Letter to the Editor of the Comstock Chronicle

In the May 1st Commission Meeting Commissioner Marshall McBride said the following :

(Marshall )   “encourages any and all residents, or others, who have any questions or concerns about County government to please contact the Commissioners, the County Manager, or the County Comptroller. Phone numbers are available by contacting the County Manager’s office at 775 847-0968 or visiting online . Recently a lot of misinformation is circulating and being published. Please do not accept what is heard “online” as gospel.”

He mentioned “a couple of bloggers"  and " a so called journalist” and gave no specifics. The following Thursday his charges of lying about numbers published appeared in the Chronicle....again with no specifics.

I would like to know from Commissioner McBride exactly what I wrote that was a lie.

Here is the definition of a lie: 

A false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth… a falsehood.

I publish reports of public meetings which I attend on bardeblog.com. I have been doing this for going into 4 years. I provide a summary of what goes on, I provide an opinion on some of the items which is noted as SIDENOTE- so as to separate my opinion from the facts of the meeting. I provide  links to source documents so that my readers can see the actual data that I am basing my comments or opinions on. It’s all public record. I also provide a link to the actual audio/video recording of the meeting so that readers may see the proceedings if they wish. Even the county does not provide the public a  link to the audio/video of the meetings.

Whatever numbers I report on are those provided in the agenda packets or reported in the course of the meeting.  Commissioner McBride can disagree with my opinion or interpretation of the numbers , but I am entitled to an opinion that differs from his.  However, the numbers are the numbers……and they are HIS numbers. If they are lies then he needs to look internally for the problem.

I await his specific examples of my “lies” so I can correct them or an apology for calling me a liar if there are no specific lies that he can point to.

Thank You,

Nicole Barde
