesn't work out they can use the treated sewerage (that we are paying for) to make it potable for Mr. Berns. For that issue from December 4, 2018 Click Here.


4.  The draft of the bill circulating in the Nevada legislature was posted by Colton Lochhead who is a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Click Here.


5.  This is what Mr. Berns/Blockchains is:


And this is what I posted in our Community Message Board on 2/5/2021:



The End of Storey County


All of the proposed bills for the 81st session are at:


You might want to click on View All.


You won’t find anything about it there yet.


According to the story in the Nevada Independent:


The bill language has not yet been submitted to legislative bill drafters, and could change substantially between the initial version and whatever version is introduced in the Legislature. A spokeswoman for Sisolak said the governor looks forward to releasing more information on the “Innovation Zone” concept in the future, but at this time “has not submitted a bill draft request related to this initiative so we will not be commenting on any language at this time.”


I want to know which Storey County officials, past and present, including the Commissioners and Austin Osborn, are involved in this.


I want to know what the Commissioners plan to do about it.


Are they in favor of it or not? Don’t say, “I have to wait until I see the details”.


Do you want Storey County to be dismembered or not?


BTW, Mr. Berns’ plan to use his crypto-currency in his little kingdom is not legal. His crypto-currency is not, and cannot be, legal tender.


Technically, even Federal Reserve notes are not legal tender.


According to Article One, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution,


No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.


They do it anyway.


But I don’t think the Federal Reserve will let Mr. Berns horn in on their territory.


You can read more about what money really is at:


(Now I am going to have to update it, and I am busy with other things that I have to finish soon.)


I have a better Plan.


My Plan


They extended USA Parkway to SR50 which benefits TRI and the people of Lyon County, but not us.


They have a Plan to connect USA Parkway to Lemmon Valley to benefit the people in Sparks who work at TRI. The Commissioners are very enthusiastic about it.  See the minutes of the October 20, 2020 meeting of the Storey County Commissioners:


It won’t benefit us.


Most of the workers at TRI live in Reno and Sparks. See this NDOT Transit Plan Technical Memorandum #2 from February 2019.  3.2. Origins and Destinations on PDF page 13.


During the Cordevista attack on the County the late Reno Mayor Cashell said, “ Reno and Sparks should not be burdened with fulfilling your housing and public service needs without benefitting from the commercial and industrial real estate taxes generated by the park.”


So here is my Plan.


Transfer TRI (including Blockchains and Painted Rock) to Washoe County.


1.  Washoe County will assume the loan that Storey County is on the hook for to TRI and pay back Storey County for the tax revenue it has lost because of the loan.


2.  Washoe County will pay Storey County a “transfer fee” of $1,000/acre. With 108,000 acres just for TRI that amounts to $108M. (They can assess TRI for it.)


3.  This transfer fee will be divided among the existing residents of Storey County. With maybe 3,500 residents that would be about $30,857.14 per resident.


The remnant of Storey County will be too small to be a viable county so it will have to become part of a neighboring county. (This will also be true if Mr. Berns’ Plan is successful.)


Washoe County is already too big.


That leaves Lyon County and Carson City (officially The Consolidated Municipality of Carson City).


We have something in common with Lyon County. Old Town Dayton is part of the Comstock Historic District.


What we have in common with Carson City is more important. We are both part of the First Judicial District Court of Nevada. We share the same judges.


Washoe County is in the Second Judicial District Court and Lyon County is in the Third Judicial District Court of Nevada.


We have one more thing in common with Carson City (kind of).


In 1969 Carson City merged with Ormsby County and Ormsby County ceased to exist. The people of Ormsby County probably didn’t mind because Ormsby County was named after Major William Ormsby, one of the original settlers of Carson City, who was killed along with seventy-five other white men in 1860, in an unsuccessful attempt to subdue a perceived uprising of Paiute people near Pyramid Lake, Nevada, which was at the time part of Utah Territory. (,_Nevada)


Would you like to live in a County named after a would-be mass murderer?


Well, if you live in Storey County you do.


Storey County is named for Captain Edward Farris Storey, who was also killed in 1860 in the Pyramid Lake War.,_Nevada


So it would be fitting to join The Consolidated Municipality of Carson City as the County formed by absorbing two other counties named for would-be mass murderers.


Jedidiah the Mad Prophet 



It looks like the County has been working with Mr. Berns on this for several years.


When Austin Osborne finally responded to my request for information (after stonewalling me for over a year) he admitted that something is going on but “There is a non-disclosure agreement that applies to certain matters as well.”  Click here.


Under NRS 239 Public Records that is not an acceptable response.


You may have read about Sam Toll’s experience trying to get information from Osborne.


Originally Lyon County was supposed to be the Opportunity Zone. Storey County stole it from them. What does being an Opportunity Zone mean? In May 2018 this Web site ( said:


Being part of an Opportunity Zone provides a tax incentive for investors to reinvest unrealized capital gains into low-income urban and rural communities. Many believe this program has significant potential to encourage the private investment of billions of dollars in low-income communities across the United States - it's important we get this right!


The money will be invested at TRI for TRI’s benefit. We are the reason that Storey County (population about 3,800) is a low-income community. Yet, we do not benefit from TRIC and we will not benefit from Storey County being an Opportunity Zone.


In McBride’s Farewell Address at the December 17, 2020 meeting of the BOC he said:


“The growth that’s happened in the industrial park in the last several years has just been phenomenal and I can’t stress how important it is that we continue with the growth in the industrial park. It gives us the tax base that we need in order to afford the services and supplies that Storey County provides our residents. Now, there’s a small tax base in Virginia City with the tourism but the industrial park is where it’s at.”


You can hear it here: . It starts at 3:02 .


McBride said, “It gives us the tax base that we need in order to afford the services and supplies that Storey County provides our residents.”


No, that is not true.


When TRI was built Storey County agreed to pay the costs of the infrastructure. (Usually the developer pays for their own damn roads.) Storey County didn’t have the money so TRI “loaned” the money to the County. All of the property tax from TRI goes to the County and the County sends it right back to repay the loan. The last I head the loan was still $40M. 


TRI is a huge tax loss to the County and all of us taxpaying citizens are paying for it.


In Storey County the corruption is open and unapologetic.


And now we have Mr. Berns/Blockchains Innovation Zone.


This was Sisolak’s idea (bought and paid for). The way they are doing it Storey County will not have a say in it. Not now, not ever.


The Commissioners could lobby against it, but I don’t think they will. They want it. All they have to do is to remain silent.


Since this will be done by a law passed by the legislature the only thing to do is to make your feelings known to our representatives.


1.  Our Assemblyman Jim Wheeler. From:



Leg Bldg Phone:  (775) 684-8843


P.O. Box 2135

Minden, NV 89423-2135  



2.  Our State Senator James Settlemeyer (He is also the Nevada Senate Minority Leader).





2388 Highway 395

Minden, NV 89423-8923


(No phone number listed)


Generally a written letter carries more weight than an email. Emails are too easy to delete.


Recording:        Filename                                         Size            Length

                          2021_0216.mp3                          42.0 MBytes   1:29:29


I am posting a separate file just for the Blockchains issue:

                          2021_0216_blockchains.mp3     3.9 MBytes     0:08:21


And then there was Item 11:


11.  DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action)


Storey County investment portfolio review presented by Morton Asset Management


This is an excellent discussion of investing for safety:

                  2021_0216-morton.mp3     7.5 MBytes   0:15:56


until the guy from Morton lamented that he could not legally invest the County’s money in BitCoins and real estate.

                  2021_0216-morton-bitcoins.mp3     592 MBytes     0:01:15


He might get his wish.


This story in the Nevada Independent appeared today:


Treasurer Zach Conine wants to prepare Nevada government agencies to accept the cryptocurrency Stablecoin as payment — although he insists his bill on the subject is unrelated to Blockchains LLC’s well-publicized proposal to create an entire “Innovation Zone” that secedes from the surrounding county and brings in tax revenue through a Stablecoin product.


Conine discussed the concept on Wednesday as SB39 at a hearing in the Senate Committee on Government Affairs, where he fielded a question about the polarizing Innovation Zone concept.




As previously reported in this newsletter, a PAC registered to Conine and his wife Layke has taken $60,000 from Blockchains LLC founder Jeff Berns. But it’s also not the first time Conine has tried his hand at solving byzantine monetary conundrums (see: his ongoing attempt to solve marijuana banking).  


Did Mr. Berns pay him in Federal Reserve Notes or in his cryptocurrency?


For SB39 click here.


If you want to know why investing in BitCoins is such a horrible idea see my Web site:




Commissioner Lance Gilman was not present at the meeting.


Wasn’t his computer working? Or even his phone?


Did he have something better to do?


Or was it because of his involvement with Blockchains?





February 2, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0202.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0202.pdf


Recording:        Filename                     Size            Length

                          2021_0202.mp3     51.4 MBytes   1:49:45


Minutes:   minutes_2021_0202.pdf





January 19, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0119.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0119.pdf


Recording:        Filename                     Size            Length

                          2021_0119_1.mp3    38.7 MBytes   1:22:34

                          2021_0119_2.mp3    12.3 MBytes   0:26:19


Minutes:       minutes_2021_0119.pdf


Part 2 of the meeting started with




Consideration of letters of interest for appointment of planning commissioners to serve a term representing Precinct 1 Virginia City District, Precinct 5 Virginia Gift Highlands District, and Storey County At-Large position on the Storey County Planning Commission.


This item in the Agenda Packet starts on PDF Page 107.


The Planning Department staff had interviewed all of the applicants except for the single applicant for Precinct 1 (Virginia City). They recommended that:


1.  The position for Precinct 1 (Virginia City) be held open until the single applicant was interviewed (or maybe get more applicants);


2.  Summer Pellet be reappointed as the Planning Commissioner for Precinct 5 (Virginia City Highlands);


3.  Larry Prater be reappointed as  the Planning Commissioner for the At Large position.


At the meeting the County Commissioners:


1.  Agreed that the position for Precinct 1 (Virginia City) be held open.


2.  Reappoint Summer Pellet for Precinct 5 (Virginia City Highlands).


3.  After all of the County Commissioners said nice things about Larry Prater who had been on the Planning Commission since 1998 they kicked him to the curb and appointed

James D. Umback to the At Large position.


Was it really because, as they said,  they wanted to give Lockwood (where Mr. Umback lives) representation?


You can listen to it here: 2021_0119_larry.mp3   (6.7 MBytes   0:14:17)


Or was it really because Larry had voted against the SUP for Stericycle?


That’s what I think.


It was at the August 6,  2020 meeting of the Storey County Planning Commission. The minutes of that meeting are here: pc_minutes_2020_0806.pdf .


The Stericycle SUP was approved by the County Commissioners at their August 18 meeting.


You can read about that here.



Marshall McBride is no longer a County Commissioner. But he was replaced by another Good ‘Ole Boy ( Clayton Mitchell).


With McBride gone he was replaced as Chairman by Commissioner Jay Carmona.


Unfortunately, Storey County is still a fish rotting from the head back.


We just have a different fish now.





January 5, 2021


Agenda:                      agenda_2021_0105.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2021_0105.pdf


Recording:        Filename                     Size            Length

                          2021_0105.mp3      44.1 MBytes   1:34:05


Minutes (Draft):    minutes_2021_0105.pdf





December 29, 2020


Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners


Agenda:  agenda_2020_1229.pdf


Recording:        Filename                       Size             Length

                          2020_1229.mp3          9.6 MBytes    0:20:26



Minutes (Draft):  minutes_draft_2020_1229.pdf


It is mostly about this:



Discussion and possible approval for District Attorney's Office to commence such action as that office sees fit to determine the status of all or part of Long Valley Road and to name as defendants/ respondents in such suit such person(s) as the District Attorney's Office believes to be most appropriate.


Staff Summary

Long Valley Road runs in a roughly north and south direction beginning in the south at its intersection with Lousetown Road with its terminus near Lockwood in the north. At present there has been a level of dispute as to the status of Long Valley Road, i.e., whether it is a public or private road. The dispute is becoming increasingly heated and a resolution to the dispute is needed. It is believed that the best way to resolve the dispute is to commence a civil action to have a court determine the status of that roadway. The purpose of this agenda item is to grant authorization to the District Attorney's office to commence that action.


Why couldn’t it have waited until the next regular meeting in January?


Or why couldn’t it have been done at the December 15 meeting?


Or why it has to be decided by a court other than to cost people money? Will it be the people themselves or one of the homeowners associations?


What is the County’s position? If it is a public road then the County might have to maintain it.


This is the discussion:


Recording:        Filename                                         Size             Length

                          2020_1229_long-valley.mp3      7.5 MBytes     0:16:00


Minutes:           minutes_2020_1230.pdf





December 15, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_1215.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_1215.pdf


Recording:        Filename                       Size           Length

                          2020_1215.mp3      77.4 MBytes    2:45:12


Minutes:           minutes_2020_1215.pdf


Commissioner (and Chairman) Marshall McBride’s Farewell Address






December 1, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_1201.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_1201.pdf


Recording:        Filename                       Size          Length

                          2020_1201.mp3     41.0 MBytes    1:27:31


The audio quality of the recordings was already poor. Now they have found a way to make it even worse. It sounds like it was recorded on a cell phone outside the courtroom near the elevator.


Minutes:     minutes_2020_1201.pdf





November 17, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_1117.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_1117.pdf


Recording:        Filename                       Size           Length

                          2020_1117.mp3       53.6 MBytes   1:54:26


Minutes:    minutes_2020_1117.pdf





November 16, 2020  (Monday at 4:30PM)


Consideration and possible approval of the canvass of election results

for the November 3, 2020 General Election held in and for Storey County, Nevada.


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_1116.pdf


Recording:        Filename                       Size          Length

                          2020_1116.mp3       2.8 MBytes      05:58


They approved the canvass of the election results.


Minutes:       minutes_2020_1116.pdf





November 2, 2020 (Monday)


Agenda:                 agenda_2020_1102.pdf


Agenda Packet:      agenda_packet_2020_1102.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size          Length

                          2020_1102.mp3     31.7 MBytes    1:07:37 


Minutes:       minutes_2020_1102.pdf





October 20, 2020


Agenda:                agenda_2020_1020.pdf


Agenda Packet:    agenda_packet_2020_1020.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size          Length

                          2020_1020.mp3      51.8 MBytes    1:50:25


Minutes:          minutes_2020_1020.pdf





Extra, Extra, Read All About It


Although this archive is mostly for the meetings of the Storey County Commissioners I sometimes post other documents as well. And sometimes I discuss them, too. This is such a time.


The Agenda Packet for the Storey County Planning Commission Meeting for Thursday, October 1, 2020 was posted on our community message board. For the Agenda Packet Click Here.


I found an item that was absolutely amazing. I saw it as a huge parting gift to County Commissioner and Mustang Ranch Brothel owner Lance Gilman in case he is not re-elected. And it shows why he should not be re-elected. I am posting the item here separately. Click Here. I posted my comments on our community message board. I have reworked it a little it for this archive. Click here.


I received an email from Sam Toll who gave me a copy of the letter he had sent to the Planning Commission. Click here. In it he asked that action on that agenda item be postponed “until the open criminal investigations into violations of the current land use and Brothel ordinances are resolved.”




To summarize, in 2017 Sam had filed a complaint with the Storey County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) about the apparent illegal use of land for a residence by Kris Thompson, who works for Gilman.  From Sam’s letter,


The SCSO did the investigation and concluded that Mr. Thompson was in violation of the Storey County Brothel and Zoning ordinances and forwarded these findings to the office of DA Langer. DA Langer requested that the Nevada Division of Investigations (NDI) do a separate investigation into both Kris Thompsons ordinance violations as well as my other criminal complaint against Lance Gilman for claiming that 5 Wild Horse Canyon was his primary residence when 199 Steptoe was listed as his primary residence in Washoe county.




The NDI returned their findings on both criminal complaints in December 2019 with the recommendation for prosecution. DA Langer sent these findings to the DAs of Washoe and Lyon Counties with a request for them to prosecute which they declined. DA Langer has yet to disposition these cases and so they remain open.


Sam said he was not legally allowed to post his copy of the report of the NDI findings.


So I filed a request with NDI under NRS Chapter 239 - Public Records for a copy of the findings. After an additional email exchange with Ms. Heidi Gordon of the Nevada Investigation Division I received them. The redactions appear to be the blank spaces.



18I000440_Case_Binder_Redacted_Jed.pdf  (33.9 MBytes)






And so, by posting them here they are now public and archived.


BTW, the Planning Commission did indeed remove the Gilman item from their agenda. Click Here.


Perhaps they realized that the Gilman Giveaway would give ammunition to the people who want all of Nevada’s brothels closed permanently. The ammunition is that it shows how the brothel business can corrupt a county’s government.


If you want more evidence why Gilman should not be re-elected you should listen to his “sixth official virtual town hall with Commissioner Gilman.”


The sixth official virtual town hall with Commissioner Gilman discussing the perils of social media, the importance of transparency, how Storey County commissioners are communicating with residents and more.


Don’t pay any attention to social media, except for his of course.


Gilman spends a lot of time defending Stericycle. He hasn’t changed my mind on the issue. I doubt that Blockchains (now the single largest property owner in Storey County) has changed their mind(s) either.


He also seems to be taking credit for the work that we (the grassroots citizens of Storey County) did in preventing Cordevista, Sunnyhills Ranchos, and the Monster BLM Wind Turbine Project from wrecking the County. He didn’t fight and win these battles. We did.


See the following:


It is funny that Gilman, who led the charge to starve the Sheriff’s Office of money and tried to get Sheriff Antinoro recalled is now in favor of securing the Sheriff’s Office budget. Politics indeed.


And when Gilman talks about the perils of social media he includes the Chinese and the Soviets (0:01:25). Perhaps Gilman should read the news (which he rails against) more often. Ever since the Soviet Union collapsed (officially ending in 1991) there have been no Soviets. They went back to being just the Russians again. It was the Russians who interfered with our 2016 elections (giving us Fake President Trump) and propose to do it again.





October 6, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_1006.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_1006.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size          Length

                          2020_1006.mp3         52.6 MBytes   1:52:02



Minutes:          minutes_2020_1006.pdf


The technical quality of the recording is worse than ever. It sounds like the audio for everyone is being played through a speaker and recorded by a microphone on the other side of the courtroom. (It used to be just the people participating by Zoom. Now it’s the Chairman, too.)




The Storey County Courthouse, built in 1876 after being destroyed in the great fire of 1875, is the state's oldest continuously operating courthouse. The courthouse boasts one of the few Lady of Justices in the country that is not blindfolded. Storey County chose to not blindfold her to communicate to its citizens that justice was not blind here.


The dimensions of the courtroom itself are basically a cube and the walls and ceiling are hard plaster. If you are sitting on the hard wooden benches in the public section you can barely make out what anyone is saying even with the sound reinforcement system. And that’s when people speak into the microphones which they often don’t do. That also assumes the person operating the system has all the microphones turned on which she sometimes doesn’t do.



And with the meetings now all conducted using Zoom many of those participating sound like they are using the microphones built-in to their laptops. County Manager Austin Osborne sounds like he is using a bad cell phone and is in his bathroom. That’s how crappy he sounds.


Even people on broadcast TV using lapel microphones sound bad. How do they manage to sound so crappy? They probably have their monitor close to them and are facing it straight-on so the sound is reflecting back and forth between them and the monitor. Or maybe their software is degrading the audio because it is more important to use their bandwidth to see them in HD video than be able to hear what they are saying.


If you are attending a virtual meeting and you want people to be able to make out what you are saying use a headset/microphone. If you are using a desktop or laptop PC get a headset/microphone with a USB interface.  If you use one with direct audio you should know that there are several standards for how they do the connectors. They can use two 3.5mm stereo connectors, one for input and one for output. Or they can use a single 3.5mm TRRS connector for both input and output.  When Apple was still using connectors they wired their TRRS connector differently so it would not be compatible with everyone else’s. My Android cell phone uses a 3.5mm TRRS connector. A USB headset/microphone with an OTG cable didn’t work with my Android phone.


Last Spring when people realized there was a deadly global Covid-19 plague starting, there was a run on toilet paper and cleaning supplies. (As I write this Walmart still has a problem keeping toilet bowl cleaner on the shelves.)


But that’s not all. With practically all meetings going virtual there was also a run on Web cams and headset/microphones. Since the deadly global Covid-19 plague is not going to end anytime soon, if you don’t already have a Web cam and headset/microphone get them now. I am using a Logitech H390 Headset/Microphone and a Logitech C615 Web Cam with good results.


So, Good Luck and stay safe.


JM out.





September 15, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0915.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0915.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size          Length

                          2020_0915.mp3        38.6 MBytes  1:22:20


Minutes:          minutes_2020_0915.pdf





September 1, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0901.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0901.pdf


Recording:        Filename                        Size          Length

                          2020_0901.mp3       38.1 MBytes   1:21:11


Minutes:         minutes_2020_0901.pdf





August 18, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0818.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0818.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size           Length

                          2020_0818.mp3     57.1 MBytes    2:01:48


Agenda Item 21 was:



Special Use Permit 2020-021 request by the applicant Stericycle, Inc., to construct and operate a medical and other special waste incinerator facility. The project has the potential to provide generation of excess power, which is considered an “electric or gas generating plant” which is also subject to a special use permit. The subject property is located at 1655 Milan Drive, Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center, McCarran, Storey County, Nevada, a portion of Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 005-111-73.


This is an important issue for Storey County especially if you live in Lockwood/Rainbow Bend, work at TRIC, work at or patronize Commissioner Gilman’s Mustang Ranch Brothel, or end up living in Painted Rock, Elon Musk’s proposed dormitories for his workers, or Mr. Berns’ proposed Colossal Smart City.


The discussion took place from 0:53:01 to 1:40:38 and I have also posted the discussion as a separate file.   2020_0818_stericycle.mp3 .  Size: 22.3 MBytes   Length: 0:47:36


Will Stericycle ask the Nevada Governor for tax abatements (just like Tesla got and which those of us who actually pay taxes will pay for)?  Yes


Will Stericycle take advantage of Storey County’s designation as an Opportunity Zone?

I think they said probably yes.


Public Comments for this issue start at 0:30:22 in the separate file.


The Board of Commissioners voted to approve the Special Use Permit.

McBride: Aye

Carmona: Aye

Gilman:  Abstain (because it is at TRIC).


The real debate took place at the August 6, 2020 meeting of the Planning Commission. They spent a lot of time on it. This is that segment. pl_2020-0806_stericycle.mp3

37.4 MBytes; 1:19:42 .


For the Agenda Packet Click here. There are several Supplements.


Supplement 1:  Click here.


Supplement 2:  Click here.  Opposition to Stericycle by Blockchains (17 page letter along with 318 pages of background information.)


Supplement 3: Click here.  Not about Stericycle. It was about Tiny Homes . It appears to be Agenda Item 8.  


Supplement 4: Click here. Opposition (to Stericycle) by Sierra Springs Opportunity Fund CEO Corrado DeGasperis. Corrado is also the CEO of Comstock Mining.


A company that was entirely silent on the issue was Elon Musk’s Tesla. Musk is planning on building a Giga dormitory for his Gigafactory workers.  You would think he would be concerned for the health of his workers (and future residents).


The Planning Commission approved Stericycle’s SUP.  Was it because Stericycle contacted several members of the Planning Commission ex parte? (Planning Commissioner Prater was the only one who voted against it.)


Blockchains is really opposed to Stericycle’s medical waste incinerator. I wonder if they will sue the County over this. If they do, they have made a good case that the County’s approval does not follow the County’s Master Plan. That is the best way to challenge a County’s zoning decisions. When Cordevista sued Storey County for refusing to issue a SUP, Judge Miriam Shearing said, in effect, that it is not the Court’s role to be a Super Planning Commission. Counties have the right to decide their own future if they have a Master Plan. If they have a Master Plan then the Courts must allow the County to follow it. Storey County’s Master Plan does not allow for huge master planned communities like Cordevista was going to be. Apparently, it does allow for the Painted Rock project. (But I don’t see how it would allow for Tesla’s Giga Dormitories.)


What I take away from this whole thing is that Storey County continues to be a fish rotting from the head back.




Addendum: Stericyle has come to Storey County with unclean hands.


“After a decade of violations, fires, explosions, leaks, promises, and direct danger to employees and public safety, California says enough to Stericycle and their Rancho Cordova incinerator.”


See Sam Toll’s story in The StoreyTeller:


Minutes:     minutes_2020_0818.pdf





August 4, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0804.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0804.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size            Length

                          2020_0804.mp3       45.4 MBytes    1:36:51


Minutes:    minutes_2020_0804.pdf





July 21, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0721.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0721.pdf


Recording:        Filename                      Size            Length

                         2020_0721.mp3      34.3 MBytes    1:13:12     


Minutes:      minutes_2020_0721.pdf





July 7, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0707.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0707.pdf


Recording:       Filename                      Size            Length

                         2020_0707.mp3      66.8 MBytes   2:22:27


Minutes:      minutes_2020_0707.pdf





June 17, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0617.pdf




Consideration and possible action, approve the final canvass of the June 9, 2020 Primary Election results in and for Storey County, Nevada.


Recording:       Filename                      Size            Length

                         2020_0617.mp3       2.0 MBytes      04:15


Of particular interest to me is:


County Commissioner District 1 (Republican)

Clay Mitchell:         478

Marshall McBride:  308

Lee Nashold:             64


County Commissioner District 3 (Democrat)

Philip A. Hilton:     189

Anne Simons:         166


The full results are in the Agenda above.


For the list of candidates who filed for the Primary click here.


As a result the faceoff in the November election will be:


County Commissioner District 1 (Virginia City and Gold Hill):

Clay Mitchell (Republican)

Sam Toll (Libertarian)


County Commissioner District 3 (TRIC):

Philip A. Hilton (Democrat)

Lance Gilman (Republican)


Although Marshall McBride lost in the Primary he will continue to serve as County Commissioner (and presumably Chairman) until the new Board takes office in January 2021.


Minutes:      minutes_draft_2020_0617.pdf





June 16, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0616.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0616.pdf


Recording:       Filename                         Size           Length

                         2020_0616.mp3       57.3 MBytes      2:02:11


Minutes:      minutes_2020_0616.pdf





June 2, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0602.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0602.pdf


Recording:       Filename                                   Size           Length

                         2020_0602.mp3                  40.8MByte s    1:27:02


There is an agenda item that shows why Storey County is a fish rotting from the head back.



Move general "Public Comment" toward the beginning and end of each agenda of the Board of Storey County Commissioners until further notice.


The discussion of this item runs from 0:54:06 to 1:01:32. I have copied it to a separate file:  2020_0602_agenda_11_public-comment.mp3 .  (3.5 MBytes, 7:26 minutes)


Chairman McBride starts off by saying that this is an item that he has been talking over with the County Manager for awhile and that he wanted to give some history. [The County Manager is Austin Osborne, did he forget his name?]


“In previous meetings we used to be able to answer questions during public comment up till we had several members of the public who would meet outside and organize before the meeting to inundate the Board with questions and criticism for either personal or political reasons always looking for the Gotcha moment and taking up an enormous amount of time. Now this is when we have a lot of other government agencies here or people doing business that want to move on and get through the agenda but we were always dealing with these issues so I believe that with proper explanation on how public comment will be heard and asking that it not become argumentative or confrontational we can once again somewhere at the beginning of the meeting as well as at the end of the meeting as we currently do.


The public comment portion of the meeting is for anyone to comment on anything they would like to talk about that is not currently on the day’s agenda, as the Board takes comments on any actionable item at the time it is being heard. We limit those items to three minutes. If someone has a question about items on the agenda they can contact whichever department is responsible prior to the meeting. County Clerk Stephens posts the meeting’s agenda approximate one week before a regularly scheduled meeting and three days before a special meeting giving ample time for the public to review the agenda. So, with saying that, if we can keep everybody, you know, calm, and not get back into this argumentative sect(?) that we were before, I think we can go forward with this.


The alternative is, well there are two alternatives. Either we leave things the way they are or we put the public comment back towards the beginning of the meeting and if we start having outbursts like we had in the past we simply eliminate it again.


So with that said I’d like to go to my fellow Commissioners and see what your thoughts are on this. How about I go back to Commissioner Gilman first.


With Chairman McBride’s comments the Storey County Board of Commissioners has become a fact-free undemocratic body.


McBride said, “In previous meetings we used to be able to answer questions during public comment up till we had several members of the public who would meet outside and organize before the meeting to inundate the Board with questions and criticism for either personal or political reasons always looking for the Gotcha moment and taking up an enormous amount of time.”


1.  It is a fundamental right of the American people to meet with others of like mind and work together to change public policy.


If it is a conspiracy to do that, then the two main examples of these conspiracies are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.


You do not have to be a major political party to have that right. You do not even have to be a minor political party to have that right. Every citizen has that right. You have that right (but not according to McBride). Here is an example.


When the Cordevista issue came up the Planning Commission gave every indication they were going to approve it. After all, no one had opposed the Painted Rock project. (And both Painted Rock and Cordevista had the same attorney: Mark Amodei.) But a bunch of us came to the several meetings where Cordevista was on the agenda to express our opposition to it. We then got together as a grass roots group to oppose it. We even had some meetings. We were not a conspiracy. We were democracy in action. We changed the Planning Commission’s mind and they rejected the project. I blogged the Cordevista matter at . (Although Cordevista has been forgotten, it is not gone.)


2.  If you say something that Chairman McBride doesn’t want to hear then he will characterize your comments as argumentative or confrontational. Maybe even an “outburst.” Don’t ask him questions that he does not want to answer.


Argument and confrontation is how democracy works. What McBride is really saying is that he intends to continue to run the meetings of the Board of Commissioners the same way the Central People's Government of the People’s Republic of China runs their meetings.


3.  Mcbride didn’t say who was conspiring to waste the Board’s time, especially “when we have a lot of other government agencies here or people doing business here that want to move on and get through the agenda.”


It is extremely rare for meetings to have government agencies or people doing business here on the agenda.  All you have to do is look at the agendas I have posted here for the past 7+ years.


And on the rare times when government agencies or people doing business here do come to a meeting why should their business take priority over the People’s business?


Isn’t it an amazing coincidence that McBride has come up with this exactly a week before the primary?  And then he screwed it up by insulting the people of Storey County who actually care about Storey County.


McBride’s history of the issue is fake. McBride’s interest in transparency is fake.


Minutes:      minutes_2020_0602.pdf





May 19, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0519.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0519.pdf


There is an agenda item that I find especially interesting:



Regarding Resolution No. 20-576 Granting the Storey County Jeep Posse the sum of $10,000.00 for the purpose of renovating the historic Ice House on Toll Road in Virginia City, Nevada and for providing assistance to sick and injured persons in the community in need of such financial assistance.


Wait a minute. In the September 3, 2019 meeting of the Storey County Board of Commissioners they said:


The Jeep Posse desires the 99 year lease as they are proposing to invest substantial sums for the repair and rehabilitation of the Ice House building.


Now asking the County for the money for the repair and maintenance of the Ice House. They obtained the new 99 year lease under false pretenses and it should be voided.


For resolution 20-576 which cites NRS 372.2361(5) click here.


WHEREAS, Storey County Jeep Posse desires to obtain a grant from Storey County in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for the purposes of restoring the historic ice house building which is available for public and charitable events and for providing financial assistance to sick or injured persons in need of financial assistance in the Virginia City Gold Hill communities; and.


They do not specify what maintenance they propose to do and what the breakdown costs are. They lump it in with giving financial assistance to sick or injured persons. How does one qualify for such assistance? And when was the last time the Jeep Posse made the historic ice house building available for a public event?


WHEREAS, the Storey County Jeep Posse is a Nevada corporation for public benefit operating in the Stale of Nevada which otherwise appears to qualify as a charitable organization authorized to receive grants from the County for a public purpose: and,


{Emphasis added}


They have to say appears because they don’t know.


Storey County is not even able to produce the supposed lease that they claim the Jeep Posse had. For that story see my Web site for the Storey County Jeep Posse:


The Jeep Posse does not make its membership list public. They don’t make anything public. For all we know the County Commissioners are members and the purpose of the grant is to buy the beer and liquor the members of the Jeep Posse drink at their meetings.


The resolution says Legal Review Required and is initialed KL. Presumably that is Deputy District Attorney Keith Loomis.


If Anne Langer was a real District Attorney she would fire Loomis and have a forensic accountant examine the Jeep Posse’s books.


The Jeep Posse is a secret society that does not allow women to become members. (Some women like to drink, too.)


The Storey County Commissioners should not be giving money to a private group that does not provide a public accounting of its use of the money.


The Commissioners have great timing, doing this right before the Primary election.


Recording:       Filename                                       Size           Length

                         2020_0519.mp3                      60.4 MBytes    2:08:54


The Jeep Posse item was discussed at 0:35:20 to 0:44:01. I have reproduced it separately here.

                         jeep-posse_2020_0519.mp3   4.1 MBytes  0:08:40


Nicole Barde asked if she could get an audited accounting of how the Jeep Posse spent last’s year’s $10K grant. Commissioner McBride blew her off by suggesting she ask the Jeep Posse. 


Deputy District Attorney Keith Loomis said he did not know of any statute that required that a non-profit organization that received public money account for how they use it.


This was the final vote:


Commissioner McBride: Yes


Commissioner Gilman:   Yes


Commissioner Carmona:  Abstain


Commissioner Carmona had recused himself because on the previous day he had been informed that his college-bound daughter had received a scholarship from the Jeep Posse.


This is Storey County where the corruption is done openly and unashamedly.


Minutes:     minutes_2020_0519.pdf





May 6, 2020


Agenda:          agenda_2020_0506.pdf


Storey County Mitigation and Re-opening Plan (Letter to Governor Sizolak)  2020_0506_plan.pdf


Recording:       Filename                                    Size           Length

                         2020_0506.mp3                   29.1 MBytes    1:02:04


In the movies, sometimes the movie isn’t really about what it appears to be about. What it appears to be about is called a “McGuffin”. An example is the 1941 classic film “The Maltese Falcon” starring Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, and Elisha Cook Jr. They were some of the most popular actors of their generation. And it was directed by the legendary John Huston.


The Maltese Falcon appears to be about chasing the Falcon. But what it is really about is  the loyalty you owe your partner. If you are so young that you haven’t seen it, then you really should see it.


There is a segment in the May 6 meeting that I want to bring to your attention. It runs from 45:39 - 50:16 . I am posting it also as a separate file.  

                         2020_0506_nutshell.mp3    2.2 MBytes      4:36


It appears to be about the Storey County Mitigation and Re-opening Plan which is a letter to Nevada Governor Sizolak about reopening Commissioner Lance Gilman’s Mustang Ranch Brothel ( and the Bucket of Blood Saloon owned by Commissioner (and Chairman) Marshall McBride’s family  (


It’s a McGuffin.


It is really about how Storey County Government actually operates.


Storey County’s stated policy of transparency is a joke.


Storey County is not a democracy.


Storey County is not run for the benefit of its residents.


Storey County is a fish rotting from the head back.


Minutes (Draft) Part 1:    minutes_draft_2020_0506-1.pdf


Minutes (Draft) Part 2:    minutes_draft_2020_0506-2.pdf


Minutes:                           minutes_2020_0506.pdf





May 5, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0505.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0505.pdf   (174.5 MBytes)


Contained in the agenda packet is the 2020 Hazardous Mitigation Plan (84.4 MBytes)

For the Plan click here.


Recording:       Filename                      Size              Length

                         2020_0505.mp3        53.3 MBytes    1:53:47


Minutes:        minutes_2020_0505.pdf





April 21, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0421.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0421.pdf


Recording:       Filename                      Size              Length

                         2020_0421.mp3        54.4 MBytes    1:56:02


Minutes:     minutes_2020_0421.pdf





April 9, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0409.pdf


Agenda Amended:      agenda_amended_2020_0409.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0409.pdf


Recording:       Filename                      Size             Length

                         2020_0409.mp3      37.6 MBytes     1:20:14   


Minutes:    minutes_2020_0409.pdf





April 7, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0407.pdf


Agenda Amended:      agenda_amended_2020_0407.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0407.pdf


Tentative Budget:       2020_0407_Tentative_Budget.pdf  (83 MBytes)


Recording:       Filename                        Size            Length

                         2020_0407.mp3      32.7 MBytes      1:09:40


Minutes:    minutes_2020_0407.pdf





March 17, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0317.pdf


Agenda Packet:          agenda_packet_2020_0317.pdf


Storey County Capital Improvement Plan:   storey_cip_2020_0317.pdf


Regular Meeting

Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0317_1.mp3       25.4 MBytes   0:54:05


Emergency Meeting

Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0317_2.mp3       20.5 MBytes   0:43:46


My Notes:


1.  At the Regular meeting Sam Toll (Editor and Publisher of the Storeyteller: summarized his experiences with the Storey County policy of “transparency”.  Chairman McBride didn’t want to hear it and ordered him to wrap it up. Listen here: 2020_0317_transparency.mp3 .


2.  At the emergency meeting the County downplayed the seriousness of the Covid19 crisis. Three days later Nevada Governor Sisolak made things clearer for them.




“Previously, I asked non-essential businesses to close their doors to the public. I am no longer asking them to do that,” he said. “I am directing all non-essential businesses to close. I repeat. If you are NOT an essential business, I am using my power as Governor under an emergency declaration to order you to close. I am signing a new emergency directive, the third I’ve signed since declaring a state of emergency.”


Also see:


The Governor includes as a “non-essential” business “Brothels and houses of prostitution”. County Commissioner Lance Gilman had to close his Mustang Ranch Brothel.


Minutes:    minutes_2020_0317.pdf


Minutes of Special Meeting:  minutes_special_2020_0317.pdf





February 18, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0218.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0218.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0218.mp3        46.6 MBytes       1:39:36


Minutes:     minutes_2020_0218.pdf





February 4, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0204.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0204.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0204.mp3      25.1 MBytes         0:53:30


Minutes:    minutes_2020_0204.pdf





January 21, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2020_0121.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2020_0121.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0121_1.mp3      146 KBytes       0:00:18

                         2020_0121_2.mp3     38.8 MBytes      1:22:48


At the meeting they talked about the County’s new Mission/Vision Statement being worked on by Consultant Linda Ritter. This is the good part, where Commissioner Gilman talks about the need for the County to be accessible and transparent. It is at the end of the segment that goes from 0:46:08 to 0:47:40. You can listen to that segment here: 2020_0121_3_transparency.mp3 .


Transparency. Really?


Is that why Storey County does not live-stream the audio of its meetings of the Board of Commissioners?


Is that why Storey County does not post the recordings of the meetings of the Board of Commissioners on the County Web site?


Is that why, unless their policy has recently changed, Storey County throws out the recordings of the Board of Commissioners after one year because the Nevada NRS allows them to?


Fortunately, the NRS also requires them to provides copies of the recordings to residents who ask for them.


That is how I get them. I strip the audio from the WMV files and process them to improve the intelligibility . (That means the technical quality, not the content.)


Frankly, I would rather spend my time on others things. Like this:


And regarding Commissioner McBride calling Sam Toll’s The Teller “Fake News”.


Well, the fish rots from the head back, doesn’t it? If you need it explained, I have just compared Commissioner McBride to a member of Salvelinus confluentus. And no, that is not the secret Latin name for the secret society popularly known as the Jeep Posse (  At least I don’t think it is.


The term “Fake News” was invented by Norm MacDonald when he did Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live in the 1990s.

If he had registered it as a trademark he would have made a fortune on it in recent years.   


P.S. - It is obvious that the Earth is not flat. If the Earth were flat, cats would have pushed everything off of it by now.



Minute:   minutes_2020_0121.pdf





January 7, 2020


Agenda:                      agenda_2010_0107.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2010_0107.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size               Length

                         2020_0107.mp3        27.2 MBytes       0:58:01


Minutes:   minutes_2020_0107.pdf





December 17, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1217.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1217.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size                 Length

                         2019_1217.mp3        14.0 MBytes         0:47:53


Minutes:    minutes_2019_1217.pdf  





December 4, 2019

Special Meeting at 8:00AM


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1204.pdf



Approval of proposed settlement agreement in the case of Melanie Keener v. Gerald Antinoro and Storey County Case No. 2:17-cv-00498-RCJ-VPC pending in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada.


Spoiler Alert:  They approved it.


Recording:       Filename                        Size                 Length

                         2019_1204.mp3        2.0 MBytes           06:50


Minutes:  minutes_2019_1204.pdf





December 3, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1203.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1203.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size                 Length

                         2019_1203.mp3          23.4 MBytes      1:19:48


Minutes:  minutes_2019_1203.pdf





November 19, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1119.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1119.pdf


Recording:       Filename                        Size                 Length


                         2019_1119_1.mp3      626 KBytes        0:02:08


                         2019_1119_2.mp3      25.6 MBytes      1:27:00


                         2019_1119_3.mp3      26.9 MByres      1:31:45


At this meeting the Board of Commissioners approved a new 5-year contract with Waste Management to remain as Storey County’s garbage collector. This agenda item begins at 25:30 of Part 2 and was approved at about 18:50 of Part 3.


The updated agreement is no longer available at:


This seems to be where it is:


For a local copy Click Here.


This agreement was approved without sending it out for bid which appears to be a violation of NRS 332.039:


NRS 332.039  Advertisements or requests for bid on contract.


1.  Except as otherwise provided by specific statute:


(a) A governing body or its authorized representative shall advertise all contracts for which the estimated annual amount required to perform the contract exceeds $50,000.


Well, this is Storey County, so what else is new?


Also, at the beginning of the item Commissioner Gilman recused himself saying it was at the suggestion of Storey County District Attorney (Anne Langer). He gave no other explanation.


1.  Does Commissioner Gilman have a direct financial interest in the Waste Management Company?


2.  Is Commissioner Gilman’s financial interest in the contract as a business owner any different than Commissioner McBride’s interest as a business owner? Commissioner Gilman owns the Mustang Ranch Brothel ( Commissioner McBride’s family owns the Bucket of Blood Saloon (


3.  Is Commissioner Gilman’s financial interest in the contract as a resident of Storey County any different than Commissioner Carmona’s interest as a resident? Commissioner Gilman claims that he lives at the Mustang Ranch Brothel with Kris Thompson (one of Storey County’s Planning Commissioners) in a double-wide behind the pool.


Minutes:  minutes_2019_1119.pdf





November 5, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1105.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1105.pdf


Recording:       Filename                     Size                 Length

                         2019_1105.mp3       44.4 MBytes         2:31:32


Minutes:         minutes_2019_1105.pdf





October 15, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1015.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1015.pdf


Recording:       Filename                     Size                 Length

                         2019_1015.mp3       6.7 MBytes         0:22:56


Minutes:         minutes_2019_1015.pdf





October 1, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_1001.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_1001.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_1001.mp3     29.9 MBytes        1:41:48


Minutes:         minutes_2019_1001.pdf





September 17, 2019


Agenda:                                  agenda_2019_0917.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2019_0917.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_0917_1.mp3        35 KBytes     0:00:08

                        2019_0917_2.mp3    14.7 MBytes     1:02:33


Minutes:      minutes_2019_0917.pdf





September 3, 2019


Agenda:                             agenda_2019_0903.pdf


Agenda Packet:                  agenda_packet_2019_0903.pdf

Agenda Packet Updated:   agenda_packet_2019_0903_updated.pdf


Proposed new Jeep Posse Lease:  agenda_packet_2019_0903_jeep-posse_updated.pdf


There are two agenda items that have caught my attention:



A.  Agenda Item #9:


9.  DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration and possible approval of 99 year lease of the Ice House and associated real property to the Storey County Jeep Posse for an annual rent of $1.


The information in the Agenda Packet is as follows (PDF pages 95 and 96):


5.  Staff summary:  The  Storey County Jeep Posse has requested that the County grant it a 99 year lease as to the Ice House and associated real property for an annual rent of $1.  Pursuant to NRS 244.284 the County is authorized to lease county owned land to a corporation for public benefit for up to 99 years on such terms and conditions as to the Board seems proper. The Storey County Jeep Posse does qualify as a corporation for public benefit as that term is defined in NRS 82.021. The Jeep Posse desires the 99 year lease as they are proposing to invest substantial sums for the repair and rehabilitation of the Ice House building. They do not want to invest the sums unless they are assured that they will have possession of the building for a lengthy period of time.


6.  Supporting materials: Proposed Lease; NRS 244.284




According to NRS 82.021:


NRS 82.021  “Corporation for public benefit” defined.  “Corporation for public benefit” is a corporation formed or existing pursuant to this chapter that:


1.  Is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in effect on October 1, 1991, future amendments to that section and the corresponding provisions of future internal revenue laws; or


2.  Is organized for a public or charitable purpose and which upon dissolution must distribute its assets to the United States, a state, or a person which is recognized as exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as amended.


      (Added to NRS by 1991, 1256; A 1993, 990)




1.  How has the County benefitted from the Jeep Posse’s activities for, say. the past five years? I want specific examples. A specific example would be like:


July 4, 2019: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Rescued a cat stuck in the tree next to the pool at the Mustang Ranch Brothel. Cat was rescued safely and the Mustang Ranch showed its gratitude in an appropriate manner.


2.  I would like a list of the members of the Jeep Posse. It must include any “honorary” members. The list must be submitted by an individual in an affidavit signed and notarized under penalty of perjury. This is so we can determine if any of the County Commissioners or other elected officials (or their friends) stand to gain personally from this blatant act of corruption. The President of the Jeep Posse refused to provide me with the list. Thus, the Jeep Posse is a secret society.


3.  The Jeep Posse has been in the Ice House for many years. If it needs so much work then the Jeep Posse has been negligent in maintaining it.


4.  And 99 years? That is ridiculous. If the Board of Commissioners approves this travesty then the next several generations of Storey County taxpayers will revile the names of the Commissioners who approve it: Lance Gilman, Marshall McBride, and Jay Carmona.




B.   Agenda Item #11




Consideration and possible award of fuel contract to lowest and most responsive  bidders as follows:


- Fuel contract award to Carson Valley Oil at rack rate plus $0.12 per gallon for Storey County  Public Works and rack rate plus $0.15 per gallon for Virginia City  Highlands fire station.


- Fuel Contract award to Interstate Oil at rack rate plus $0.08 for fire station in Lockwood and Government Center in TRI


- Propane contract award to Ferrellgas at $0.32 per gallon to County over BPN TARGA price in San Francisco; $0.50 per gallon for County employees over BPN TARGA price in San Francisco; and $0.60 per gallon for Storey County residents over BPN TARGA price in San Francisco.




From the Agenda Packet PDF page 103 - 114 (Click here).


“ Only one bid was received for propane delivery from our current supplier, Ferrellgas.”


1. Where was this request for bids posted?


2.  Were any of the propane companies contacted to tell them of the request for bids?


Recording:      Filename                            Size              Length

                    2019_0903_1.mp3   11.8 MBytes   0:50:27

                    2019_0903_2.mp3    5.1 MBytes    0:21:46


Minutes:   minutes_2019_0903.pdf


The segment for the Jeep Posse lease which they approved with some changes is in Part 1 from 16:37 - 44:29: I have made a separate file for it:


                       Filename                                  Size           Length

                   2019_0903_posse.mp3   6.5 MBytes  0:27:52


I asked Vanessa Stephens (Storey County Clerk & Treasurer) for a copy of the old lease, the lease that was being “corrected”. She gave me this: click here. It is obviously not a lease.


I asked her again. She said that the document she sent me is the only Ice House document she has. I will assume she meant the Jeep Posse lease that I asked for and the County is not playing a game (keep-away) with me.


I asked Storey County Manager Austin Osborne for a copy of the previous Jeep Posse lease, the one that was “corrected”. He gave me the 1974 lease (click here) and the same payment document that Vanessa gave me (click here). He called it the lease agreement which it is obviously not. For his email click here.


Then I received an email from Keith Loomis, Storey County Deputy District Attorney:


Your inquiry regarding the 1992 lease with the Jeep Posse was routed to this office for a response. To this point, the County has been unable to locate a 99 year lease with the Jeep Posse. There are references to the existence of the lease made in the minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on April 15, 2014. There is also the receipt from Kathy Hilton former Storey County Clerk Treasurer dated October 6, 1992, which recites the existence of the lease. The lease itself has not been found.


Click here.


You can read the minutes of the April 15, 2014 meeting of the Board of Commissioners yourself. Click here.  The issues raised in that meeting have still not been addressed, even the matter of who gets the income from the cell tower lease.  And the Commissioners knew even in 2014 that they did not have a copy of the alleged 1992 lease. The issues were swept under the rug in 2014 just as they are being swept under the rug now.


Note that at one point then County Manager Pat Whitten says, “I am a proud member of the Jeep Posse since 1994.”  Conflict of Interest, anyone?


So, there you have it. I was right. The County does not have a copy of the 1992 lease that was just “corrected.”


But at 24:58 of the segment of the Commissioners’ meeting devoted to the Jeep Posse lease Commissioner Lance Gilman referred to the existing lease, “We have an existing lease.”  At 25:50 of the segment, Chairman Marshall McBride also referred to the existing lease.


Well, since the County does not have a copy of it, and the Jeep Posse does not have a copy of it (or refuses to provide it) I don’t see how there was an existing lease and the new “corrected” lease,  is a sham.


How can they “correct” a lease that they don’t have a copy of? Are they doing this from memory? That does not fly legally. What is in the old lease that they don’t want people to see? Are they hiding misconduct, especially criminal misconduct? Making the new lease retroactive does not cure misconduct, especially criminal misconduct.


There are at least two more issues.


1. The 1974 lease (click here) contains the statement:


12.  The parties hereto agree that the premises shall be used for charitable and civic purposes only and that the said premises shall not be used for any private or personal use, pursuant to the requirements of NRS 244.284.


If the 1992 lease contains this same statement it could be trouble for the GOBs (Good Old Boys). We don’t know because the County does not have a copy of the alleged 1992 lease.


The new lease says only:


2.  Use of Premises. Jeep Posse will utilize the premises for charitable or civic purposes throughout the term of the lease.


The 1974 lease refers to NRS 244.284. I looked it up. It does not include the part about “shall not be used for any private or personal use, pursuant to the requirements of NRS 244.284.” So I looked up the amendments over the years.


(Added to NRS by 1963, 690; A 1969, 218; 1975, 571; 2001, 1710; 2003, 918)


I discovered something interesting. Up until the 2003 amendment the maximum term of a lease was 30 years, not 99 years. Click here for that. The alleged 99 year 1992 lease was invalid. That assumes there was one, in writing.


If the 1992 Payment Document is authentic it refers to an illegal lease. A legal lease would have run out in 2022.


The 1974 lease also contains a list of members. I asked the Jeep Posse President (Casey Kelly) for the Jeep Posse membership list and for their financial statements for the past five years. He refused. Thus, the Jeep Posse is a secret society.


The issue was discussed that the Jeep Posse does not allow women to be members. At

14:43 of the segment, Jeep Posse President Casey Kelly spoke. He said that there is nothing in the bylaws prohibiting woman from joining, and that people who are asked to join the group are asked by current members. From that I conclude that the Jeep Posse is a secret society that has never asked a woman to join the group. It doesn’t matter that it isn’t in the bylaws (which I doubt we will ever see). This illustrates the difference between de jure discrimination and de facto discrimination. The fact is that they do not allow woman to join their tax-supported secret society.







August 20, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0820.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0802.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length


                        2019_0820_1.mp3     3.5 MBytes      0:14:52


                        2019_0820_2.mp3     24.5 MBytes   1:44:39


The subject of Blockchains LLC came up. Since they own 34% of the land in Storey County we should pay attention when their name comes up in meetings of the Board of Commissioners. It happens at 1:26:55 of part 2 of the meeting. I have also posted that segment separately:  2019_0820_blockchains.mp3 .


Because of their importance I am keeping a blog of sorts about them on my Web site. When I heard that Mr. Berns plans to build a huge “Smart City” in my county I figured his “Smart City” would need a Homeowners Association. I wondered if he had thought that far ahead. He hadn’t, so I am the owner of .


Minutes:         minutes_2019_0820.pdf





August 6, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0806.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0806.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_0806.mp3      25.4 MBytes        1:48:19


Minutes:      minutes_2019_0816.pdf





July 23, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0723.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0723.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_0723.mp3        1.9 MBytes        0:08:16


Minutes:       minutes_2019_0723.pdf





July 2, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0702.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0702.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_0702_1.mp3      14.4 MBytes   1:01:29

                        2019_0702_2.mp3      20.4 MBytes   1:26:55

                        2019_0702_3.mp3      4.0 MBytes     0:17:01


Minutes:       minutes_2019_0702.pdf





June 18, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0618.pdf


Agenda Packet            agenda_packet_2019_0618.pdf  (230 MBytes)


Proposed sweetheart contract for Pat Whitten (outgoing County Manager):



Pat Whitten is PAW Professional Services (not a big secret):



It has been continued to the next meeting.


Recording:      Filename                     Size               Length

                        2019_0618_1.mp3     22.8 MBytes    1:37:18


                        2019_0618_2.mp3     33.8 MBytes    2:24:06


Minutes (Draft):   minutes_2019_0608.pdf





June 4, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0604.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0604.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size               Length

                        2019_0604.mp3      27.3 MBytes      1:56:23


Minutes:   minutes_2019_0604.pdf





May 21, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0521.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0521.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2019_0521_1.mp3      21.4 MBytes    2:01:28

                        2019_0521_2.mp3       4.0 MBytes     0:22:38

                        2019_0521_3.mp3        88  KBytes     0:00:29 


Minutes:    minutes_2019_0521.pdf





May 7, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0507.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0507.pdf


Recording:      Filename                 Size                   Length

                        2019_0507.mp3      28.7 MBytes      2:43:13


Minutes:    minutes_2019_0507.pdf





April 16, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0416.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0416.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size               Length

                        2019_0416_1.mp3       22.2 MBytes     2:06:07

                        2019_0416_2.mp3         6.3 MBytes     0:35:38


The Storey County Commissioners chose Austin Osborne (International Man of Mystery and Planning) as the new County Manager. Is anyone surprised by that?


Minutes:    minutes_2019_0416.pdf





April 2, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0402.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0402.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2019_0402_1.mp3     19.7 MBytes    1:52:06   

                        2019_0402_2.mp3     12.2 MBytes    1:09:19


Minutes:     minutes_2019_0402.pdf





March 19, 2019  - This is the meeting where the candidates for the job of new County Manager are interviewed in public by the County Commissioners.


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0319.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0319.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2019_0319_1.mp3     23.4 MBytes   2:13:05   Ron Knecht starts at 1:04:34

                        2019_0319_2.mp3      9.6 MBytes    0:54:37   Austin Osborne

                        2019_0319_3.mp3      7.4 MBytes    0:41:56   Marena Works

                        2019_0319_4.mp3      7.3 MBytes    0:41:44   Epilogue


Minutes:  minutes_2019_0319.pdf





February 19, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0219.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0219.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2019_0219.mp3           16.5 MBytes    1:33:44


Minutes:  minutes_2019_0219.pdf





February 5, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0205.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0205.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2019_0205.mp3        23.0 MBytes     2:11:15



Cell Phone Service in the Highlands


Starting at about 0:21:00   2019_0205_att-cell.mp3    276 KBytes  0:01:33


Peter Renaud of Community Development reported that he had inspected the new AT&T cell phone installation and everything passed. “Everything’s up and running” although “AT&T had some bugs to work out.”


Chairman McBride commented that, “I know they’re all excited about getting some cell phone service out there finally.”


Well, I am one of the people out there and as of 2/21/2019 we still do not have cell phone service.


It didn’t stop Pat Whitten’s minion from writing in his report on the meeting, “Installation of the AT&T cell tower in the Highlands has been completed.”  Click here.


Our new Commissioner for the Highlands, Jay Carmona, posted in the Highlands BB on 2/05/2019:


Highlands Related:

Cell Service

The Monopine got its final inspection from the Storey County Building Department on Monday but AT&T is having technical issues. It’s really any day now that we should notice signal.


On 2/20/2019 we still didn’t have cell phone service so I contacted AT&T Wireless Technical Support (1-800-331-0500) and spoke to Mr. Adam Lang. I asked Mr. Lang what were the technical difficulties regarding the cell that AT&T had put in for us at 21485 Saddleback Rd.


He looked it up and said that:


1.  There is no record of AT&T putting in a cell at that address. The nearest cells are on Steamboat in Reno and Silver City/Gold Hill in Storey County.


2.  There are no plans to put in a cell on Saddleback.


I want to know why everyone has been lying to us.


And what did AT&T put on the tower since it isn't a cell for us?


The monopine tower was put up by Vista Towers. It started in 2012. Click here. And then in 2017 AT&T put in a cell and a tower for Elon Musk’s Gigafactory at TRI but still nothing for us. Click here.


And my landline has stopped working again. Now I have only my VOIP phone which runs on Hot Spot Broadband. I am sure that will stop working soon too.




Minutes:  minutes_2019_0205.pdf





January 7, 2019


Agenda:                      agenda_2019_0107.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2019_0107.pdf


Of particular interest on the agenda are:



For possible action approval of a proposed recruitment process, timeline, position announcement and salary range for a new Storey County Manager.



Consideration and possible action on Stipulation with Tahoe Reno Industrial Center LLC (TRIC) to provide that incremental tax revenues used to reimburse owners of property within the Tax Increment Area for expenses in constructing the effluent pipeline will not be counted as "Project Revenues" as that term is defined in the Capital Improvement Plan agreed upon between Storey County, DP Operating Partnership LLP and TRIC on or about February 1, 2000 (Project Revenues) and are therefore not available as revenues to pay vouchers issued to TRI Center LLC.


Recording:      Filename                           Size            Length

                        2019_0107.mp3          22.4 MBytes    2:07:39


The meeting started with the new and re-elected officials being sworn in by Judge James Russell of the First Judicial District Court of Nevada.


The new Commissioner is Jay Carmona, representing the Highlands.



Minutes:   minutes_2019_0107.pdf





December 18, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1218.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1218.pdf


Recording:      Filename                           Size            Length

                        2018_1208.mp3          14.1 MBytes   1:20:21



Minutes:     minutes_2018_1218.pdf





December 4, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1204.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1204.pdf


This is the second reading where they finally approve the Tahoe Reno Industrial Pipeline - Effluent (TRIPE) which should be named the Dracula Pipeline.


1.  It was dead and buried and kept coming back to life.


2. It is a real bloodsucker. The actual taxpayers of the County (us) are going to pay for it.


Read all about it here:


Recording:      Filename                           Size            Length

                        2018_1204_1.mp3      21.2 MBytes     2:00:52

                        2018_1204_2.mp3        9.0 MBytes     0:51:11

                        2018_1204_3.mp3       17.0 MBytes    1:36:51

                        2018_1204_4.mp3        3.4 MBytes     0:19:23


It sounds like the podium microphone was turned off for the first two hours of the meeting. This was the important part because it was about the Tahoe Reno Industrial Pipeline - Effluent (TRIPE/Dracula).


There is only so much that my audio processing software can do, even my new plugin to reduce reverberation.  JM


Here is Nicole Barde’s report on the meeting:



Minutes:  minutes_2018_1204.pdf     





November 19, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1119.pdf


Agenda Packet”          agenda_packet_2018_1119.pdf


This is a special meeting on Monday, not Tuesday which is the regular day for meetings of the Board of Commissioners.


And it starts at 9am, not 10am which is the regular time.


Why the switcheroo?


They are going to approve the TRI Pipeline - Effluent (TRIPE) and they are hoping that the opponents to TRIPE will miss the meeting.


Recording:      Filename                    Size               Length

                        2018_1119.mp3     13.6 MBytes     1:17:32


Minutes:    minutes_2018_1119.pdf





November 9, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1109.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1109.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size               Length

                        2018_1109_1.mp3     6.6 MBytes    0:37:34

                        2018_1109_2.mp3      20 KBytes     0:00:06

                        2018_1109_3.mp3    11.7 MBytes   1:06:30


I am posting public comments at the end of the meeting as an additional separate file because it involves the issue of the First Amendment right under the U.S. Constitution to petition the Government for redress of grievances which the Storey County Commissioners are accused of violating.




That means Federal Court.


However, Section 10 of the Nevada Constitution guarantees:


Sec: 10. Right to assemble and to petition. The people shall have the right freely to assemble together to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the Legislature for redress of Grievances.


Since County governments are creatures of the State it should also apply to County governments. Or maybe not.


When the County Commissioners are sued or are threatened with a lawsuit they generally rollover/bend over backwards/bend over frontwards to make it go away. But that is when the matter involves only residents whose interests are at stake.


This time it is the Commissioners’ own ox being gored so I expect them to fight. After all, it’s not their money. It’s ours.


This is such a fundamental issue that it could end up at the U.S. Supreme Court (and I would expect them to grant cert for this).


If you are interested in this issue I suggest that you download the above files and save them yourself.




Minutes:        minutes_2018_1109.pdf





October 29, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1029.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1029.pdf


This is a special meeting to resurrect the Tahoe Reno Industrial Pipeline-Effluent (TRIPE)


The Agenda Packet contains the notice:


Storey County Board of County Commissioners meeting

Special Meeting Agenda Notice

October 29, 2018


Agenda Item 6 — Resolution 18-516


Specific details on this agenda item are still being discussed and negotiated by the various parties. As such, the initial version posted may change between its posting and Monday, October 29th. Please periodically check our website for any updates which will clearly identify any changes thru providing redline versions.


Once again the Commissioners are going to approve something without providing Storey County residents an advance copy of what they are going approve. And at a Special Meeting, too, to catch TRIPE’s opponents by surprise.


Recording:      Filename                    Size               Length

                        2018_1029.mp3       5.9 MBytes      0:33:22


Minutes:     minutes_2018_1029.pdf





October 16, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1016.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1016.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size               Length

                        2018_1016.mp3      17.4 MBytes     1:39:13


Congressman Mark Amodei updates the Commissioners on the TRI Zip code, the proposed Interstate 11, the report of the Feds killing wild horses in Nevada, and some other things.


Minutes:    minutes_2018_1016.pdf





October 2, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_1002.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_1002.pdf


Lots of TRIPE (Tahoe Reno Industrial Pipeline - Effluent)


Recording:      Filename                     Size               Length

                        2018_1002.mp3      10.2 MBytes      0:58:02


TRIPE is dead. One of the companies in the Gang of Six pulled out. We don’t know which one, or why.

                        2018_1002_tripe-dead.mp3    459 KBytes      0:02:36


See this article by the StoreyTeller:


Minutes:     minutes_2018_1002.pdf





September 18, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0918.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0918.pdf


Items on the Agenda that I find of special interest:


11. DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action):


Honorable United States Congressman Mark Amodei discussing updates on federal Matters of interest in general and specific to Storey County.


I wonder if Congressman Mark (Cordevista) Amodei will have a crew there to record his appearance to use in his campaign commercials for the November 6 election.


[Amodei canceled]





Consideration and possible approval of resolution 18-512 approving the form of the financing agreement among the County, TRI General Improvment {sic} District and all owners of assessable property in Storey County Special Assessment District No. 01 (Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center).


The proposed financing agreement is in the agenda packet at PDF pages 56-113.







Consideration and possible approval of agreement between Storey County and TRI Center LLC (TRI) by which should County have to utilize the uncommitted portion of its general fund to make payments on the bond secured by the Storey County Special Assessment District No. 01 (SAD) TRI agrees that the amounts so provided will be credited against the vouchers issued by County to reimburse TRI for the costs of providing public infrastructure at the rate of 1.5 to 1. .


It sounds like another raid on the public funds. When they cut a department’s budget won’t it become an “uncommitted portion” of the County’s general fund?







Discussion and possible action on second reading of ordinance 18-289 creating Storey County, Nevada, Special Assessment District No. 01 (Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center); ordering a water project, within Storey County, Nevada.







Discussion and possible action on second reading of ordiance {sic}18-290 concerning Storey County, Nevada, Special Assessment District No. 01 (Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center) and assessing the cost of local improvements against the assessable property benefited by the local improvements.


Both are for the TRI Effluent Pipeline approved at the last meeting. The TRI Effluent Pipeline should be called the TRI Pipeline - Effluent, or TRIPE for short.







Board of County Commissioners (board) to appoint two members of the board to serve on the Storey County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) in accordiance {sic} with Storey County Codes 2.44 and 3.80. The term will be until December 31 of the next even numbered year, that being 2020.


I wonder if soon-to-be-ex Commissioner Jack McGuffy will be one of them.


[Not yet. They only appointed the first one. Lance Gilman.]



Recording:      Filename                     Size                  Length

                        2018_0918_1.mp3    18.2 MBytes      1:43:34

                        2018_0918_2.mp3     7.1 MBytes       0:40:17


Minutes:     minutes_2018_0918.pdf






September 4 and 6, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0904.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0904.pdf


Agenda Items 7-11 appear to be for the financing for the TRI Effluent Pipeline.

For the documentation from the Agenda Packet Click Here.


Two days later they are going to approve it.

Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0906.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0906.pdf


The way I read it the County takes out a huge bond. The members of the TRI GID pay for it out of their property taxes, which reduces the amount of tax money that the County gets to use for running the County. It means that the rest of us will be paying for it.


When the bond is fully paid off the TRI GID will own the pipeline. That we paid for.


They have finagled it so that we will not be allowed to vote on it.


I think these “public” officials should be arrested, given a fair trial, and then sent to prison. And they should be required to pay for the effluent pipeline out of their pockets, not ours.


Recording:      Filename                     Size                  Length

                        2018_0904.mp3          20.3 MBytes    1:55:38


                        2018_0906.mp3            3.0 MBytes    0:17:19


At 0:01:15 Lance Gilman announces he will recuse himself from the pipeline discussion and vote because he has a “pecuniary interest” in the pipeline. Why doesn’t he just say “financial interest”?


The discussion of the TRI Effluent Pipeline begins at 0:14:29.


We should call the TRI Effluent Pipeline “TRI Pipeline - Effluent” or TRIPE.


In Public Comments at the end of the meeting (1:52:13) it is apparent how little regard the Storey County Commissioners have for the tax paying residents of the County.


They will not engage in any discussion with the residents and they will not answer even simple questions.


I have reproduced it separately: 2018_0904_pc.mp3 .


Minutes:                minutes_2018_0904.pdf






August 21, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0821.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0821.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                  Length

                        2018_0821.mp3       12.1 MBytes       1:14:22


Minutes:       minutes_2018_0821.pdf





August 7, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0807.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0807.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                  Length

                        2018_0807_1.mp3     22.6 MBytes     2:08:23   

                        2018_0807_2.mp3       9.5 MBytes     0:53:47


The County Commissioners approved TRI’s effluent pipeline bond, thereby screwing us (the actual taxpaying citizens of Storey County) a gain. More corporate welfare. See


Here are the real numbers:


Minutes:     minutes_2018_0807.pdf





July 3, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0703.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0703.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size               Length

                        2018_0703.mp3      13.3 MBytes     1:15:56


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0703.pdf





June 19, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0619.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0619.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size               Length

                        2018_0619_1.mp3    24.0 MBytes    2:16:43

                        2018_0619_2.mp3    12.7 MBytes    1:12:10


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0619.pdf





June 5, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0605.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0605.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size             Length

                        2018_0605.mp3   13.5 MBytes    1:16:43


Minutes:     minutes_2018_0605.pdf





May 21, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0521.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0521.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size             Length

                        2018_0521.mp3      6.5 MBytes   0:36:45


Minutes:     minutes_2018_0521.pdf





May 15, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0515.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet2_2018_0515.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length

                        2018_0515_1.mp3         17 KBytes    0:00:05

                        2018_0515_2.mp3      18.9 MBytes   1:47:23

                        2018_0515_3.mp3      13.7 MBytes   1:17:50

                        2018_0515_4.mp3        1.1 MBytes   0:06:24


According to Nicole Barde’s blog:


By this time the meeting had gone way past noon so Marshall asked if there was any public comment then immediately graveled the meeting to a close without looking up from his notes.


Both Sam Toll and I were up and out of our seats on the way to the podium when he did this. Needless to say Marshall had to reopen the meeting to allow for our public comments.


Sam got up first and read his letter to the editor of the Comstock Chronicle HERE asking Marshall to be specific about what he thinks Sam lied about in his article about the Tentative budget or the $1.6 billion dollar taxable sales.


I got up and also read my letter to the Editor HERE asking for Marshall to tell me where I lied.


There was no response from Marshall or anyone else and the meeting ended.




The links in Nicole’s blog are to files on and are in .docx format.


To preserve them I have downloaded them and converted them to html files.


Sam’s Letter: click here.


Nicole’s letter: click here



Minutes:     minutes_2018_0515.pdf





May 1, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0501.pdf


Agenda Packet            agenda_packet_2018_0501.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2018_0501.mp3         11.6 MBytes    1:06:10


                        2018_0501_gilman.mp3  908 KBytes  0:05:09      (30:15 - 34:48)

                        This may be why Blockchains (a software company that does software

                        for crypto-currencies like BitCoin) bought 53,000 acres in Storey County.

                        It has something to do with Storey County being named an “Opportunity

                        Zone”  which DIDN’T HAPPEN. Gilman is working to fix it.



Being part of an Opportunity Zone provides a tax incentive for investors to reinvest unrealized capital gains into low-income urban and rural communities. Many believe this program has significant potential to encourage the private investment of billions of dollars in low-income communities across the United States - it's important we get this right!



                       2018_0501_mcbride.mp3  295 KBytes   0:01:40    (35:38 - 37:18)

                       Chairman Marshall McBride defames Sam and Nicole and lies when he

                       says you cannot be sued for libel or slander if you are blogging on the

                       Internet. He asks you to call him if you have any questions:



                       Use the U.S. Country code of +1 if you are calling from out of country.

                       I don’t know if McBride speaks Mandarin or Cantonese.


Minutes:   minutes_2018_0501.pdf





April 17, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0417.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0417.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2018_0417.mp3      25.5 MBytes        2:24:53


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0417.pdf





April 3, 2018


Agenda:                                              agenda_2018_0403.pdf


2018-2019 Budget Documents:         budget-docs_2018_0403.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2018_0403_1.mp3          27 Kbytes     0:00:09

                        2018_0403_2.mp3       18.7 MBytes    1:46:25

                        2018_0403_3.mp3         9.0 MBytes    0:51:01


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0403.pdf





March 20, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0320.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0320.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2018_0320_1.mp3          13 KBytes     0:00:04

                        2018_0320_2.mp3        19.0 MBytes   1:47:53

                        2018_0320_3.mp3        22.7 MBytes   2:09:07

                        2018_0320_4.mp3          2.6 KBytes    0:14:54


Minutes:   minutes_2018_0417.pdf





February 20, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0220.pdf


Agenda Packet            agenda_packet_2018_0220.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2018_0220.mp3          15.5 Mbytes    1:28:23    


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0220.pdf





February 6, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0206.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0206.pdf


Recording:      Filename                        Size             Length

                        2018_0206_1.mp3     12.2 MBytes   1:09:25

                        2018_0206_2.mp3      8.0 MBytes    0:45:31


Minutes:    minutes_2018_0206.pdf





January 16, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0116.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agnda_packet_2018_0116.pdf


Recording:      Filename                        Size             Length

                        2018_0116_1.mp3       13.0 Mbytes   1:13:51

                        2018_0116_2.mp3       24.6 Mbytes   2:19:43 


Minutes:      minutes_2018_0116.pdf





January 2, 2018


Agenda:                      agenda_2018_0102.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2018_0102.pdf


Recording:      Filename                        Size             Length

                        2018_0102_1.mp3       21.0 Mbytes   1:59:39

                        2018_0102_2.mp3       18.4 Mbytes   1:44:44


Minutes:     minutes_2018_0102.pdf





December 5, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_1205.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_1205.pdf


Recording:      Filename                        Size            Length

                        2017_1205_1.mp3     19.2 Mbytes    1:49:16

                        2017_1205_2.mp3     26.5 Mbytes    2:30:36

                        2017_1205_3.mp3       4.2 Mbytes    0:23:55


This part of Publics Comments, which comes at the end of the meeting, is especially relevant precisely because it comes at the end of an almost 5 hour meeting.

                        2017_1205_pc.mp3    562 Kbytes    0:03:11


Minutes:     minutes_2017_1205.pdf





November 7, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_1107.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_1107.pdf


Recording:      Filename                      Size            Length

                        2017_1107_1.mp3      24.0 Mbytes   2:16:43

                        2017_1107_2.mp3        5.0 Mbytes   0:27:59


Minutes:   minutes_2017_1107.pdf





October 17, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_1017.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_1017.pdf


Recording:      Filename                      Size            Length

                        2017_1017.mp3       41.7 Mbytes    3:56:59


Minutes:   minutes_2017_1017.pdf





October 3, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_1003.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_1003.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2017_1003.mp3         22.7 Mbytes    2:09:31


Minutes:   minutes_2017_1003.pdf





September 19, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0919.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0919.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size            Length

                        2017_0919_1.mp3      24.0 Mbytes    2:16:14

                        2017_0919_2.mp3      13.5 Mbytes    1:16:07


Minutes:    minutes_2017_0919.pdf





September 5, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0905.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0905.pdf


Recording:      Filename                      Size                Length

                        2017_0905_1.mp3        22.2 Mbytes   2:06:08

                        2017_0905_2.mp3          5.3 Mbytes   0:30:08


Minutes:     minutes_2017_0905.pdf





August 23, 2017 - Reno City Council


This is the Effluent Project the way it was presented to the Reno City Council.


Is this the same project?


Agenda Item:


Public Works


J.5   Staff Report (For Possible Action): Presentation, discussion and potential

approval of the agreement between Tahoe Reno Industrial General

Improvement District, the City of Reno, and the City of Sparks as owners

of the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility for delivery and use

of treated effluent.


Recording:      Filename                                                             Size               Length

                        reno-city-council_effluent_2017_0823.mp3    12.7 Mbytes   1:12:37


Staff Report:   reno_effluent_staff-report_2017_0823.pdf


Agreement:     reno_effluent_agreement_2017_0823.pdf


The Reno City Council site where you can get all the agendas and recordings of the

Meetings (in video) is:





August 15, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0815.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0815.pdf


Agenda Item 12



Receive an update to the Economic Development Financing Proposal application and consider directing the County Manager to complete and submit the application to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development pursuant to Senate Bill 1 of the 2015 Nevada Legislative Special Session. The financing proposal would utilize state bonds to fund up to $35 million in construction, development and bond issuance costs for an effluent pipeline designed to transfer approximately 4,000 acre feet of treated effluent from the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility in Sparks, Nevada to the TRI General Improvement District for distribution within the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center in Storey County, Nevada. State bonds would be repaid from a portion of the incremental (new) state and local tax revenues, generated after fiscal year 2017, within a Tahoe Reno Industrial Center tax increment area created by Storey County. To the extent necessary and appropriate, Commission approval for the County Manager to complete and submit the Economic Development Financing Proposal may be conditioned upon the completion of certain application requirements set forth by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development as well as the completion of various project documents necessary to promote the economic and fiscal best interests of Storey County.



Agenda Item 13:         agenda_13_2017_0815.pdf


13.  DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action)


Discussion only, No Action). Workshop on revision the County Manager’s job description on possible alternatives including approving an {sic} ordinances, enacting policies, or using a contract.


County ordinances have the force of law. They want to give the authority to make law to a county employee who will be able to do that out of sight of the public. And as a County employee he will do whatever the County Commissioners tell him to do, so what the County Commissioners are really doing is to give themselves the authority to make law out of sight of the public.


Recording:      Filename                           Size              Length

                        2017_0815_1.mp3         12.0 Mbytes    1:07:44

                        2017_0815_2.mp3          30.8 Mbytes   2:55:03


                        Agenda Item 12 - Effluent

                        2017_0815_effluent.mp3                 16.8 Mbytes   1:35:32


                        Agenda Item 13 - County Manager

                        2017_0815_county-manager.mp3   5.8 Mbytes   0:33:15


Minutes:     minutes_2017_0815.pdf





August 1, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0801.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0801.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2017_0801_1.mp3        15.5 Mbytes   1:27:53

                        2017_0801_2.mp3        10.9 Mbytes   1:58:53


Congressman Mark Amodei (R-NV 2nd District) addressed the meeting in Part 1 starting at 0:38:40.


One of the issues he addressed was the plan by the Feds to allow our wild horses to be slaughtered and turned into dog food. Then there was the health care insurance debacle in Congress. (Part 1 starting at 0:55:28). Congressman Amodei voted for it.


If 16 million to 32 million Americans lose their health care insurance many will have to choose between getting health care (for themselves and their loved ones) or going bankrupt. Many will have no choice. They will not get health care (including meds).


As a result of this some number will die. Some will die in the first year. Many more will die in the first five years.


Even if you have good health care insurance (or are rich) you might die, too.


If 16 million to 32 million Americans lose their health care insurance and access to health care many hospitals will close.


Some towns have only one hospital. If you live in such a place and your hospital closes the next hospital (that is still open) might be 200 miles away. Even if it is only 100 miles away you (or your loved one) might die on the way to that hospital because of the extra time it takes to get there.


You cannot vote for (or against) Amodei if you are dead.



Here is an item that has attracted attention from a number of Storey County taxpayers.



Discussion and comments from the Commissioners, staff and the public regarding the possibility of participating in an Economic Development Financing Proposal pursuant to Senate Bill 1 of the 2015 Nevada Legislative Session (SB 1). Also participating will be Jeremy Aguero with Applied Analysis and Cory Hunt with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. Project parameters include constructing an effluent water pipeline from the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility to the Tahoe Reno Industrial. Center (TRI). The estimated cost of the pipeline ($35 million) will be paid for from the proceeds of bonds issued by the State of Nevada pursuant to SB 1. The bonds would be repaid from incremental tax revenues generated within TRI. A tax increment area may be created pursuant to NRS Chapter 278C which would incorporate all of TRI within which a portion of increased tax revenues would be dedicated to repayment of the bonds.


Here is information about the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility:


Here is Nevada Senate Bill SB 1 (from the 2015 legislative session: nv-2015_sb1_EN.pdf


Can anyone make heads or tails of SB1?



There are potential problems with using treated effluent for cooling towers. See:


Does the County have standards for the materials used in systems using treated effluent? Does the County have standards for the pipes used to bring in the treated effluent? Does the County have standards for the treated effluent? The article mentions the potential problems of pathogens and the level of ammonia.


A method to provide cooling that does not have these potential problems is to use solar photovoltaic cells to run standard electric air conditioning.


Elon Musk is heavily into solar photovoltaic:


Does he know that his name is being used to promote the use of treated effluent instead of his solar cells?



If the County Commissioners want to use SB1 (2015) do something that would really be of economic benefit to the taxpayers of Storey County they should put in a road (roughly along Long Valley Road) to connect the Northern and Southern parts of the County.


The discussion starts at the beginning of Part 2.



Minutes:   minutes_2017_0801.pdf





July 18, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0718.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0718.pdf


Recording:      Filename                         Size             Length

                        2017_0718_1.mp3      11.8 Mbytes    1:07:05

                        2017_0718_2.mp3      17.7 Mbytes    1:40:49


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0718.pdf





June 30, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0630.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0630.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size            Length

                        2017_0630.mp3         8.4 Mbytes    0:47:35


Minutes:    minutes_2017_0630.pdf





June 20, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0620.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0620.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length

                        2017_0620_1.mp3     15.8 Mbytes    1:29:43

                        2017_0620_2.mp3     16.8 Mbytes    1:35:28

                        2017_0620_3.mp3     4.6 Mbytes      0:26:01


Minutes:   minutes_2017_0620.pdf





June 6, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0606.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0606.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length

                        2017_0606_1.mp3       8.1 Mbytes    0:46:19

                        2017_0606_2.mp3    20.0 Mbytes     1:51:11

                        2017_0606_3.mp3      5.0 Mbytes     0:28:41


Minutes:    minutes_2017_0606.pdf





May 16, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0516.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0516.pdf


Final Proposed Budged 2017-2018:  Final-Proposed-Budget_2017-2018.pdf

                        2017_0516_1.mp3      8.3 Mbytes     0:47:14

                        2017_0516_2.mp3      8.0 Mbytes     0:45:43


Minutes:     minutes_2017_0516.pdf





May 2, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0502.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0502.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size               Length

                        2017_0502.mp3       13.0 Mbytes       1:13:40


Minutes:    minutes_2017_0502.pdf





April 18, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0418.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0418.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size                Length

                        2017_0418-1.mp3           14 Kbytes     0:00:04                

                        2017_0418-2.mp3        18.7 Mbytes     1:46:12


Minutes:    minutes_2017_0418.pdf






April 12, 2017


Agenda:          agenda_2017_0412.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                           Size              Length

                        2017_0412.mp3                                1.4 Mbytes     0:07:49


                        2017-04-12_09.59.36.515.wmv     20.6 Mbytes     0:07:49


This was a very short meeting so I am also posting the wmv file that I got from the County so you can see the Courtroom where the meetings are held. You can also see the players (somewhat). You might find it interesting to compare the audio in the wmv file that I get from the County with how it ends up after I strip it and process it.


This was a special meeting with the agenda:



The Board of County Commissioners will canvass the results of the Special Recall Election held in and for Storey County, State of Nevada on April 11, 2017 and declare the results of the election.



The Board of County Commissioners, after the clerk has prepared an abstract of the votes cast, shall cause the County Clerk to certify the abstract. The Board will then consider the entry of an order in the minutes of the proceedings requiring that the County Clerk (1) make a copy of the certified abstract and (2) make a mechanized report of the abstract in compliance with the regulations of the Secretary of State, which will then be forth with transmitted to the Secretary of State.



Should the canvass results be against the recall the Board of County Commissioner will take no further action.



Should the canvass result be in favor of the recall the Board of County Commissioners will appoint an interim Sheriff.


The Recall campaign was a vicious campaign run by Kris Thompson at the direction of Lance Gilman (whom he works for) to recall Sheriff Gerald Antinoro who had been elected twice by the voters of Storey County, in 2012 and 2014. In 2014 Gilman/Thompson also ran a vicious campaign to try to get their man, Shawn Mahan, elected.


Lance Gilman is one of our three County Commissioners. He is also exclusive broker for the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) ( which is an industrial park that constitutes a little more than half of Storey County (322 sq miles out of 624 sq miles). He basically runs it. And he is the owner of the Mustang Ranch brothel ( Prostitution is legal in Storey County in licensed brothels.


I am not going discuss the Recall Campaign in detail. Nicole Barde has covered it in her blog ( Here is an example:


Sam Toll, the publisher of the Comstock Chronicle also has a blog (


Kris Thompson posted incessantly in our community group at even though the group is for the residents of the Highlands and Thompson does not live in the Highlands. (Where he does live is an interesting question.)


What I am going to do is post some documents. After all, that is what an archive is for.


Let’s start the Recall Campaign at the Nevada Secretary of State.


This is the Recall Registration: nvsos_recall_registration.pdf .


This is the first Recall Contributions and Expenses Report that Thompson was required to file:

nvsos_thompson_expenses_2017_0328.pdf .


This is the second Recall Contributions and Expenses Report that Thompson was required to file:

nvsos_thompson_expenses_2017_0407.pdf .


This is the third Recall Contributions and Expenses Report that Thompson was required to file:

nvsos_thompson_expenses_2017_0511.pdf .


Things to note:


1.  In the first Recall Contributions and Expenses Report most of the $142,054.65 in contributions came from the TRIC. Gilman gave some money personally, as did Thompson. A member of the public gave $20.


2.  Thompson gives his address as 56 Wild Horse Canyon Dr,


As far as I can tell there is no 56 Wild Horse Canyon Dr.


a.  This is from the Storey County Assessor’s database: assessor-data-inquiry-wild-horse.pdf .


b.  This is from where I looked at every parcel on Wild Horse Canyon Dr: wild-horse-canyon_2017_0210.pdf


c. The U.S. Postal Service has no record of 56 Wild Horse Canyon Dr: usps_56whcd_2017_0210.pdf .


Why would he give a phony address as his residence?


Well, Thompson was an attorney in California and was disbarred. See thompson_ca_disbarred.pdf

( Maybe there was some fallout from that.


There are only two parcels on Wild Horse Canyon Dr that are zoned residential and neither is owned by Thompson, Gilman, or TRIC.


005-021-10 BERTERO MICHAEL J&LAURIE J TTEE 225 WILD HORSE CANYON DR 12.2 280 - Single Family Residential with Minor Improvements 1.170


005-021-12 SKYBURST ENTERPRISES INC 399 WILD HORSE CANYON DR 12.2 280 - Single Family Residential with Minor Improvements 1.163


And neither one is 56 Wild Horse Canyon Dr.


How would you serve him (if you were to sue him) if you don’t know where he lives? Oh, I know. You can serve him at a Planning Commission meeting.


Thompson is on the Storey County Planning Commission. It doesn’t look good for a member of the Planning Commission to be ignoring the County’s zoning laws does it?


Back to the Recall.


The results of the Recall were:


For Recall: 601


Against Recall: 883


They lost.


The way the County voted by district is interesting. From Nicole Barde’s blog:




FOR Recall 






Mark Twain













Here is a report from the Storey County Clerk: 2017_0412_recallstats.pdf .


Here I have augmented the chart by adding the percentage by which the Recall was rejected:




FOR Recall 


Against %






Mark Twain
















The district with the highest percentage of No votes was the River District.


That is Gilman’s district.  Oops.



Miscellaneous stuff.


1.  Here is the Nevada Secretary of State Recall Guide for 2016: 2016_RecallGuide.pdf .


2. There was a question of whether the Recall Petition signatures were counted and verified properly.

Here is a copy of the Petition with all of the signatures: Recall-Antinoro-Petition-Filed-02082017.pdf


3.  If the Recall had been successful the Commissioners would have selected a new Sheriff.


Minutes:   minutes_2017_0412.pdf

(And, in Public Comment at the end of the meeting: Karen Woodmansee requested that the Commissioners speak louder and into the microphone.)





April 4, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0404.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0404.pdf


Tentative Budget 2017-2018:   tentative-budget.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0404_1.mp3      12.7 Mbytes   1:12:18


                        2017_0404_2.mp3     14.9 Mbytes    1:24:35


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0404.pdf





March 21, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0321.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0321.pdf


Supporting documents related to item #9, Stormo request for refund,

on the March 21. 2017 BOCC Agenda. Updated 3/15/2017 @ 3:30pm




Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0321_1.mp3     20.6 Mbytes    1:57:13


                        2017_0321_2.mp3     1.9 Mbytes      0:10:50


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0321.pdf





March 7, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0307.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0307.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0307.mp3      9.4 Mbytes         0:53:42


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0307.pdf





February 21, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0221.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0221.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0221_1.mp3    16.2 Mbytes     1:31:59


                        2017_0221_2.mp3    5.6 Mbytes      0:32:07


Minutes:        minutes_2017_0221.pdf





February 7, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0207.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0207.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0207_1.mp3    14.2 Mbytes     1:20:36


                        2017_0207_2.mp3     5.2 Mbytes      0:29:18  


AT&T Cell Tower for Tesla: Agenda Item 17



The applicant requests a special use permit to allow for the construction of an approximately 120-foot high commercial wireless communications tower. The project includes panel antennas, remote heads/units, and other similar antennas attached to the lower. The project will be located on an approximately 24’x24’ leased area on the southeast side of the existing factory buildings of the Tesla Gigafactory, located at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center, McCarran, Storey County, Nevada (APNs 005-011-22, approximately Section 6 at TI9N, R23E MDBM).


AT&T Packet:     att-packet_2017_0207.pdf


Meanwhile, cell phone coverage in the Highlands ranges from poor to non-existent, mostly non-existent.


AT&T cannot even reliably keep our landlines working. I had to subscribe to Skype to call AT&T Customer non-Service. It took them almost a week to fix my landline.


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0207.pdf





January 17, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0117.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0117.pdf


Storey County Audit for 2016:    audit_2016.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0117.mp3        18.1 Mbytes       1:42:56


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0117.pdf





January 7, 2017


Emergency Meeting due to the Weather


Minutes (Draft):      minutes_draft_2017_0107.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size                 Length

                        2017_0107.mp3       5.2 Mbytes      0:29:50





January 3, 2017


Agenda:                      agenda_2017_0103.pdf     (Meeting starts at 1:00pm)


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2017_0103.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length

                        2017_0103.mp3         17.7 Mbytes      1:40:43


Minutes:      minutes_2017_0103.pdf






December 6, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_1206.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_1206.pdf


Recording:      Filename                    Size                 Length


                        2016_1206_1.mp3     18.1 Mbytes    1:42:57


                        2016_1206_2.mp3     17.9 Mbytes    1:41:36


Minutes (Draft):      minutes_2016_1206.pdf





November 10, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_1110.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_1110.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size               Length

                        2016_1110.mp3      5.3 Mbytes      0:30:13


Minutes:         minutes_2016_1110.pdf





November 1, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_1101.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_1101.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size                  Length

                        2016_1101.mp3     10.7 Mbytes       1:01:01


Minutes:         minutes_2016_1101.pdf





October 18, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_1018.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_1018.pdf


Recording:      Filename                  Size                  Length

                        2016_1018.mp3        14.7 Mbytes    1:23:51


Minutes:      minutes_2016_1018.pdf





October 4, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_1004.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_1004.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size                Length


                        2016_1004_1.mp3         16.1 Mbytes    1:31:31


                        2016_1004_2.mp3          8.2 Mbytes     0:46:24


                        2016_1004_3.mp3          975 Kbytes     0:05:32


Stuff that caught my attention:


In Part 1 at 17:48 - Austin Osborne (Storey County Planning Director) talked about two articles he had seen in the Comstock Chronicle and had an issue with.


The first article was about the “confidential document” that wasn’t confidential and what was being done to investigate the leak, if there was one. The Comstock Chronicle said the County had not responded to their request for information. Austin explained exactly what had been given to the Comstock Chronicle and said that the information was responsive and given in a timely manner. (The issue of the “confidential document” was discussed at the September 20 meeting.)


The second article started with a picture of a fish and, since Austin is an avid fisherman, it caught his attention. Unfortunately, the article was comparing Storey County to a fish and noted that, “A fish rots from the head down.”


The Comstock Chronicle has given me permission to post these articles as well as the their response to Austin.


For the articles click here.


For the Chronicle’s response click here.


Here is a bonus: Editor Receives Public Spanking at Commission Meeting. Bottom of the page: Click here.


Note that the Comstock Chronicle is the newspaper that the County uses for publishing legal notices and if you have to publish a legal notice in Storey County it has to be in the Comstock Chronicle.


I don’t know what the Comstock Chronicle charges but when I had to publish a legal notice (in other newspapers) it was outrageously expensive.


If the County pulls its legal notices from the Comstock Chronicle and gives it to the Virginia City News then it will confirm what the Chron is saying.


The requirement that legal notices be published in a printed newspaper is a law. See NRS 238:


I think it is time for the law to be brought into the 21st Century and allow legal notices to be posted (for free or almost free) on a County’s Web site. That way legal notices will be much more accessible. Getting your news from a newspaper is as antiquated as getting it from a newsreel. If you don’t know what a newsreel was go here:


Although the Comstock Chronicle does not have a Web site yet, it does have a Facebook page:



In Part 2 starting at the beginning.


Item 11. Discussion/Possible Action:

Consideration and possible action on application for a business license for a medical marijuana dispensary for MM R&D LLC on C Street in Virginal City, Nevada.


The Commissioners said no (again). MM R&D is already suing the County for saying no.

For the past several years the County has rolled over for everyone suing the County (Tom Taormina, Shawn Mahan, etc) but for this one they are going to the mattresses.


If you are interested in the issue you should read Nicole Barde’s fine blog:



Minutes:    minutes_2016_1004.pdf





September 20, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0920.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0920.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size                Length


                        2016_0920_1.mp3     20.9 Mbytes     1:58:55


                        2016_0920_2.mp3     2.4 Mbytes       0:13:25


There is an interesting exchange between Nicole Barde and DA Langer at 0:09:40

in part 2 about a confidential document that somehow came into the possession of an anonymous vicious person who set up a Web site attacking Sheriff Antinoro.


DA Langer refused to discuss it because “it is a confidential document”.


Minutes:     minutes_2016_0920.pdf





September 6, 2016


Agenda:               agenda_2016_0906.pdf


Agenda Packet:   agenda_packet_2016_0906.pdf



Of special interest to the Virginia City Highlands:




Appeal of Special Event denial pursuant to Storey County Code 8.28.060 for bicycle event in Virginia City on September 17-19 requested by Adventure CORPS.





Consideration and possible approval of Resolution No. 16-445 setting forth reason authorizing cape sealing of Cartwright Road within Virginia City Highlands for $114,700.00 as part of county-wide cape sealing program. 




Recording:      Filename                       Size                Length


                        2016_0906.mp3       16.2 Mbytes     1:32:20


10.  County Manager Pat Whitten withdrew his objections to the bicycle event. (0:36:14)


17.  The County Commissioners approved the cape sealing of Cartwright Road (1:13:13).


Minutes:    minutes_2016_0906.pdf





August 26, 2016 - Legislative Commission’s Subcommittee to Study Water

(Nevada Revised Statutes 218E.200)


Agenda:  agenda_2016_0826.pdf


Work Session Document:  WSDWaterStudy-08-26-16-CC-LV wExhibits 2.pdf


This could be really bad news for those of us who get their water from their own wells.


If you have never had your own private well you might think that having one would be the greatest thing ever. It isn’t, not here in the Western United States.


The only reasons for having your own well are:

1.  You don’t have a choice; and/or

2.  You want to prepare for the Apocalypse. (Have your own electricity, too.)


The Legislature has posted the video of this meeting at:


You can download the file or stream it. The file is 2.6 Gbytes.

(The meeting was almost 7 hours.)


If your data plan does not have a monthly cap then download the video. The video and audio are excellent.


If you do have a data cap, like 12 Gbytes, then the video will use up 21% of your monthly data allowance.




So, I have downloaded the video, stripped the audio, and made mp3 files. And posted them here.



I have divided it into three sections:



Filename                                                      Size                 Length

nvleg_water_2016_0826_pre-meeting.mp3       670 Kbytes      0:03:47

nvleg_water_2016_0826_1.mp3                         35.0 Mbytes    3:18:49 

nvleg_water_2016_0826_2.mp3                         30.7 Mbytes    2:54:35






August 16, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0816.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0816.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size                Length


                        2016_0816_1.mp3       24.5 Mbytes     2:19:37


                        2016_0816_2.mp3        18.7 Mbytes    1:46:17


Minutes:     minutes_2016_0816.pdf





August 2, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0802.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0802.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length


                        2016_0802_1.mp3       10.5 Mbytes    0:59:50

                        2016_0802_2.mp3          18 Kbytes     0:00:04

                        2016_0802_3.mp3          27 Kbytes     0:00:04

                        2016_0802_4.mp3       19.6 Mbytes    1:51:38


Slides for the presentation USGS Groundwater monitoring in Mark Twain and VC Highlands, Storey County, Nevada By Kip K. Allander & David W. Smith


I am posting this in two formats: the original PowerPoint and the PDF that I made from it.


      DWSMITH_StoreyCo2016_public_Meeting.pptx   20.3 Mbytes


      DWSMITH_StoreyCo2016_public_Meeting.pdf     7.5 Mbytes


The presentation by USGS is in Part 1 (2016_0802_1.mp3) starting at 0:01:10 and going to the end of the file.


The technical quality of the recording is pure crap. The USGS guys were standing at the podium which means that the podium microphone was turned off.




I spent a considerable amount of time manually adjusting the levels in segments. I also used a considerable amount of dynamic range compression. However, I cannot remove reverberation.


This is the raw unprocessed audio from the WMV recording I received:



(I would post the original WMV file but it is 154 Mbytes.)


Storey County screwed up one of the few things that people who cannot go to the meetings might want to listen to.


Minutes:     minutes_2016_0802.pdf





July 27, 2016 - Special Meeting   Wednesday  9am


Agenda:          agenda_2016_0727.pdf


6.   DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of ballot language for Storey County Ballot Question 16-001, "Shall the Storey County Board of Commissioners enact an ordinance to impose, for the period beginning on January 1, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2026., annual increases to the taxes on certain vehicle fuels based on construction inflation in an amount not to exceed 8 cents per gallon the first year and 3 cents per gallon for remaining years for the sole purpose of building, maintaining and repairing roads (and projects that will reduce traffic congestion and enhance public safety) located only in Storey County?"


[What is “construction inflation” ?]



Recording:      Filename                    Size             Length

                        2016_0727.mp3      12.3 Mbytes    1:10:01 


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0727.pdf





July 19, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0719.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0719.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length

                        2016_0719.mp3        31.3 Mbytes      2:57:57


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0719.pdf





July 5, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0705.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0705.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length

                        2016_0705.mp3        9.8 Mbytes      0:55:35


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0705.pdf





June 21, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0621.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0621.pdf


Recording:      Filename                      Size             Length


                        2016_0621_1.mp3     11.6 Mbytes    1:05:41


                        2016_0621_2.mp3     16.9 Mbytes    1:35:44


                        2016_0621_3.mp3     16.7 Mbytes    1:34:54


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0621.pdf





May 24, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0517.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0517.pdf


Final Hearing for Budgets for FY 2016/2017:

    General Budget

    Water and Sewer services in Virginia City, Gold Hill, and Silver City

    NRS 474 Fire Protection District


Recording:      Filename                      Size             Length


                        2016_0524_1.mp3     8.8 Mbytes    0:50:00


                        2016_0524_2.mp3     6.3 Mbytes    0:35:59


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0524.pdf





May 17, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0517.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0517.pdf


Recording:      Filename                       Size             Length


                       2016_0517.mp3         15.6 Mbytes     1:28:48


Minutes:        minutes_2016_0517.pdf





May 3, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0503.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0503.pdf


Recording:      Filename                               Size               Length


                       2016_0503_1.mp3            18.3 Mbytes       1:44:16


                        2016_0503_2.mp3              2.8 Mbytes       0:16:04 


Of Special Interest: U.S. Representative Mark Amodei: In Part 1 - 0:29:40 to 1:13:32

Horses, the Zip Code, Yucca Mountain, and I-11 (the new superhighway from Mexico to Canada)


Minutes:        minutes_2016_0503.pdf






April 20, 2016


A Town Hall Meeting in the Highlands


Recording:      Filename                                            Size                 Length

                        2016_0420_Town Hall Mtg.mp3       11.0 Mbytes    1:02:25


Commissioner McBride and Commissioner Gilman were at the meeting.


Since there are only three County Commissioners, a meeting where two

County Commissioners are present is a quorum.


Despite this, according to District Attorney Langer this was not a meeting of

the Board of Commissioners, which is why the County:

1.  Failed to post notice of the meeting;

2.  Failed to post an Agenda for the meeting;

3.  Failed to record it.


(The recording posted here was made by a private citizen.)


Whenever there is a social meeting where at least two County Commissioners are

scheduled to appear, a notice of the Possible Quorum is posted on the County’s Web site.


This was not done for this meeting.


According to Vanessa Stephens, Storey County Clerk & Treasurer (who is responsible

for posting such notices) she “was unaware that one or more of the Commissioners planned on attending the event.”


Here is Nevada NRS Chapter 241 for the Open Meeting Law:


Joe Schmo of Reno TV4 News was at the meeting.


So was Sheriff Antinoro (fortunately).


Since two of the three members of the Board of Commissioners were at the meeting

and this was not a meeting of the Board of Commissioners, then what was it?


I will give you a hint. It wasn’t a birthday party. It was more like an Old Western

Necktie Party.






April 19, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0419.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0419.pdf  (248 Mbytes)


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2016_0419.mp3          11.0 Mbytes    1:02:22


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0419.pdf 






April 5, 2016


Agenda:                 agenda_2016_0405.pdf


Agenda Packet:     agenda_packet_2016_0405.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2016_0405_1.mp3      16.1 Mbytes    1:31:45

                        2016_0405_2.mp3      17.0 Mbytes    1:36:49                       


Of Special Interest:  

           The Money in the Virginia City Highlands Park Fund:

                       2016_0405_parks.mp3                688 Kbytes   0:03:54


           The Sheriff’s Budget:

                      2016_0405_sheriff-budget.mp3  6.0 Mbytes   0:34:10


Minutes:       minutes_2016_0405.pdf






March 15, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0315.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0315.pdf


Recording:      Filename                     Size                 Length

                        2016_0315.mp3         17.5 Mbytes     1:39:40


Minutes:   minutes_2016_0315.pdf





March 1, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0301.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0302.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                Size                 Length

                        2016_0301_100123.mp3    24.3 Mbytes       2:17:56


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0301.pdf





February 16, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0216.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0216.pdf   


Recording:      Filename                                Size                 Length

                        2016_0216_095915.mp3        13.0 Mbytes    1:13:51


Minutes:         minutes_2016_0216.pdf





February 2, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0202.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0202.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                     Size                    Length

                        2016_0202_1_10-00-49.mp3      14 Kbytes           0:00:03

                        2016_0202_2_10-03-05.mp3      14.7 Mbytes       1:23:26   

                        2016_0202_3_11-39-07.mp3        3.4 Mbytes       0:19:19


Minutes:   minutes_2016_0202.pdf





January 19, 2016


Agenda:               agenda_2016_0119.pdf


Agenda Packet:    agenda_packet_2016_0119.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                     Size                    Length

                        2016_0119_1_09_48_27.mp3      26 Kbytes        0:00:12

                        2016_0119_2_09_49_19.mp3      14 Kbytes        0:00:04

                        2016_0119_3_10_00_50.mp3      26.8 Mbytes     2:32:29


Minutes:   minutes_2016_0119.pdf





January 5, 2016


Agenda:                      agenda_2016_0105.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2016_0105.pdf



Of Special Interest  


1.  Possible action on Order of Remand from District Court requiring Storey County Board of County Commissioners to state on the record the basis for their decision on October 6, 2015 to deny the applications for a business license for the Bonanza.





2.  Action for possible confirmation of Shawn Mahan Settlement Agreement for $99,000.00 and other consideration arising out of the termination of his employment with the Storey County Sheriff’s Office. Discussion of the matter may include Board involvement in settlement of cases in general.




The agreement was supposed to be in the Agenda Packet, but wasn’t. I have obtained a copy of it and scanned it to produce a PDF. Click here.


Then I used OCR to produce an html version. Click here.



3.  (Planning Commission) Prepared by Pat Whitten. Recommended Motion: 


a.  Reappoint Ron Englebrecht to represent Precinct 4 (Mark Twain);


b.  Reappoint John Herrington to represent Storey County At-Large; and


c. Appoint Kris Thompson to represent Precincts 3 and 6 (Lockwood/River District) on the Storey County Planning Commission.





Recording:      Filename                        Size                 Length

2016_0105_1_094956.mp3            20 Kbytes        0:00:06


2016_0105_2_100451.mp3            14.1 Mbytes    1:20:12


2016_0105_3_113351.mp3            1.5 Mbytes      0:08:24



Minutes:   minutes_2016_0105.pdf





December 15, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_1215.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_1215.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                            Size                 Length

                        2015_1215_09h50m48s.wma            13.5 Mbytes    1:06:45


                        2015_1215_09h50m48s.mp3             11.7 Mbytes   1:06:44


Public Comments at the end of the meeting: None


Minutes:   minutes_draft_2015_1215.pdf





December 1, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_2015_1201.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_1201.pdf



                       2015_1201_1_09h54m12s.wma        16.4 Mbytes   1:21:12

                       2015_1201_2_11h29m29s.wma        13.6 Mbytes   1:07:10


                       2015_1201_1_09h54m12s.mp3         14.3 Mbytes   1:21:10

                       2015_1201_2_11h29m29s.mp3         11.8 Mbytes   1:07:07


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                      2015_1201_pc.wma                            3.3 Mbytes     0:22:10                          

                      2015_1201_pc.mp3                             3.9 Mbytes     0:22:10


Minutes:    minutes_2015_1201.pdf  





November 3, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_1103.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_1103.pdf


I have been told there was a problem with the equipment. The end of the meeting (Agenda Item 20 - Public Comments) is missing. There are parts between segments missing.


Recording:      Filename                                            Size                 Length


2015_1103_1_09h52m32s.wma        6,745 KB         0:33:24

2015_1103_2_11h17m30s.wma        4,895 KB         0:24:13

2015_1103_3_11h49m57s.wma             23 KB         0:00:06

2015_1103_4_11h50m19s.wma        2,792 KB         0:13:48

2015_1103_5_12h09m00a.wma        3,717 KB         0:18:24

2015_1103_6_12h31m12s.wma        2,395 KB         0:11:51



2015_1103_1_09h52m32s.mp3         5.873 KB         0:33:24

2015_1103_2_11h17m30s.mp3         4,260 KB         0:24:13

2015_1103_3_11h49m55s.mp3              19 KB         0:00:06

2015_1103_4_11h50m19s.mp3         2,429 KB         0:13:48

2015_1103_5_12h09m00s.mp3         3,236 KB         0:18:24

2015_1103_6_12h31m12s.mp3         2,085 KB         0:11:51


Minutes:   minutes_2015_1103.pdf





October 20, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_1020.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_1020.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                            Size                 Length

                        2015_1020_1_09h52m55s.wma        22.7 Mbytes   1:52:39

                        2015_1020_2_11h57m39s.wma        16.2 Mbytes   1:20:22


                        2015_1020_1_09h52m55s.mp3         19.8 Mbytes   1:52:34

                        2015_1020_2_11h57m39s.mp3         14.1 Mbytes   1:20:17


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_1020_pc.wma                           186 Kbytes      0:00:54

                        2015_1020_pc.mp3                            160 Kbytes      0:00:54


Of Special Interest:


10.  Discussion Only: Provide an overview of the State of Nevada Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the upcoming 2016 grant application cycle.


For more information on the 2016 CDBG click here.


Minutes:      minutes_2015_1020.pdf





October 6, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_1006.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_1006.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                 Length

                        2015_1006_1_09h51m37s.wma    22.5 Mbytes    1:51:32

                        2015_1006_2_11h53m48s.wma    22.1 Mbytes    1:49:36


                        2015_1006_1_09h51m37s.mp3    19.6 Mbytes     1:51:24

                        2015_1006_2_11h53m48s.mp3    19.2 Mbytes     1:49:28


Of Special Interest:


At the last meeting (September 1, 2015) Item 15 was: Consideration of Commissioner request for County to provide necessary funding to cape seal the approximately 2 +/- miles of Cartwright Road owned by the Home Owner’s Association(s).


The three Commissioners were in favor of it until County Manager Whitten and District Attorney Langer persuaded them to continue it to the October 6 meeting.


This item is not on the Agenda.


Why isn’t it on the Agenda?



Public Comments at the end of the meeting (Sheriff Antinoro had questions about the liquor licensing standards):


          2015_1006_pc.wma       1.3 Mbytes     0:06:31

          2015_1006_pc.mp3        1.1 Mbytes     0:06:31


Minutes:      minutes_2015_1006.pdf





September 1, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_0901.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0901.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size               Length

                        2015_0901_1_09h52m26s.wma    14.3 Mbytes   1:11:03

                        2015_0901_1_09h52m26s.mp3     12.5 Mbytes   1:11:00


                        2015_0901_2_11h19m26s.wma    10.8 Mbytes   0:53:24

                        2015_0901_2_11h19m26s.mp3     9.4 Mbytes     0:53:19



Of Special Interest:


15. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Commissioner request for County to provide necessary funding to cape seal the approximately 2 +/- miles of Cartwright Road owned by the Home Owner’s Association(s).


            2015_0901_cartwright.wma         3.5 Mbytes    0:16:52

            2015_0901_cartwright.mp3           3.0 Mbytes    0:16:52


The three Commissioners were in favor of it until County Manager Whitten and District Attorney Langer persuaded them to continue it to the October 6 meeting.


There is a great moment at 13:19 into the segment:


DA Langer: I think that one area that you’re going to get into is the code ..  the steepness ... the roadway itself is not within the specifications of probably NDOT roads that they would maintain .. that one I could probably tell you right off the top of my head ...


Speaking of the steepness of roads, has Ms. Langer ever been in Virginia City? Note that the meeting was held in the Old Courthouse in Virginia City, so the answer is yes. And she is concerned about the steepness of Cartwright Road? What about the liability of the very steep roads in Virginia City?



Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_0901_pc.wma                       592 Kbytes    0:02:54

                        2015_0901_pc.mp3                        513 Kbytes    0:02:54


Minutes:     minutes_2015_0901.pdf





August 18, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_0818.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0818.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size               Length

                        2015_0818_09h59m15s.wma      14.9 Mbytes   1:13:17      


                        2015_0818_09h59m15s.mp3       12.9 Mbytes   1:13:15


Public Comments at the end of the meeting: None


Minutes:   minutes_2015_0818.pdf





August 4, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_0804.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0804.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size               Length

                        2015_0804_09h55m46s.wma       13.1 Mbytes   1:05:01


                        2015_0804_09h55m46s.mp3        11.4 Mbytes   1:04:58



Public Comments at the end of the meeting: None


Minutes:    minutes_2015_0804.pdf





July 21, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_0721.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0721.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size              Length

                        2015_0721_09h54m59s.wma       20.0 Mbytes   1:39:05


                        2015_0721_09h54m59s.mp3       17.4 Mbytes   1:29:03


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        pc_2015_0721.wma                     2.1 Mbytes     0:10:29


                        pc_2015_0721.mp3                      1.8 Mbytes     0:10:29


Minutes:    minutes_2015_0721.pdf





July 16, 2015  Planning Commission


Agenda and Packet     pc_agenda_packet_2015_0716.pdf


This was a discussion about allowing commercial stores across Geiger Grade at the entrance to the Highlands.


Most people are against it.


Recording:      Filename                                        Size           Length

                        pc_2015_0716.wma               24.8 Mbytes      2:06:57


                        pc_2015_0716.mp3                22.3 Mbytes      2:06:57


Minutes:        pc_minutes_2015_0716.pdf





July 7, 2015


Agenda:          agenda_2015_0707.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2015_0707.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                  Length

                        2015_0707_09h53m14s.wma         33.5 Mbytes     2:45:41


                        2015_0707_09h53m14s.mp3         29.1 Mbytes     2:45:30



An unexpected gem. There is a program for seniors and low income people whose wells have gone dry.

                        2015_0707_wells.wma           173 Kbytes               0:00:50


                        2015_0707_wells.mp3           150 Kbytes               0:00:50


Of Special Interest:


10. DISCUSSION ONLY (No Action): 2015 Legislative Session review by Walker & Associates, Bum Hess and Maggie Lowther.


                        2015_0707_lsr.wma               4.8 Mbytes                  0:30:34


                        2015_0707_lsr.mp3                5.4 Mbytes                  0:30:34


The Storey County lobbyists spent about 50% of their time listing bills they had helped get passed and bills they had gotten killed. One was AB417 which would have extended the time to approve SB272 (the Sunny Hills Ranchos land transfer to Washoe County) for another two years.


However, those of us who were opposed to SB272 were concerned that the provisions of AB417 could have been added to another bill (a bill that had been approved). The Storey County Lobbyists did not address that issue and the Storey County Commissioners did not ask.


The Storey County Lobbyists spent the other 50% of their time commending each other for the fine work that they and the County Commissioners had done and the County Commissioners agreed with them on both counts.



Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                     2015_0707_pc.wma      58 Kbytes      0:00:16


                     2015_0707_pc.mp3       48 Kbytes      0:00:16


Minutes:     minutes_2015_0707.pdf






June 23, 2015 - Special Meeting


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0623.pdf


4. DISCUSSION/POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of resolution 15-422 setting water rates for the communities of Virginia City, Gold Hill and Silver City and sewer rates for the communities of Virginia City and Gold Hill effective July 1, 2015.


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0623_09h53m57s.wma        4.2 Mbytes     0:20:53


                        2015_0623_09h53m57s.mp3        3.7 Mbytes     0:20:52


Public Comments at the end of the meeting

                        2015_0623_pc.wma                      61 Kbytes       0:00:17


                        2015_0623_pc.mp3                      52 Kbytes       0:00:17


Minutes:         minutes_2015_0623.pdf





June 16, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0616.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0616.pdf

Agenda Packet Amended:      agenda_packet_amended_2015_0606.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0616_1_09h56m49s.wma        8.4 Mbytes      0:41:43

                        2015_0616_2_10h38m34s.wma        886 Kbytes      0:04:22

                        2015_0616_3_10h49m35s.wma        15.8 Mbytes    1:18:03

                        2015_0616_4_12h15m54s.wma        9.7 Mbytes      0:48:16


                       2015_0616_1_09h56m49s.mp3          7.3 Mbytes      0:41:42

                       2015_0616_2_10h38m34s.mp3          770 Kbytes      0:04:22

                       2015_0616_3_10h49m35s.mp3          13.7 Mbytes    1:17:59

                       2015_0616_4_12h15m54s.mp3          8.5 Mbytes      0:48:13


Public Comments at the end of the meeting

                       2015_0616_pc.wma    848 Kbytes      0:04:11


                       2015_0616_pc.mp3     736 Kbytes      0:04:11


Minutes:        minutes_2015_0616.pdf






June 1, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0601.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0601.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0601_09h56m49s.wma       14.6 Mbytes    1:12:10


                        2015_0601_09h56m49s.mp3        12.7 Mbytes   1:12:06    



Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_0601_pc.wma                           264 Kbytes   0:01:17


                        2015_0601_pc.mp3                            228 Kbytes   0:01:17


Minutes:         minutes_2015_0601.pdf      





May 18, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0518.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0518.pdf

Agenda Packet Amended:      agenda_packet_amended_2015_0518.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0518_09h54m58s.wma      20.0 Mbytes     1:35:20


                        2015_0518_09h54m58s.mp3      16.8 Mbytes     1:35:20


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_0518_pc.wma                     67 Kbytes        0:00:18


                        2015_0518_pc.mp3                      54 Kbytes        0:00:18


Minutes:         minutes_2015_0518.pdf        






May 5, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0505.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0505.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0505_09h55m20s.wma       18.7 Mbytes    1:32:28


                        2015_0505_09h55m20s.mp3       16.2 Mbytes    1:32:26


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                       2015_0505_pc.wma                       76 Kbytes       0:00:22


                       2015_0505_pc.mp3                         65 Kbytes      0:00:22


Minutes:        minutes_2015_0505.pdf





April 21, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0421.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0421.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0421_1_09h58m08s.wma     16.0 Mbytes   1:19:26

                        2015_0421_2_11h28m03s.wma     18.2 Mbytes   1:30:00


                        2015_0421_1_09h58m08s.mp3     14.0 Mbytes   1:19:25

                        2015_0421_2_11h28m03s.mp3     15.8 Mbytes   1:29:55


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                       2015_0421_pc.wma                        1.1 Mbytes      0:05:35

                       2015_0421_pc.mp3                         1.0 Mbytes     0:05:35


Minutes:        minutes_2015_0421.pdf





April 7, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0403.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0403.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length


                        2015_0407_1_09h57m26s.wma   15.1 Mbytes   1:14:55

                        2015_0407_2_11h23m08s.wma   23.9 Mbytes   1:58:29  


                        2015_0407_1_09h57m26s.mp3    13.2 Mbytes   1:14:52

                        2015_0407_2_11h23m08s.mp3    20.8 Mbytes   1:58:12


There were no comments by the public at the end of the meeting.


However, the public comments at the end of the agenda item on the budget caught my attention. They are by Nicole about how the Highlands is not getting its fair share from the County, especially when it comes to Cartwright Road.


                      2015_0407_pc.wma                     1.8 Mbytes   0:08:56


                      2015_0407_pc.mp3                      1.6 Mbytes   0:08:57


Since the issue of Cartwright Road was discussed I have something to add.


When I was on the VCHPOA Road Committee we had an agreement with the County where the County agreed to do all the maintenance on Cartwright Road, including snow removal.


After a few years later the County wanted us to pay for materials to do the crack sealing. They also denied there was ever an agreement and demanded to see it in writing. We hadn’t gotten it in writing because we trusted the County.


It turns out that when the County was keeping its promise to do the maintenance on Cartwright they did a very poor job.


In August, 2013 two engineers from NDOT came out to review our roads. (Patrick Flanagan arranged it.) We all went out on the road trip together.


The two NDOT engineers said we were doing a good job on our gravel roads, especially considering what we were able to spend. They were also complimentary on the condition of our equipment and the equipment yard.


Later, one of the NDOT engineers came back on her own and did a detailed review of

Cartwright. It was her idea. Her report is an eye-opener. Cartwright is in sad shape.

The report also contains good references to the care and feeding of gravel roads.


With Cartwright Road becoming an issue again I am making the NDOT Report part of this record. For the report click here.



The discussion of the Budget is interesting. At a time when the Building Department has hired another Planner the Sheriff’s Department is getting screwed again. (It’s in Segment 1.)



Also, the sound system used to record the meeting has gotten worse. It sounds like the only active microphone is the one at the podium. The three microphones for the Commissioners are broken, turned, off, or turned down. Thus, the poor sound quality is not my fault. I will ask the County to fix it.


Minutes:  minutes_2015_0407.pdf





March 17, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0317.pdf


Agenda Packet:                      agenda_packet_2015_0317.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0317_09h58m21s.wma       21.7 Mbytes   1:47:04


                        2015_0317_09h58m21s.mp3        18.8 Mbytes   1:46:57


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_0317_pc.wma                       751 Kbytes   0:03:42


                        2015_0317_pc.mp3                        653 Kbytes   0:03:42


Minutes:         minutes_2015_0317.pdf



Agenda Item 9 takes up only 24 minutes this time (0:06:40 - 0:30:33):


9. DISCUSSION (No Action): Presentation and discussion by Nevada Department of Transportation Officials and Comstock Mining, LLC regarding physical conditions, structural integrity, and other conditions of State Route 342 adjacent to the Lucerne Pit in southern Gold Hill, Storey County, Nevada.


It is worth listening to.





March 3, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0303.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0303.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                        Size                Length

                        2015_0303_1_09h54m41s.wma    386 Kbytes     0:00:36

                        2015_0303_2_09h58m15s.wma    14.7 Mbytes   1:12:35   

                        2015_0303_3_11h10m52s.wma     8.1 Mbytes    0:40:20

                        2015_0303_4_12h06m49s.wma    24.9 Mbtes     2:03:18


                        2015_0303_1_09h54m41s.mp3     282 Kbytes     0:00:36

                        2015_0303_2_09h58m15s.mp3   14.7 Mbytes     1:12:28

                        2015_0303_3_11h10m52s.mp3     7.1 Mbytes     0:40:19

                        2015_0303_4_12h06m49s.mp3    21.7 Mbytes    2:03:10


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                        2015_0303_pc.wma                     3.2 Mbytes   0:15:37

                        2015_0303_pc.mp3                      2.7 Mbytes   0:15:36


Minutes:  minutes_2015_0303.pdf



Agenda Item 10 takes up most of Part 2 (1:12:35) and Part 3 (0:40:20).


10. DISCUSSION (No Action): Presentation and discussion by Nevada Department of Transportation Officials and Comstock Mining, LLC regarding physical conditions, structural integrity, and other conditions of State Route 342 adjacent to the Lucerne Pit in southern Gold Hill, Storey County, Nevada.


It is worth listening to.



Of particular interest to the Highlands, in Public Comments:


1. Kay Dean talks about Cartwright Road (04:04).


2.  Nicole Barde asks Comtroller Gallagher how much is in the Highlands Park Fund, and then, when will he know? (06:45).





February 17, 2015


Agenda:                                  agenda_2015_0217.pdf


Agenda Packet:                       agenda_packet_2015_0217.pdf


Agenda Supplement:              agenda_suppl_2015_0217.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size                Length

                       2015_0217_1_09h56m32s.wma    18.9 Mbytes   1:33:26

                       2015_0217_2_11h39m59s.wma    28.1 Mbytes   2:19:16

                       2015_0217_3_14h08m32s.wma    3.5 Mbytes     0:16:51


                      2015_0217_1_09h56m32s.mp3     16.4 Mbytes   1:33:18

                      2015_0217_2_11h39m59s.mp3     24.5 Mbytes   2:19:12

                      2015_0217_3_14h08m32s.mp3     3.0 Mbytes     0:16:51


Public Comments at the end of the meeting:

                     2015_0217_pc.wma                         1.5 Mbytes  0:06:55

                     2015_0217_pc.mp3                          1.2 Mbytes  0:06:56 


Minutes:      minutes_2015_0217.pdf



Agenda Item 9 takes up most of Part 1 (1:33:26).


9. DISCUSSION (No Action): Presentation and discussion by Nevada Department of Transportation Officials and Comstock Mining, LLC regarding physical conditions, structural integrity, and other conditions of State Route 342 adjacent to the Lucerne Pit in southern Gold Hill, Storey County, Nevada.


It is worth listening to.





February 3, 2015


Agenda:                      agenda_2015_0203.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2015_0203.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2015_0203_09h57m47s.wma         16.2 Mbytes    1:32:50


                     2015_0203_09h57m47s.mp3         18.8 Mbytes     1:33:00


Public Comment at the end of the meeting:

                    2015_0203_pc.wma                       1.7 Mbytes       0:08:30


                    2015_0203_pc.mp3                       1.5 Mbytes        0:08:29


Minutes:     minutes_2015_0203.pdf





January 20, 2015


Agenda:                    agenda_2015_0120.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_2015_0120.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                    2015_0120_1_09h57m44s.wma       15.8 Mbytes    1:18:00

                    2015_0120_2_11h29m15s.wma       16.4 Mbytes    1:20:59


                    2015_0120_1_09h57m44s.mp3        14.2 Mbytes    1:20:52

                    2015_0120_2_11h29m15s.mp3        13.7 Mbytes    1:17:58


Public Comment at the end of the meeting:

                    2015_0120_pc.wma     3.3 Mbytes    0:16:24

                    2015_0120_pc.mp3      2.9 Mbytes    0:16:23                                  


Minutes:     minutes_2015_0120.pdf





January 5, 2015


Agenda:                    agenda_2015_0105.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_1_ 2015_0105.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2015_0105_1_13h56m44s.wma        18.5 Mbytes    1:31:45

                     2015_0105_2_15h44m21s.wma        26.9 Mbytes    2:13:11


                     2015_0105_1_13h56m44s.mp3         16.1 Mbytes   1:31:45

                     2015_0105_2_15h44m21s.mp3         23.4 Mbytes   2:13:11


As an experiment I am also separately posting the Public Comment at the end of the meeting.

                    2015_0105_pc.wma      2.8 Mbytes     0:13:47 

                    2015_0105_pc.mp3      2.4 Mbytes     0:13:47

                           0:15    Donna Fong

                           5:15    Nicole Barde


Minutes:  minutes_2015_0105.pdf





December 2, 2014


Agenda:                    agenda_2014_1202.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_1_2014_1202.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2014_1202_1_09h59m36s.wma       16.7 Mbytes    1:22:45

                     2014_1202_2_11h37m11s.wma       20.9 Mbytes    1:43:36


                     2014_1202_1_09h59m36s.mp3       14.5 Mbytes    1:22:41

                     2014_1202_2_11h37m11s.mp3       18.2 Mbytes    1:43:28


Minutes:       minutes_2014_1202.pdf






November 12, 2014


Agenda:            agenda_2014_1112.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_2014_1112.pdf


Agenda Packet Additional:  agenda_packet_additional_2014_1112.pdf

(Contains proposed Ordinance 14-260 An ordinance creating the Storey County Economic Diversification District No. 1.


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2014_1112_12h07m45s.wma       28.5 Mbytes     2:15:55


                      2014_1112_12h07m45s.mp3       23.9 Mbytes     2:15:55


Minutes:        minutes_2014_1112.pdf






November 5, 2014




Public forums were held on September 24, 2014 in Virginia City, October 1, 2014 in Lockwood, and October 15, 2014 in the Highlands. All were sponsored by the Republican and Democratic Parties.


These are the recordings I have gotten. I did not record the meetings so I can only post what I have been given.


This part is a debate between Nicole Barde and Jack McGuffy who are running for County Commissioner in the upcoming election.


           Filename                                                                      Size       Length

           forum_commissioner_lockwood_2014_1001.mp3     5.4 Mbytes  0:30:58

           forum_commissioner_lockwood_2014_1001.wma     6.3 Mbytes  0:30:58


           forum_commissioner_highlands_2014_1015.mp3     5.5 Mbytes   0:31:03

           forum_commissioner_highlands_2014_1015.wma     6.4 Mbytes  0:31:03


Nicole Barde’s Web site is:

Jack McGuffey’s Web site is:


Results of November 4, 2014 General Election:

County Commissioner – District 2 (4 Year Term)

Barde, Nicole (D)          826

McGuffey, Jack (R)       1033



I got the following recordings from Sheriff Antinoro’s Web site at


           Filename                                                                       Size        Length

           forum_sheriff_vchs_2014_0924.mp3                         6.1 Mbytes    0:34:42

           forum_sheriff_vchs_2014_0924.wma                        7.0 Mbytes    0:34:42


           forum_sheriff_lockwood_2014_1001.mp3                 5.2 Mbytes    0:29:22

           forum_sheriff_lockwood_2014_1001.wma                5.9 Mbytes    0:29:22


           forum_sheriff_marktwain_2014_1006.mp3                5.2 Mbytes   0:29:50

           forum_sheriff_marktwain_2014_1006.wma               6.0 Mbytes   0:29:50


           forum_sheriff_highlands_2014_1015.mp3                 5.6 Mbytes  0:31:34

           forum_sheriff_highlands_2014_1015.wma                6.6 Mbytes  0:31:34


Sheriff Antinoro’s Web site is:

Shawn Mahan’s Web site is:


Results of November 4, 2014 General Election:

Antinoro, Gerald            999

Mahan, Shawn P.           887






October 21, 2014


Agenda:                   agenda_2014_1021.pdf


Agenda Packet:       agenda_packet_2014_1021.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2014_1021_1_09h58m34s.wma     26.8 Mbytes    2:12:41  

                     2014_1021_2_12h25m29s.wma      8.3 Mbytes     0:41:01


                     2014_1021_1_09h58m34s.mp3     23.3 Mbytes    2:12:41  

                     2014_1021_2_12h25m29s.mp3      7.2 Mbytes     0:41:01


Minutes:       minutes_2014_1021.pdf


Update (5/30/2016)


At the meeting Commissioner Gilman used his position as Commissioner to use Agenda Item 14 (BOARD COMMENT (No Action – No Public Comment) to make allegations against Sheriff Antinoro.


It is long, so you should listen to it for yourself.


              2014_1021_2_Gilman.mp3    1.5 Mbytes   0:08:38


Sheriff Antinoro was not permitted to respond until Public Comments at the end of the meeting.


              2014_1021_2_Antinoro.mp3   450 Kbytes   0:02:33


This led to a complaint with the Nevada Commission on Ethics ( against Commissioner Gilman.


The decision is dated April 22, 2016 in Request for Opinion No. 14-73C:


In the Matter of the Third-Party Request for Opinion Concerning the Conduct of Leonard Lance Gilman, Member, Board of County  Commissioners, Storey County, State of Nevada, Public Officer. /


The decision is titled: STIPULATED AGREEMENT


Among other things the Commission on Ethics said:


f.   Nevertheless, statements made in a private capacity should be separated from statements made in a public capacity to avoid an appearance of impropriety or possible conflict, and the rural and casual nature of the Board’s meetings may have led to an unintentional lapse in protocol associated with a public official providing public comment on a private matter. However, based on the foregoing and the absence of any evidence of Board or public action responding to Gilman’s public statement or any financial or pecuniary gain to him resulting therefrom, the allegations implicating NRS 281A.020(1) and NRS 281A.400(2) lack sufficient evidence to support a violation by a preponderance of the evidence and therefore are dismissed through this Stipulated Agreement.


g.  Although the Commission finds no violation of the Ethics Law in this matter, the Commission takes this opportunity for outreach and education to advise Gilman and other similarly situated public officers regarding the implications of the Ethics Law in the context of public statements made at public meetings. Public officers should not make statements during the “Board Comment” or similar agenda item reserved for official business to secure or grant unwarranted privileges, preferences, exemptions or advantages for themselves, their business interests, or persons to whom they have a commitment in a private capacity. Such conduct violates NRS 281A.400(2). The clear intent of this statute is to prohibit a public officer from acting in a manner which creates unwarranted privileges, preferences or advantages for a personal interest. (In re Public Officer, Comm’n Opinion No. 12-15A (2012)). Comments by public officials about personal matters or private business during agenda items devoted to board business or Board Comment directly implicate NRS 281A.400(2) because such comments may be afforded greater significance or weight when they are delivered by a public official, especially when referencing his public position or acting in an official capacity. Public officials should be vigilant to avoid an appearance of impropriety and should utilize the Public Comment portion of a public meeting to make statements concerning personal or private matters. Further, public officials should make public comment of a private matter from the location at the meeting that is designated for members of the public, not from the public official’s seat of authority. Moreover, to avoid any appearance of impropriety, a public official should refrain from using his authority as a public official to seek or facilitate any action by the Board to benefit his private interests and comply with applicable requirements of the Ethics Law. Finally, the Commission’s First-Party Opinion process is available to public officials to provide guidance on such matters.


Read the entire decision: nv_ethics_StipulatedAgreement_14-73c.pdf






October 9, 2014 – Special Meeting


Agenda:           agenda_2014_1009.pdf


Amended Agenda:     agenda_amended_2014_1009.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_2014_1009.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2014_1009_13h59m50s.wma          6.5 Mbytes    0:32:13


                     2014_1009_13h59m50s.mp3          5.7 Mbytes    0:32:13


Minutes:       minutes_draft_2014_1009.pdf





October 7, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_1007.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_2014_1017.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2014_1007_1_09h58m06s.wma      23 Kbytes      0:00:06

                      2014_1007_2_09h58m40s.wma      45 Kbytes      0:00:12

                      2014_1007_3_09h59m42s.wma      24.4 Mbytes  2:01:04


                      2014_1007_1_09h58m06s.mp3      18 Kbytes      0:00:06

                      2014_1007_2_09h58m40s.mp3      37 Kbytes      0:00:12

                      2014_1007_3_09h59m42s.mp3      21.3 Mbytes  2:01:04


Minutes:        minutes_2014_1007.pdf





September 16, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0916.pdf


Agenda Packet:         agenda_packet_2014_0916.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2014_0916_1_09h58m35s.wma       13.1 Mbytes   1:04:51

                      2014_0916_2_11h16m58s.wma       20.1 Mbytes   1:43:56

                      2014_0916_3_13h13m58s.wma       7.7 Mbytes     0:37:53


                      2014_0916_1_09h58m35s.mp3        11.4 Mbytes   1:04:51

                      2014_0916_2_11h16m58s.mp3        18.3 Mbytes   1:43:56

                      2014_0916_3_13h13m58s.mp3        6.7 Mbytes     0:37:53


Minutes:        minutes_2014_0916.pdf





September 2, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0902.pdf


Agenda Packet:   agenda_packet_1_2014_0902.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2014_0902_1_10h01m58s.wma       9.4 Mbytes     0:46:35

                      2014_0902_2_11h06m46s.wma       19.8 Mbytes   1:38:05

                      2014_0902_3_12h53m57s.wma       8.4 Mbytes     0:41:24


                      2014_0902_1_10h01m58s.mp3        8.2 Mbytes     0:46:35

                      2014_0902_2_11h06m46s.mp3        17.2 Mbytes   1:38:05

                      2014_0902_3_12h53m57s.mp3        7.3 Mbytes     0:41:24


Minutes:       minutes_2014_0902.pdf





August 19, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0819.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0819.pdf



Agenda - Debt Management:  agenda_dm_2014_0819.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2014_0819_1_09h59m55s.wma   15.9 Mbytes      1:18:45

                     2014_0819_2_11h29m59s.wma   16.9 Mbytes      1:23:10 

                     2014_0819_3_13h02m00s.wma   1.1 Mbytes        0:05:34


                     2014_0819_1_09h59m55s.mp3   13.8 Mbytes      1:18:45

                     2014_0819_2_11h29m59s.mp3   14.6 Mbytes      1:23:10 

                     2014_0819_3_13h02m00s.mp3   980 Kbytes        0:05:34


Minutes:        minutes_2014_0819_.pdf





August 5, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0805.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0805.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                     2014_0805_1_10h01m45s.wma   17.1 Mbytes      1:34:29

                     2014_0805_2_11h39m50s.wma   8.4 Mbytes        0:41:39


Minutes:      minutes_2014_0805.pdf





July 1, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0701.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0701.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2014_0701_1_10h07m07s.wma   10.7 Mbytes   0:52:50

                      2014_0701_2_11h09m58s.wma    15.5 Mbytes  1:16:53


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0701.pdf





June 17, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0617.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0617.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size                 Length

                      2014_0617_1_10h00m55s.wma       16.3 Mbytes   1:20::57

                      2014_0617_2_11h36m50s.wma       33.6 Mbytes   2:46:22


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0617.pdf





June 3, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0603.pdf


Agenda Packet: agenda_packet_2014_0603.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size                Length

                      2014_0603_1_09h57m27s.wma       15.0 Mbytes   1:13:50







May 19, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0519.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0519.pdf




Recording:     Filename                                           Size              Length

                      2014_0519_1_09h02m23s.wma       201 Kbytes     0:00:58

                      2014_0519_2_09h59m42s.wma       22.4 Mbytes   1:50:59

                      2014_0519_3_12h01m34s.wma       6.9 Mbytes     0:33:54


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0519.pdf





May 6, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0506.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0506.pdf




Recording:     Filename                                                Size               Length

                      2014_0506_1_09h59m10s.wma       14.0 Mbytes   1:09:38

                      2014_0506_2_11h21m00s.wma       10.1 Mbytes   0:50:08


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0506.pdf





April 15, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0415.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0415.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                                Size               Length

                      2014_0415_1_09h59m13s.wma       20.5 Mbytes   1:41:40

                      2014_0415_2_11h58m30s.wma       19.6 Mbytes   1:37:02

                      2014_0415_3_13h47m08s.wma       14.8 Mbytes   1:13:09


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0415.pdf





April 1, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0401.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2014_0401.pdf




Recording:     Filename                                                Size               Length

                      2014_0401_1_08h59m30s.wma       10.4 Mbytes   0:51:40

                      2014_0401_2_10h05m45s.wma       19.0 Mbytes   1:34:15

                      2014_0401_3_11h48m50s.wma       1.1 Mbytes     0:05:30


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0401.pdf





March 18, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0311.pdf


Agenda Packet:   agenda_packet_2014_0318.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                                Size               Length

                      2014_0318_1_10h02m09s.wma       13.7 Mbytes   1:07:43

                      2014_0318_2_11h23m43s.wma       16.2 Mbytes   1:20:08


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0318.pdf





February 18, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0218.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2014_0218.pdf




Recording:     Filename                                          Size               Length

                      2014_0218_1_10h05m56s.wma   28.6 Mbytes   2:21:41


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0218.pdf





February 4, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0204.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2014_0204.pdf

                            Broker of Record for Health and Benefits

                                Insurance packet 020414.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                           Size               Length

                      2014_0204_1_10h04m53s.wma    15.9 Mbytes   1:18:31

                      2014_0204_2_11h37m14s.wma    28.6 Mbytes   2:21:30


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0204.pdf





January 21, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0121.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2014_0121.pdf

                         PBA Report as of 123113.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                           Size                Length

                      2014_0121_1_09h38m53s.wma    14 Kbytes         0:00:03

                      2014_0121_2_10h00m07s.wma    21.3 Mbytes    1:45:41

                      2014_0121_3_12h03m47s.wma    35.1 Mbytes    2:53:51


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0121.pdf





January 7, 2014


Agenda:         agenda_2014_0107.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2014_0107.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                           Size               Length

                      2014_0107_1_10h03m35s.wma   14.4 Mbytes    1:11:00

                      2014_0107_2_11h40m57s.wma   16.1 Mbytes    1:19:51


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0107.pdf





December 3, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_1203.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_1203.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                          Size               Length

                      2013_1203_1_10h02m02s.wma   20.7 Mbytes   1:42:40

                      2013_1203_2_11h54m38s.wma   13.0 Mbytes   1:04:39


Minutes:         minutes_2013_1203.pdf





November 19, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_1119.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2013_1119.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                           Size               Length

                      2013_1119_1_08h01m19s.wma    25.2 Mbytes   2:04:51

                      2013_1119_2_10h16m17s.wma     4.5 Mbytes    0:22:12


Minutes:         minutes_2013_1119.pdf





October 15, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_1015.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_1015.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                           Size               Length

                      2013_1015_1_10h01m22s.wma    16.6 Mbytes   1:22:05

                      2013_1015_2_11h36m10s.wma    10.0 Mbytes   0:49:30


Minutes:         minutes_2013_1015.pdf





October 1, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_1001.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_1001.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                            Size              Length

                      2013_1001_1_10h02m46s.wma    12.6 Mbytes   1:02:31

                      2013_1001_2_11h19m58s.wma    18.6 Mbytes   1:32:01


Minutes:         minutes_2013_1001.pdf





September 27, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0927.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0927.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                           Size              Length

                      2013_0927_1_09h00m11s.wma   3.5 Mbytes     0:17:37


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0927.pdf





September 17, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0917.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0917.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                           Size                Length

                      2013_0917_1_10h02m37s.wma    20.4 Mbytes    1:41:12

                      2013_0917_2_11h51m57s.wma   26.5 Mbytes    2:11:19


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0917.pdf





September 3, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0903.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0903.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                          Size                Length

                      2013_0903_1_10h01m20s.wma   11.8 Mbytes   0:58:23

                      2013_0903_2_11h09m30s.wma   13.5 Mbytes   1:07:01


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0903pdf





August 20, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0820.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0820.pdf


Recording:      Filename                                          Size               Length

                      2013_0820_1_14h03m41s.wma     12.0 Mbytes   0:59:33

                      2013_0820_2_15h10m49s.wma     20.2 Mbytes   1:39:55


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0820.pdf





August 6, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0806.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0806.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0806_1_14h04m19s.wma   16.7 Mbytes  1:22:55

                      2013_0806_2_15h40m48s.wma   23.0 Mbytes  1:55:32


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0806.pdf





July 16, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0716.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0716.pdf


Recording:       Filename                                          Size         Length

                      2013_0716_1_14h00m53s.wma   23.0 Mbytes   1:53:40


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0716.pdf





July 2, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0702.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2013_0702.pdf





Recording:     Filename                                               Size            Length

                      2013_0702_1_13h54m35s.wma       11 Kbytes     0:00:02

                      2013_0702_2_14h05m20s.wma       16.8 Mbytes  1:23:10

                      2013_0702_3_15h43m01s.wma       20.5 Mbytes  1:41:25


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0702.pdf





June 18, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0618.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0618.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                               Size            Length

                      2013_0618_1_14h01m26s.wma       24 Kbytes     0:00:06

                      2013_0618_2_14h01m33s.wma       768 Kbytes   0:03:47

                      2013_0618_3_14h05m58s.wma       12.4 Mbytes  1:01:31

                      2013_0618_4_15h24m18s.wma       23.5 Mbytes  1:56:10


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0618.pdf





June 4, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0604.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1_2013_0604.pdf



Recording:      Filename                                               Size            Length

                      2013_0604_1_14h01m50s.wma       738 Kbytes     0:03:41

                      2013_0604_2_14h05m32s.wma       9.9 Mbytes     0:48:47


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0604.pdf





May 20, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0520.pdf


AgendaPacket:  agenda_packet_2013_0520.pdf




Recording:     Filename                                                Size           Length

                      2013_0520_1_14h02m26s.wma       43 Kbytes      0:00:12

                      2013_0520_2_14h02m46s.wma       112 Kbytes    0:00:32

                      2013_0520_3_14h03m19s.wma       9.0 Mbytes    0:44:52

                      2013_0520_4_14h57m01s.wma       14.2 Mbytes  1:10:19


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0520.pdf





May 7, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0507.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0507.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                          Size               Length

                      2013_0507_1_14h06m20s.wma    18.9 Mbytes   1:33:20

                      2013_0507_2_15h51m10a.wma    17.7 Mbytes   1:27:38

                      2013_0507_3_17h29m06s.wma    15.4 Mbytes   1:15:39


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0507.pdf





April 16, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0416.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0416.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                         Size               Length

                      2013_0416_1_14h05m32s.wma   14.6 Mbytes   1:12:06

                      2013_0416_2_15h30m05s.wma   8.8 Mbytes     0:43:26


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0416.pdf





April 2, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0402.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0402.pdf





Recording:     Filename                                         Size               Length

                      2013_0402_1_09h00m25s.wma        227 Kbytes    0:01:06

                      2013_0402_2_09h01m31s.wma        20.5 Mbytes  1:41:41

                      2013_0402_3_10h58m17s.wma       16.9 Mbytes   1:24:06

                      2013_0402_4_12h36m00s.wma       17.8 Mbytes   1:28:19

                      2013_0402_5_14h15m49s.wma       18.5 Mbytes   1:31:26

                      2013_0402_6_16h01m30s.wma       24.9 Mbytes   2:03:30

                      2013_0402_7_18h15m57s.wma       27.3 Mbytes   2:15:25


Minutes          minutes_2013_0402.pdf





March 19, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0319.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_1a_2013_0319.pdf



Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0319_1_14h00m57s.wma   165 Kbytes     0:00:48          

                      2013_0319_2_14h01m46s.wma   17.7 Mbytes   1:27:58

                      2013_0319_3_15h42m16s.wma   15.8 Mbytes   1:18:10


Minutes:         minutes_2014_0319.pdf





February 19, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0219.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0219.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0219_1_14h03m36s.wma   15.5 Mbytes   1:16:18          


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0219.pdf





February 5, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0205.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0205.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0205_1_13h41m54s.wma   27 Kbytes       0:00:06

                      2013_0205_2_14h01m46s.wma   121 Kbytes     0:00:34

                      2013_0205_3_14h02m22s.wma   5.2 Mbytes     0:25:51

                      2013_0205_4_14h28m27s.wma   21 Kbytes       0:00:05

                      2013_0205_5_14h28m38s.wma   29.3 Mbytes   2:25:08


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0205.pdf





January 23, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0123.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0123_1_094820.wma    4.2 Mbytes   0:19:59          

                      2013_0123_2_094820.wma    961 Kbytes   0:04:32


Most of the meeting was closed to deal with the issue of labor negotiations.


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0123.pdf





January 15, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0115.pdf


Agenda_Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0115.pdf


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0115_1_14h25m54s.wma   3.6 Mbytes     0:17:56

                      2013_0115_2_14h44m41s.wma   15 Mbytes      1:18:36

                      2013_0115_3_16h11m41s.wma   1.3 Mbytes     0:06:28


Minutes:         minutes_2013_0115.pdf





January 7, 2013


Agenda:         agenda_2013_0107.pdf


Agenda Packet:  agenda_packet_2013_0107.pdf   


Recording:     Filename                                        Size               Length

                      2013_0107_1_14h00m46s.wma       25.5 Mbytes   2:06:31

                      2013_0107_2_16h17m35s.wma       11.7 Mbytes   0:57:45


Minutes:         minutes_amended_2013_0107.pdf







2012 - The Towers


May 21, 2012


Agenda:                      agenda_2012_0521.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2012_0521.pdf


Recording:                   Filename                    Size               Length

                                    2012_0521_1.mp3      48.1 MBytes   0:51:19

                                    2012_0521_2.mp3      35.1 MBytes   0:37:26

                                    2012_0521_3.mp3      40.2 MBytes   0:42:52


Minutes:         minutes_2012_0521.pdf



June 19, 2012


Agenda:                      agenda_2012_0619.pdf


Agenda Packet:           agenda_packet_2012_0619.pdf


Minutes:                     minutes_2012_0619.pdf


My Commentary


The Special Use Permit for Vista Towers ( to put up the monopine was approved by the Board of Commissioners at their May 21, 2012 meeting.


The SUP originally was to require that one carrier be signed up before construction could begin. At the last second John Schmoker recommended that it be changed to two carriers. This change was adopted by the Commissioners without any discussion.


Later, at the June 19, 2012 meeting this was amended back to one carrier.


One of the intended carriers was AT&T. It seemed like it was a done deal. But then it didn’t happen. It appears that the reason was that AT&T had decided to buy Direct TV instead of expanding its cell phone network.


The May 21, 2012 meeting is infamous.


1.  It was at that meeting that the BOC approved the agreement with Tom Taormina to allow him to put up another tower. They did that without providing a copy of the agreement to the public. When I protested that it was a violation of the Open Meeting Law they said that since the agreement they approved had not been reduced to writing they were not obligated to provide a copy of it to the public. They also approved the new insurance contract with POOL PACT without providing a copy of it to the public.


I sent letters to State Senator Settlemeyer and Assemblyman Wheeler asking that they close this loophole in the Open Meeting Law by prohibiting public bodies from approving agreements or contracts that had not been reduced to writing and made available to the public.


Settlemeyer ignored me. Wheeler said that he had already filed all the proposed bills that he was allowed to file for that session. Later, he filed several proposed bills for other issues. Don’t you hate it when politicians lie to you and think they are going to get away with it?


2.  And it was at the that meeting that the BOC voted to shut down the public library.


Several years later the Community Chest, a private non-profit organization (, put in a new library with a grant from the Pennington Foundation. .


The Pennington Foundation is a foundation set up by the late William N. Pennington who was a gaming industry pioneer, successful entrepreneur and one of Nevada’s leading philanthropists.


By an interesting coincidence the Pennington estate sold Pennington’s Washoe County mansion to Don Roger Norman in 2015.


I don’t see anything sinister in that. It’s just interesting.


BTW, as of the last election Roger Norman was not registered to vote in Washoe County. You would think he would do that if he lived in Washoe County.


Maybe he does now. He sold his house at 14455 Twin Gables Ct Poway, CA on 01/16/18 for $1,295,670.


His Washoe County mansion is very large (19,400 square feet). I wonder if anyone else lives there too.


Maybe that is where Gilman and Thompson really live, not in the trailer on the other side of the pool at the Mustang Ranch Brothel.


What is the legal definition of where you live?


And notice that Public Comment was at the beginning of the meeting.


